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Rio walked with his brothers to the grill, the place he had come from, earlier that day. "So brothers, how has your stay in mystic falls been?"
"Well, let's see. I came here a couple of years ago. Fell in love with Elena, hated Damon. Then he killed my best friend for over a century, got into bed with vampire hunters. Ooh, let's see what else is there?"
"It was a rhetorical question. I don't really care. Not if your life is just going to revolve around a child who both you and Damon love. Spare me your details. Anyways I guess I'm going to stay for a while, littlest brother, other little brother" Rio nodded to Stefan and Damon respectively. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have a call to make."
Damon and Stefan exchanged looks as Rio stalked off. It was clear how much he hated his brothers's love and desires to protect the woman who ruined all three of their lives. "Elena's going to need extra protection." Damon said. "Call the witch."
"Yeah. Stay with him. Calm him down and do not do anything stupid, Damon. We only just got our brother back."
"Who, me?" Damon looked mock offended. "I would never!"
Stefan walked off to call Bonnie, and probably watch over Elena.
"You deserve better, you know?" Rio said quietly. "Katherine played you both and Elena believes you to be bad. Open your eyes, and realise that there's someone out there who's better and needs you."
"I can't, brother." Damon said, pouring some of his bourbon. "I love her."
"Maybe that's a sign you should get out while you can. Take a short holiday. Reflect. All this drama for someone who doesn't deserve you."
"I want you happy. Elena is poison to you. She's playing you, just like Katherine but she isn't dating you. Which is worse because she can claim she isn't doing anything and make you blame yourself when in reality she's manipulating you."

"So you what? You want to kill her?"
"Of course not. I just don't have a burning desire to save her." Rio looked straight at his brother his expression fierce and exasperated. The doorbell rang. "That should be Lottie."
Rio walked to the door and opened it. "Rio!" She hugged him.
"Hey Lottie." Damon walked in behind him and cleared his throat. "This is my brother Damon, as you already know."
"Nice to meet you, Damon." The overly perky blonde greeted. "I'm Charlotte."
"Um, hi" Damon looked confused. On one hand she was gorgeous, but on the other she had quite a deadly glint in her eye. Damon was confused as to who this woman was.
"Damon, that's no way to greet your sister-in-law."
"My what-now?"
"Charlotte Salvatore. My wife for a century and more."
"You got married? Where was my invitation?"
"I'm sorry Damon. It must've gotten lost in the mail. I addressed it to hell, because I did believe you were quite dead."
"Touché. Well It's really a pleasure meeting you, sister-in-law. Dare I say, my brother has quite the taste."
"Yes well my taste in women has always been impeccable compared to yours. At least I didn't fall for Katherine Pierce." Rio said, a smirk plastered on his face. "Now treat her with respect, otherwise I will not be responsible for any harm that befalls you."
"Calm down. She is your wife, you know, why would I hit on her? I do believe in the sacred bond of marriage. Anything else is fair game."
"As if. I wasn't born yesterday."
"True, but you are my brother and the two of you are married. Both of those factors added together definitely makes her off-limits."
"You really need to stop talking about me as if I'm not in the room."
"You'll hear us whether or not you are in the room, love."
"Rio." Charlotte said firmly.
"Lottie." Rio copied her tone.
"Damon." Charlotte and Rio turned to look at Damon, questioningly. "What? I felt left out."
"Brother, you're an idiot." Rio replied with a shake of his head.
"Boys. Come on, I need a drink." Charlotte said, flipping her long curly hair over her shoulder.
"I know just the place." Damon smirked.

The trio walked up to the Mystic Grill,  and headed to the bar. Alaric sat at the front drinking some beer. "Hey Ric, how are you still here?"
"Actually, I went back to the school to get some work and then came back here. I have some marking to do, so if you'll leave me alone..."
"Nah, I'm cool. Officially meet my brother Rio Salvatore. And, of course, his lovely wife,  Charlotte."
"Hi, I'm Alaric, but you can call me Ric." Alaric introduced himself to Charlotte. He turned to Rio. "So how have I not heard of you before."
"Well, if I knew such a beautiful woman existed I would have told you Alaric, so obviously I didn't know about her."
"I was talking about your brother." Alaric rolled his eyes.
"Hey, what happened to not hitting on married women?" Charlotte asked, eyebrow raised.
"You're joking. Don't believe Damon. Besides, he screwed my wife."
"That was before I knew you, Ric. Besides you have Jenna now, so everything worked out."
"To be honest, you shouldn't be worried, both of you. A woman would have to have an incredibly low amount of self-esteem to sleep with Damon Salvatore. Or be compelled." Alaric told them, dryly.
"Call me Rio. So how did you get roped into being friends with him?" Rio jabbed a finger at Damon.
"Oh, so he slept with my wife and then I thought he killed her. So I came looking to I could kill him. And I did get under his skin. But then he killed me, and then he told me my wife wasn't dead. Just a vampire."
"Yeah, oh."
"Well I'm going to go have some fun, so you boys do your thing." Charlotte said, obviously bored. She kissed her husband, then stalked off out of the bar.
"Don't kill anyone." Rio muttered under his breath. "No matter how much they annoy you."
"Speak for yourself. I'm the one who taught you control." Charlotte whispered back, before completely disappearing from view.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now