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"What was it, Ty?" Charlie said, not looking up.
"I thought you said your name was Rio." Anya asked confused. Lottie looked up wide eyed. She began to mutter a spell, presumably at Anya.
"Lottie's the only one who calls me Ty." He replied. "It's okay, Lottie. Just stop with the coffin, and what you're about to do."
"How could you even ask me that? And well there is a stake that might find it's way to your heart soon. Besides, you know how much this means to me"
"Why would I mean anything to you?" The young girl asked confused.
"You? I don't know you. Now step away from my husband."
"Lottie, it's fine. Truly."
"Who are you?"
"Who are you?" Lottie shot back. Rio could see she was about to use magic to save him.
"Lottie. This is Anya. The coffin's empty."
"Don't Tiberius. That's a cruel joke." The use of his full name was enough to make him more alert.
"It's not a joke. It's an empty coffin. Anya's out."
"Why do you know me? I don't know you. Who are you?"
"Anya, meet Charlotte."
"Stop calling her Anya. She can't be Anya. Anya's in a coffin." Lottie said, getting upset. "He said he left her to rot."
"He? Lottie, no. Tell me he was not your mysterious source" Charlie gave Rio a tight smile.
"We'll talk about that later, Ty. But why is the coffin so heavily guarded if there's no one inside."
"I'll give you proof." Anya stepped forward, and to the coffin. "But only if you tell me why you know who I am. And call me Ana."
"Deal." Rio said for them both. Anya walked to the coffin.
"This coffin is attuned to my energy. It can only respond to my magic. And it has to be 100% mine, not one from a relative's." She whispered a spell. The lid popped open, and no one was inside. Charlie walked forward and touched the coffin. There was a box full of knick knacks in the centre. "That's just a few of my stuff."
"It really is you." Charlie said, her eyes shining. "Let me re-introduce myself. I'm Charlotte Salvatore, your mother."

"Salvatore? Dad said you guys were bad guys. Killers. That you might come for me and use me for bad. I won't let that happen. I refuse to." Anya was determined.
"Walsh told a lot of lies, I'm guessing that's one of them." Rio said.
"Who's Walsh?"
"He means Wallace. Your" Charlie visibly gulped as she tried to bring herself to say the word. Luckily Rio stepped in.
"The man you call your father."
"My dad? How do you know my dad?" She walked to the coffin and got out a box. There lay a black-and-white picture of Wallace and Anya.
"His name was Wallace King. He was my husband, actually, once upon a time."

"Stop lying!" Anya exclaimed. "You're not my mother. My mother died a long time ago in childbirth. You're a Salvatore. My dad told me you guys like to lie a lot! Leave."
The gate to the tomb opened wide. The stained glass shattered and an invisible force pushed them out.
"Anya stop." Charlie called desperately. Anya could hear her, though she wouldn't let her in. "830 years ago, I was born. The first ever siphoner, or the first to be heard of at least. My parents shunned me at first, then later gave me to a man. They just wanted to be rid of me. I was forced to marry him, and everyone only told me to be grateful he wasn't much older than me. He beat me and abused me, both mentally and physically. I had no one. He made me believe my siphoning abilities were wrong. That I was wrong. He broke me. 3 years later, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. Tiny hands, tiny feet, everything was tiny. I named her Anya. But before I properly got to bond with her, he ripped her out of my hands. He took her away, and I weakened from giving birth and being held back by my mother could not do anything other than watch. When he came back he told me he'd left her by the side of the road. That baby was you."
"You're lying." Was all Anya replied. "My father's name is Wally, yes, but he raised me my whole life, and would never hurt anyone the way you're describing. And my mother died giving birth to me."
"Anya- Ana- listen to me." Rio tried. "I know this man raised you, and we could never fault your loyalty, but I swear Charlotte's telling the truth. We have proof."
"Proof? My mother is dead. My father is now dead and I do not have to listen to your lies any longer." Anya spat. She didn't want to listen to them any longer. She was afraid it might be true. And she was afraid that they would tarnish the memories of her father that she cherished. She was feeling used and tired. She couldn't do this any more. She couldn't hear this any more. Power struck out of her and knocked the couple backwards, most of the blast hitting Charlotte. Rio soon got up and rushed to his wife.

"Lottie." He said cradling her head. "Lottie wake up, it's me." There was no reply.
"I'm sorry." Anya said, her eyes wide. "I didn't mean to, I- I just. Oh my God, I'm sorry. I just got angry, I didn't mean to."
"Not now, Anya. Just give me a second, please." He said turning back to his wife. "Lottie. Lottie. Charlotte!"
Charlie's eyes opened as she gasped. "Who are you?"
"Oh, Lottie. You frightened me. I thought I'd lost you."
"Why are you calling me Lottie? It's Charlotte." She said. She sat up and moved away from Rio.
"Lot-Charlotte? It's me. It's Ty."
"I don't know anyone called Ty." She said. "What on earth am I wearing?"
"What year is it?" Rio asked her.
"1818." She replied. "What are you wearing?"
"Clothes." He replied. "I'm Tiberius, people call me Rio."
"I'm Charlotte. Where am I? What's going on? Why are we in a graveyard? Who are you?"
"Oh, Lottie." Rio sighed.
"Stop calling me that."
"Sorry, force of habit."
"I'd never let anyone call me that."
"Oh, I know." Rio replied, remembering how she used to hate it. "I called you Lottie when we first met, as a way to annoy you. You were stuck with me anyways, and I was taking full advantage of it. You eventually grew to like it. I remember once, like later on, I decided to call you Charlie, and you said, quote Who told you to stop? unquote"
"Why don't I remember?" She asked.
"Memory loss. It's 2010 now, it's been almost 200 years."
"It's what now?"
"You and I were here, to um, meet someone."
"I have to go."
"Go?" Rio was confused. "Why?"
"If you truly know me, you'll know why."
"Wait, you remember it to be early 1800s, when Walrus was close, right?"
"Yeah, that guy who'd been after you. The one who's a dick."
"I told you about Wallace?" Charlie, or Charlotte as she went by now, asked confused.
"Yeah, that's what I said. Walrus."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now