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"Actually, Damon. Can you tell me where exactly you staked Elijah? I'd rather give him a proper burial. You can stay here and well, do whatever." Rio said, after a couple drinks. Damon was about to order another round.
"I'll come with." Damon said.
"Damon. You murdered him. It's a little disrespectful if you show up to his funeral."
"Touché. I'll text you the details. Do you have a way to get there or are you planning on running?"
"Yeah, I'll take my car."
"I wanna see your car!" Damon said. Rio turned to Alaric.
"Does he always whine like this?"
"When he's not making dead jokes."Alaric replied as Rio sounded exasperated.
"Maybe I should leave. Life was much better that way."
"Much more peaceful." Alaric agreed.
"Anyways, I should get going." Rio said. "Don't forget to text me."
As Rio was out of sight, but not yet out of earshot, he overheard Alaric say, "Are you going to tell him? About Katherine?"
"Not yet. He'll kill her, and that's not something we need right now. She might be useful." Damon had replied, but that was all Rio heard, before he was too far away. He ran the way to his car, and felt his phone buzz. He thought about taking his car but then realised his speed would probably be much faster and Elijah would probably be awake and alive by now, so he didn't have much time.
Rio got to the abandoned house within 30 minutes. "Eli!" He called as he walked through the house. "I know you're there!"
"The one and only, mate. How long did it take you to wake up this time?"
"It took 4 hours."
"That's quicker than last time."
"Why are you here? How did you even know I was dead? Or well staked?"
"So, I went to visit my old home town. Technically our old hometown, since you guys lived there like a thousand years ago as well. Anyways I ran into family I thought were dead. They mentioned you which piqued my interest and the rest is history."
"The boys who saved the doppelganger are my brothers."
"Well this shall be awkward. Your brothers have pissed me off."
"Shall? I never you're from, like a billion years ago, but do you have to act it? Anyways, I already know what you're planning. I want no part of it."
"What do you mean?"
"I know enough from you guys, and I've pieced some together on my own. Klaus was born a hybrid, right? For some reason that werewolf side is dormant. You guys were after Katherine and now people think you're after Elena which means you need a doppelganger. There's also the moonstone, of course, and some sacrifices too. I'm guessing a member of each type of supernatural creature so witch, vampire, and werewolf? Probably why Klaus has kept at least one of each close by. How am I doing so far?"
"Okay, and then there's the fact that your noble. A noble guy would never leave his family to rot, eventually, so you're super pissed at Klaus right now, and you want to kill him and get the rest of your family back?"
"Basically. When did you figure all this out?"
"I had time to think on my run here."
"Oh, okay. So why are you staying out of it?" Elijah sounded confused.
"Something is going to go wrong. I don't know how, but something is. I'm not going to try to help if all it's going to do is put me on Klaus's bad side. It was hard to get on his good side, you know. Besides, as much of a jerk he is, he's only ever shown me hospitality."
"But what if I succeed?"
"I know you'll try everything, but there will always be that one factor. Trust me when I say this, Klaus won't die. He'll find a way."
"I think you're just being way too optimistic."
"Fine, I can respect your choice. But don't talk me out of it. And I do plan on killing the doppelganger, so I really hope you don't have any qualms about that either."
"Please. My brothers will, but kill her for all I care. I don't care for her. I might have killed her myself, if it weren't for the fact that-" Elijah cut him off.
"That you're a saint who refuses to murder a single human."
"Or vampire. I just don't do murder. Besides, I'm not a saint. Don't get me wrong, I still think that killing's wrong. That's natural for our kind, I get it, but that doesn't make it right. It's like a butterfly killing a caterpillar."
"Or a human killing an animal."
"Well then call me a vegetarian."
"But you eat humans."
"I don't kill them."
"I can't believe Charlotte kept you on the straight path from the moment you turned vampire. You're lucky she didn't allow you to murder anyone. You're too compassionate sometimes. Hey, wait. Did you compare yourself to a butterfly?"
"Shut up, Eli. Besides you compared yourself to a human."
"Okay, fine. How did you get away?"
"I'm giving you a funeral. Here lies Elijah Mikaelson. Guy who always wears suits"
"Why must you always be so dramatic?"
"Shush Elijah. I'll tell them someone probably already took your body, since I'm pretty sure you plan on making your entrance soon.Why does it smell like blood?" Rio asked, finally realising what the smell that had been bothering me was. "Vampire blood, right? It doesn't smell like human, and my sense of smell is not attuned for that."
"Still, it took took you way too long. And yeah, I had to smack some guy's head off."
"Elijah!" Rio said, disapprovingly.
"So you're alright with me killing the doppelganger but get righteous when I kill a guy who wronged me."
"First off, I'm not alright with you killing the doppelganger. Okay fine I hate her, so sue me, but still. Damn it, you have a point. Okay, here's my deal. If you can find a way to save her, great. If you can't then let's keep Klaus far from her. I might not like her, but she is human. And I will not be an accessory to murder. So figure something out. Don't kill her. Human life means something to me still, at least. Even if it is wasted on a bitch."
"I'll see what I can do Rio, but no promises. Now go back to your vacation and say hi to Charlie for me please."
"Of course. She's been wanting to set you up with an old friend for a while. We'll do dinner. Next Tuesday?"
"Shut up Rio l. You're too much, right now. Ugh. I dread thinking of you and Charlie turning into those 'we' couples. Don't ever do that again."
"Do what? Invite you for dinner?"
"Act so despicably boring. Charlie and you may not kill but even I know that you wouldn't act so horribly mundane."
"I'll see you later, Eli. Good funeral. Sorry no one turned up." Elijah rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. Rio reminded him of Kol, a lot.

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