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"You're kidding!" Were the first words to come out of Rio's mouth when he heard his brother had gotten himself stuck in a tomb. Rio and Charlotte had come back from holiday early to hear about all that had gone to hell. Firstly Jeremy, Elena's little brother had tried to steal the moonstone from Katherine only for Stefan to get stuck with her in saving Jeremy. Elena, meanwhile had been on a suicide mission which would be okay with Rio had his brothers not have in such a bind. Elijah also made his appearance as a not-dead undead vampire. Or whatever.

"I absolutely assure you, brother, I am not kidding."
"Damon, be serious. Our little brother is stuck in a tomb with a psychotic vampire. You know what, I'm going to try something. Hopefully it'll end up with Katherine dead."
"No. Whatever it is, don't. Katherine does occasionally have her uses. If not, well it's always fun to watch her starve."
"That's cruel Damon. Desiccating is not what I want for Katherine. Because then there's a chance she might come out of it alive. Not something I want." Rio replied to his brother, feeling exasperated.

"I thought you were against all killing." Damon said.
"Well, Demon. There's killing and then there's killing Katherine. There's a difference."
"Tibby brother, vengeance doesn't suit you."
"I don't care. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to talk to my other brother, and then see what I can do to help." Rio walked off and out of the boarding house. He realised he had no clue where the tomb was so he walked back. "Demon. Where's the tomb?"
"In the woods."
"Yeah, that narrows it down."
"Hold on, I'll take you, but I can't stay. I need to visit Elena."
"Oh right, I forgot. She's on house arrest, right?"
"Stop being so smug. Did you know Elijah was actually alive?"
"And you didn't say anything because...?"
"Why should I? He is my friend. Means more to me than your girlfriend."
"Of course. And Elena means more to me than your friend."
"Okay, I'm not asking you to stick out your neck for him. He can take care of himself."
"How did you meet?"
"Long story, after I became a vampire, I decided to go to Klaus to tell him about Katherine." He saw Damon's look. "Don't look at me like that. I did give her a choice. I wouldn't have gone to Klaus if she had left us alone. But she wanted it all so she killed me. I went straight to Klaus, he found out about the whole vampires in fire thing and bought it. I warned him it probably wasn't true."
"You knew she was alive?"
"Yes, actually. I mean I wasn't stupid. The whole town finding out about vampires and how to get rid of them right after I threatened to go to Klaus? Katherine was always good at covering her tracks. No one's going to look at you if you're dead."
"Well, here we are." Damon said. "Bye, I'll see you later."
"See ya, Demon." Rio smiled as his brother walked back the way they came. "Brother, bitch." He acknowledged.
Katherine headed back to the front of the tomb. She was surprised. "My my, Tiberius Salvatore. Come to join the party?"

"Katerina Petrova. Also know as Katherine Pierce. Also know as Bitch, Slut, Coward, oh did I mention bitch."
"Immortality suits you." She said.
"Death suits you. Don't worry. It'll come."
"Is the pure, innocent Tiberius willing to smudge his reputation and dirty his hands to kill little ol' me?"
"Well it's been a hundred and fifty years, give or take. Besides, you should have died a very long time ago, I'm just going to take what's due." He said coldly. "Besides, I'm here for Stefan."

"Hey there Rio."
"What on earth were you thinking? Why would you go into a magically sealed tomb? Bloody hell, are you an idiot? Never mind, I know you are. Honestly, brother, sometimes you amaze me."
"Why do you sound British?"
"I guess I picked up the accent. I stayed there for a while. Anyways, I got you some blood."
"Don't. Unless you want her to take some."
"Don't worry. I got a bag for her too. I'd rather kill her while she feels it, not looking all pitiful and weak to the point where she won't even know it's me." Rio delved into Katherine's mind. and sent her a mental vision of him suddenly rushing into the tomb and staking her, slowly.
"Stop."She said. "Get out of my head."
"Gladly." Rio offered Stefan a bag and Katherine another. Katherine rushes and swaps with Stefan.
"Just in case you did something to mine." She explained before starting to drink the bag. She coughed and started to retch. Stefan stared at her, and at his unopened blood bag.
"Here Stefan, sorry, both were spiked. Here's a normal one." Rio passed over a different blood bag with a white label on it.
"What did you do to her?" Stefan asked curious.
"I added a small amount of wood, but chipped into super tiny pieces."
"It's enough to poison her, not kill her, brother. I plan on staking her in the heart myself. Why do you ask? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were concerned for her."
"Concerned? No. But she could end up being useful. Since you won't help us with anything to do with Klaus."
"I could talk to him for you."
"And Elena?"
"God no, I'll keep quiet about her, if you really want, but I am not even going to ask him not to hurt Elena. Do you know how long he's waited for this?"
"I thought you didn't know exactly what happened."
"I said they didn't tell me exactly what happened. But I did piece a lot of it together." Katherine spluttered, before her fit stopped. She ran at Rio only to be stopped by the barrier. "Well I best be going. Katherine, I'd invite you but well you can't. Don't worry Stefano, I'll see what I can do about your little predicament."
"If you run into Elena, please be nice."
"She's stuck at her house isn't she? I won't run into her, so I think I'm good." Rio left the tomb, and got his phone out.

"Lottie, darling, where are you?"
"I'm at the Gilbert's house with Elena and her brother. I was with Bonnie but she left."
"Damn, I spoke way too soon" He muttered to himself before asking "Bonnie who now?"
"The doppelganger's witch friend."
"Oh, you mean Emily's descendant."
"That's the one. Anyways, come pick me up?"
"You could always run."
"No I need something in your car."
"Fine, but I'm not coming inside."
"See you, babe." Rio ran back to the boarding house where his car was parked. He sighed before driving his car over to the Gilbert's place, though he did have to stop and ask for directions.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now