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"Rio." Klaus said when they met up. "What's up?"
"Just chilling. Planning on messing with Bonnie and co."
"Bonnie? What's the little witch done now?"
"Tried to get me to leave town, using the totally wrong tactics by the way, when you guys are literally on the brink of war. I know the moment I'm gone you guys are gonna kill each other. You do it when I'm around, for god's sake. Apparently I'm going to have to pick a side."
"I know you, Rio. You'd never do that, which is why I understand what they're trying to say. You being near all this is just going to tear you apart all of us fighting, and your brothers are always going to be looking for a fight so I can't stop defending myself."
"Are you saying you wouldn't touch my brothers if they didn't try to kill you all the time?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying. From this point on, that is. I know I did do a lot of things in the past. To your brothers, but as long as they didn't try to piss me off I think I'd leave them alone."
"Well, I'm staying, anyway."
"There's someone who needs your help?" Klaus tried.
"Since when do you care when other people need help."
"If it's going to keep you safe, I care. And that's your weakness, Rio."
"I'm not leaving?"
"Ali called. She needs your help."
"Ali would never admit to needing help."
"Alright, fine. Her brother called but still."
"I owe Colin." He closed his eyes, obviously torn.
"I know."
"I'm not leaving. I'll do something about it, but I'm not leaving. Besides, Australia is way too far from here. Who knows what would happen if I left."
"Rio, please. I care about you, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"Who's going to hurt me? You won't, and my brothers won't."
"Rio, I mean emotionally. You can be a little sensitive sometimes."
"I'm not sensitive. Much."
"Yes you are, but that's just who you are. Come on. Please."
"I won't leave you and my brothers to slaughter one another. If that makes me sensitive, then so be it."
"No, Klaus. Forget it. They are my brothers. You are my brother. I'm not going to let you tear each other apart."
"No buts."
"Stop 'Rio'-ing me. Definitely not."
"So what are you going to do about Ali and Colin?"
"Lottie and Anya."
"You think they'll say yes."
"All I really need to do is convince Lottie. And I should really get started on that."
"What about Anya?"
"We'll convince her afterwards. It'll be hard, but Lottie's her mom. And I'll give her a credit card, or something. Hopefully she agrees."
"There's no way to get you to leave is there?"
"Well, you could try compelling me but I'm stocked up on the stuff."
"The stuff being vervain?"
"Is there any way to talk you out of  staying?"
"Absolutely not."
Alright then, but that doesn't mean I won't stop trying."
"You wouldn't be Klaus if you did."

"What are you saying?"
"That Colin and Ali need help. And I can't leave my brothers here. Please Lottie? It won't be a permanent arrangement. We can't leave Colin and Ali."
"They're in Australia. That's so far. What if something happens to you?"
"I love you, and for as long as I do, I'll always find my way to you."
"What do they need help on?"
"Well Ali's been cursed by a witch. The witch is dead, and there's only one cure. Colin thinks he can perform the spell to magically bind the ingredients together or something but he needs to channel energy from something that won't run out of power. Like a vampire."
"Oh. But I could always siphon the curse. I'll use that teleportation spell I created."
"You could go there and come back within the day."
"Exactly. And if anyone asks questions- let's say, for example, my brothers, and the rest of the Mystic Falls co. we'll just say Anya did it."
"Perfect." Charlie agreed.
"What are you two agreeing on, and why am I the fall guy?"
"Doing magic, Anya. We're not framing you for anything."
"You better not be. So what am I allegedly doing?"
"You and your mother are going to Australia to help out a friend, and you should be back soon."

Charlie and Anya left quickly, in hopes to get back sooner. Not wanting to be alone, Rio went to the boarding house. He was sure someone would be there. He was right, too. Stefan was there. With Elena.
"I can just tell you what happened. Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum, she tried to give herself a lobotomy with a knitting needle, and bled to death on the floor of her cell. If the same thing is happening to Alaric then there is nothing you can do." Stefan was saying.
"Clearly I missed a lot. What happened?"
"Ric's ring is bringing out his evil alter-ego side." Elena summed up, giving him a tight smile. "Okay, well, I'm gonna let you get back to...whatever it was you were doing, Stefan. Bye, Rio."
"You want to explain?" Rio asked his little brother after Elena left the room.
"You want to explain your hatred for our mother?"
"I already told you. I didn't hate her, I was just... jealous."
"That's the story you're sticking to?"
"Exactly." Rio smiled at his little brother.
"Well, if you want to know what's going on, you've just got to tell us what's with your attitude towards our mother." Stefan blackmailed. "And why were you acting so weird when we started talking about Amelia's boyfriend?"
"I'm a little curious about that too, actually." Amelia's voice called out from behind him. She walked up to the brothers and gave Rio a penetrating stare.
"There's just some history between us, that's all."
"History, as in when he was all evil?"
"You know about that?" Rio asked, a little relieved.
"And you guys have worked out your issues over it?"
"Yeah. We've been together for three decades now."
"That's good. And a wonderful relief."
"So if you knew him, before I knew him, how are you still alive?"
"Funny story, actually. Klaus and I were hanging out when he tried to kill me and Lottie. Klaus saved me, and Lottie, well she saved herself."
"Klaus doesn't seem that bad. Definitely not as bad as the stories paint him to be." Amelia observed.
"He really isn't. He just doesn't get along with my brothers."
"He is actually that bad. Rio just sees the good in him, and Klaus is as saintly as he can be around Rio."
"You know what, Stefan. Klaus reminded me a lot of you. That's kind of why we became friends in the first place." Rio told him. "Stefan, let's teach you how to control your thirst for blood. I need something to keep me occupied."
"Well this sounds like a brother thing so I'm just gonna go somewhere else." Amelia sped out with her speed and left the boys together.

"Just this one cup, Stefan. No more no less."
"Do I have to do this?"
"We both know Damon will try his way if you don't try mine. Do you trust me?"
"Trust works both ways, brother. Or did you forget?" He stared coldly at his brother.
"Alright, we can do this some other time, if you'd prefer."
"Sure. I'll be fine. Don't you have something else to do?"
"And I'm not wanted here, either. Okay I get it. See ya." Rio gave his brother a salute and walked out. Stefan waited a few moments before rushing down to the basement.
"I can do this." He muttered to himself and got a bloodbag, confident he could keep his bloodlust in control.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now