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Every time Rio woke up, someone would snap his neck before he fully had the chance to properly wake up. But when Rio finally woke up again, all he saw was Elena in front of him. Everyone else was gone.
"What happened?" He asked. "You're not strong enough to snap my neck which means it was one of my brothers or Mikael. None of whom are here right now, which means they've got their plan to kill Klaus in place- so much so that they trust me to wake up."
"Yeah. And if you do kill me Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler will come after you."
"I notice you didn't add Stefan into the equation. You do know that by killing you, he'd turn on his humanity because of his grief? Besides I don't want to kill you. I don't want to kill anyone. Killing goes against all of my principles."
"You want to kill Katherine."
"Katherine is a long story. And if I can stand you, then Katherine might not be that bad. Besides all words I spoke about wanting to kill her were just words spoken in anger. I mean I'll talk about it but I won't actually kill her."
"You wouldn't kill the woman who ruined your life?"
"I can't talk about this right now. I've got a friend to help."
"You can't leave. Bonnie put a boundary spell around the house. No vampire can leave."
"You did that?"
"Well Mikael said if you came after them to help out Klaus, he'd kill you." Rio scoffed and tried the door. But he couldn't leave.
"You don't care."
"Well, you're not a bad person. I don't want you to die." She smiled at him weakly, but got a glare back in return.
"Call Bonnie. Tell her to take down this enchantment. If I die, I die."
"No can do. Sorry Rio, I won't help you kill yourself. Answer my question. You would no longer kill the woman who ruined your, and your brothers' life?"
"Well by turning me into a vampire, I met the love of my life. The woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I get to meet with my brothers again. See them again. Most of my quarrel with her was because she tried to ruin my brothers and tried to ensure I'd never see them again, but Stefan and Damon seem pretty good together. And well she had an idea of turning them both so I guess she knew we'd meet again one day."
"You're acting like you've forgiven her."
"It's not about forgiveness. I just don't hate her anymore. What can I actually hate? Turning me into a vampire? It's not like I've got blood on my hands and by turning into a vampire I met my Lottie. I couldn't hate her for that. Am I supposed to hate her for turning my brothers? Call me selfish but I'm glad I get to see them again. Am I supposed to hate her for toying with both of my brother's feelings? You do the exact same thing. Besides, they were grown-ups. Ish. They did both fall for her before the compulsion started."
"So, you don't hate Katherine?"
"There are worse people in the world."
"What about everyone she killed? That she betrayed?"
"Katherine has a sad backstory and as a result, she turned bitter. I'm not saying she has the right to do everything she's done, but anything she has done, she did for the sake of herself. Going for both Damon and Stefan even though she only loved Stefan was her way of feeling loved no matter what. Betraying all she's betrayed is her way to keep herself from being betrayed."
"Rio, I think it'd be a good idea if you stopped looking at the world through Rose coloured glasses. Eventually, it's going to disappoint you."
"Well, it's worked for me for the past 173 years. I won't stop now." He took out his phone.
"We deleted Klaus's number. Can't have you calling him."
"You don't know my password."
"Damon guessed. Stefan's birthday."
"I'm going to change it to Lottie's. She'll never tell you her birthyear. Or something else."
"Well we deleted everyone's number. In case Klaus was saved as someone else."
"See, things like this is why I don't like you. You deleted the number of my friend so I couldn't call him and warn him you're about to kill him and in doing so also deleted the number of people I- well can't tell you that. Point is, you don't do that."
"You're lucky I know Lottie's number off by heart." He dialled Charlie's number.
"Rio?" There was music in the background.
"Hey Lottie. What's the noise?"
"Anya's having a party. She changed the venue from the boarding house to this house."
"Tell her anything she breaks, she'll put together."
"Will do. What do you need?"
"Call Klaus. Warm him he's in danger."
"He is? Why can't you?"
"A couple of idiots deleted the contacts in my phone."
"Okay, where are you right now?"
"Boarding house." Rio ran to the opposite side of the house, out of Elena's hearing range. "I need you to remotely break this spell around the house."
"Okay, I'll text you Klaus's number." She said and hung up.

Once Rio was finally free from the house he ran to where Lottie was. "Tracking spell?" He asked her.
"Alright then." Charlie muttered the spell. "Tyler Lockwood's home."
"Thanks, babe." He said. "I'll see you soon."
"Hey, Rio." Klaus finally picked up the phone.
"Klaus, my idiot brothers are plotting with Mikael to kill you."
"I know."
"So you need to- wait what?"
"You a bit late."
"Sorry, my neck kept on being snapped and when I finally woke up to no one supernatural, I had to break out of a boundary spell, and there's also the fact that you didn't pick up. I assume you're alive and someone is dead- it better not be my brothers."
"Mikael is."
"Oh, okay. I'll be there soon." Rio sighed. "Try to not kill my brothers."
"Alright, see you. Wait does this mean we're friends again, because I have to say your silent treatments and rudeness were getting me worried."
"Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? Klaus whatever your last name is- if you even have a last name- does not act like a teenage girl on the phone. Especially not when he's talking to our brother." He heard Damon say in the background.
"Bye." Rio said and hung up.

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