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"Somebody save me!" Charlie sang along to the theme tune of Smallville. She lay on the bed watching Smallville on her laptop and Rio got changed.
"Turn that off already." Rio groaned.
"But I can't. Tom Welling is cute!"
"So is Kristin Kreuk but you don't see me watching it."
"True, but that's because her character is so up and down. You hate her, then you like her, then you really don't like her-"
"I get it, but still come on."
"Don't worry, sometimes Clark frustrates me too. I just can't help but think he should've told Lex."
"You're not roping me into a discussion about Smallville."
"Too bad. Anyways, where are you off to?"
"I'm getting a job... at Stefan's school."
"You're evil!"
"What can I say? Why would I pass up this chance to annoy Stefan?"
"Well see ya. I might go in to the city and introduce Samantha and Austin to each other."
"Have fun, darling. Love you." Rio said before exiting their room.  He shut the door only to see Stefan walking out of his room. "Want a ride to school, Steffie?"
"Shut up Rio. Let's just get this over with." Stefan said, obviously not happy with the idea. "What subject do you want to teach?" 
"Torturing our little brother at high school?" Damon popped up. "I wish I'd have thought of that."
"We better get going. Damon, just don't do anything today." Stefan frowned.
"Stop Stefan. You'll get frown lines!" Damon teased.
"Too late for that, Damon."Rio laughed, and walked out

Rio and Stefan walked into school together. Caroline came up to them. "I'm pretty sure, you're too old to go to school."
"Very funny, Caroline right?"
"Yes. And you're Rio."
"Yeah. Anyways, I'm here to see if there's a job available."
"You want to teach us?" She asked, eyebrow raised. "What does Stefan think?"
"He hates it. Why do you think I'm signing up?"
"Oh, so you're not actually interested in teaching?"
"Well, I kind of am. I once taught Maths in a school in Birmingham. Teaching isn't bad, honestly. But I don't think I want to teach Maths again."
"I heard our Art teacher is pregnant. Again. So there might be a space open there."
"Don't give him ideas." Stefan groaned.
"Why are you with him, if you're so against this?"
"Who knows what would happen if I were to set him loose in this school."
"Set me loose?" Rio turned to look at his brother. "I have more control than you do."
"Everyone has more control than Stefan." Caroline chirped. "Sorry Stefan, but it's true."
"Let's just get this over with." Stefan grumbled, as Caroline chuckled. Rio and Stefan walked into the principle's office while Caroline walked straight.

"Who are you?" Mr Weber, the principle, asked.
"Hi, I'm Tiberius Salvatore. I heard you may have a teaching slot open for art?"
"Yes, I just need to see your qualifications." 
"Right, here." Rio said, but instead looked the principle in the eye. "You've seen all of my qualifications and you think I'm most qualified for the job."
"You know what, you seem to really know your stuff about Art. Do you think you could start today? The kids were going to have a substitute, but it's better they have a qualified teacher."
"Of course. I just need my schedule."
"Let me just print it off for you." Mr Weber said eagerly.
"Thank you." Rio replied. "Hey Stefan, what's your first lesson."
"Art. I'm guessing with you, now."
"Any relations, you two?"
"I'm his older brother."
"Well, I don't think it's appropriate for a teacher teaching his little brother in class-"
"But you have no qualms about it." Rio compelled, before the guy got to finish his sentence.
"But it should be okay. Here's your schedule." The principle replied, giving him a wave. Stefan and Rio walked out of the classroom as Stefan guided him to the classroom.

"Hello." Rio said, gaining the attention of all the students as they all rushed around. Stefan hurried to his seat. "I'm your new Art teacher."
"I thought we were having a sub." A girl called out.
"Not anymore. So I'm Rio Salvatore, you might know my baby brother Stefan Salvatore over there, but just call me Rio." Everyone laughed as they looked over to Stefan. Rio saw that Elena, Caroline and Bonnie were all in this class. "So today we'll just be doing a little bit of Art history. Norman Rockwell. How many of you have heard of him?"
"Wasn't he an author?" Stefan asked.
"Author, illustrator, painter, a man of many talents." Rio replied. 

By the end of the lesson, Rio had managed to embarrass Stefan a lot. He'd managed to get something into the students head. And he'd managed to annoy Elena, which was a bonus. All in all, he supposed this had been a great way to spend his time. His next class were 2 years younger than Stefan's class. He saw at least one familiar face, Elena's little brother Jeremy. His art work was good, and Rio thought this kid definitely had potential. Jeremy walked in late, but Rio didn't say a word. "I'm Rio, your new art teacher." He introduced.
"What happened to miss Shelby?" A boy asked. 
"She's pregnant, you doofus." A girl replied.
"Hey, hey. No cussing each other yeah. Outside, it's cool. But not inside the classroom. Am I understood?" He asked. The class quickly nodded. "So today, I just want you to draw something. Anything. Except for one thing. It has to be unique. Not a common household artefact, or something you hear about. Just anything as long as it's not an everyday or common object."
Rio handed out canvass paper and pencils to each student then got a paper for himself and started to draw. He drew Lottie, making sure to capture the smile in her eyes. Making sure her chin was accurate. He drew her blond hair, a strand tucked behind her ear. Her mouth set in a smile. Halfway through he stopped and looked up. "Alright everyone stop."
"But I'm not finished." A kid said.
"That's the point. Now swap around with a partner."
"Are you going to swap sir?" A girl asked.
"No, actually, I'm not. I'm just doing another assignment. Now hurry up." They did so, and soon the fumbling and fidgeting stopped. "Now I want you to finish off that other person's drawing. Don't ask what it was, just draw. Finish off what you think it is."
The next half hour, everyone worked in silence. Occasionally Rio handed out pencils to people who needed it. He carried on drawing Lottie and was so immersed in his work he didn't realise the student who came up to him. "That's your other assignment? Drawing your wife?"
"Yes." Rio turned to look at Jeremy. "Now what can I do for you?"
"I need a hall pass." He replied, and Rio gave him one. "Wait you're not going to ask me what it's for?"
"Do I need to?"
"There you go. Now go along." Rio shooed the boy off.
"So you have a wife?" Another girl asked.
"Yes. Is that surprising?"
"No, it's not that, it's just we, we didn't realise."
"Is she hot sir?"
"Definitely." Rio smirked. He saw Stefan outside and cleared his throat. "I mean she's not hot. She's beautiful. Stefan, come in, little brother."
"Stop calling me that."
"Why? It's the truth." Stefan rolled his eyes.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now