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When Charlotte and Rio finally came to Mystic Falls, they went straight to the boarding house. Rio saw Katherine run out and wondered what was going on.
"Damon!" He called and ran to his brother's room. But Damon and Elena seemed to be in an intimate position. "I see you're feeling better."
"Rio." Damon groaned. "Apparently there was a cure."
"Klaus' blood. Katherine brought it here." He said. "See aren't you glad you didn't kill her."
"No, if Klaus was going to give you the cure, he would've somehow had someone else bring it to you. What was the price?"
"Katherine said Stefan gave himself over."
"Gave himself over? Oh God." Rio groaned. "Where is Klaus?"
"Ric's apartment, I think." Damon told him.
"We'll be back." He said, grabbing Charlotte's hand and running out.

He arrived at Ric's place just as Klaus and Stefan were leaving. "Hello Klaus."
"Rio, old friend." Klaus replied. "To what do I owe the pleasure."
"Well, I'm here wondering what exactly Stefan has to pay for your, well, generosity."
"Why would you care?"
"Surely you've put it together by now."
"Please, enlighten me." Klaus said smiling. "What, pray tell, am I missing?"
"Stefan is my little brother."
"But your last name is Angelo"
"My mother's maiden name."
"I treated you like a brother, Rio."
"Stop being dramatic, Klaus. I had no idea you even knew of my family. I was a vampire, so I changed my last name."
"Why does Charlie look so frightened, right now?" Klaus asked. "I thought we were over that."
"We were?"
"Oh, crap. I forgot you two had history." Rio said turning to Charlotte."It's okay. Klaus and you patched things up. In fact we spent some time with him. It's okay. He's a friend now, a companion at the least."
"Rio what's going on?" Stefan spoke up.
"It's a bit of a long story." Rio glanced over at Charlie. She gave him a small nod. "We had a bit of an accident and Lottie doesn't remember the better part of the past 200 years."
"Right. How is this possible?"
"Klaus, she's been through some traumatising times. Now all we can do is wait for her to be more comfortable and remember at her own time."
"Well, I've never been one for patience." Klaus said, striding up to Charlotte. "Hello Charlie."
"Klaus." She breathed, her eyes wide. She was absolutely terrified.
"What are you doing Klaus?" Rio spoke up, moving in front of her.
"Fixing her." He replied, moving Rio out of the way. He compelled Charlie- or at least tried to. "What do you remember?"
"She's on vervain, Klaus. You can't compel her." Rio said, moving back in front of her.
"Why don't you two join my merry little crusade?" Klaus proposed. "And once the vervain's out of her system, I'll help her get her memory back."
"Klaus-" Rio started.
"It's okay, Ty." Charlotte said. Rio jerked. She hadn't called him Ty since she lost her memories. "I want to get my memory back. Besides, if we're friends, then what do we have to worry about."
"Atta girl." Klaus said. "That's the attitude."
"But I have a condition. Rio needs to make sure his brother is okay for the next couple of weeks or so, so could we catch up to you in a month's time?"
"Reminds me of old times, wouldn't you say Rio?" Klaus laughed. "Very well. You have a month to stay with Damon and make sure he's okay."
"Thanks, Klaus." Rio said. "But what are you planning on doing with my brother?"
"Nothing bad, Rio. I promise. For now, he's just a companion. You'll see." Rio rolled his eyes and turned to his brother.
"You gonna be okay, Stefan?" He asked.
"Yeah, just make sure Damon's okay, and that he doesn't do anything stupid. Elena's death is bound to mess him up. Keep him in line." Rio was confused. Elena was alive as far as he knew. "Stay with him, brother. I'll see you soon."
"Yeah, of course." Rio replied and Stefan and Klaus were gone.
"Isn't Elena-" Rio cut her off.
"As far as I know. Come let's go back to the boarding house. We can finally sit down. I'm sorry to be dragging you everywhere."
"It's fine, Rio. Come on." He stopped her.
"Earlier, you called me Ty." He started and she looked down.
"Maybe muscle memory? You said it's what I called you, for the last century and a half." He nodded his head, but something unsettled him.
"Right." His eyes had a faraway look. "Come on. Let's go home."

Once Rio and Charlotte walked back into the house to see Damon there. Elena wasn't there at that moment, much to Rio's delight and Damon was there to greet them. "Hello lovebirds, how was your vacation."
"Ignore him, Lottie. Come on, I'll show you to your room."
"Her room? Last I checked you two were sharing. Like a married couple." Damon sounded confused. "She leave you already Rio?"
"Shut up, Damon. You almost died, and you didn't even wait to properly say goodbye. You're so lucky there was a cure."
"You were close, brother" Damon took a swig of his bourbon. "If I didn't get the cure, you would have been able to say a quick goodbye."
"I'm going to talk to you in a second." He said, "Just- don't do anything."
"So we shared a room?" Charlotte asked him.
"Well, technically, we are married."
"How long have we been married?"
"144 years. We had our anniversary 2 or so months ago."
"Oh." She had no idea what to say to him. "Why did Klaus forgive me?"
"That was one of the most awkward times of my life. The guy I grew close to, despite his- well, activities, used to date my wife. I was pretty much an insecure git. At first he was wary of you. He thought you had some sort of plan to try to kill him, but he trusted me. First he had to compel me and ask me if I was plotting against him, but then he trusted me after that. It was only a question, anyways. You two were never in a room alone together. You because you were afraid, and him because he didn't trust you. A year later I grew fed up with you two and I told you to sort it out. Of course Klaus was never completely settled by you until you helped him with something. He never told me what and neither did you. But yeah, whatever happened made you guys change your mind about each other."
"Right. And this didn't bother you?"
"Of course it did, but I was mainly glad you guys were finally talking to each other. And you really put me in my place when I got jealous."
"So, I've called Samantha and invited her over. She's your best friend, and I figured, whether or not you remember her, having a girl could help you out."
"Thank you." She said, and he opened the door.
"I might come in here every now and then to pick up a few things, but I promise to knock." Rio warned her, before leaving her in peace.

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