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Rio had come back home late that night so when he woke up the next morning, he was met with the sight of his wife was talking to his brothers. "Ty." She said as she saw him. "I've just been acquainting myself with your brothers."
"So, what have you found out?" Rio replied as he shrugged off his hoodie.
"So many juicy stories to blackmail you with."
"Oh really? Well do tell, Lottie dear. Did they tell you about the time I ran in our house instead of walking as a boy?" Rio fake gasped, as though his biggest secret had been discovered.
"They told me of the time you fell into the water on a fishing trip with your father."
"Lottie, I told you that story a century ago. That's hardly blackmail worthy. I was such a good boy in my childhood. Very honest"
"I'm sure there has to be something you've never told me."
"Well, there is one other way you could persuade me to remember." Rio wiggled his eyebrows.
"Rio, as your younger brother there are some things I don't need to hear. Your flirtation being one of them." Stefan said.

"Speak for yourself," Damon retorted. "Things were just about to get interesting."
"Don't worry, children. I have no intention of scarring you,"
"Boys, boys calm down."
"So, Charlotte. How old are you?"
"Call me Charlie, and haven't you heard? It's rude to ask a lady for her age."
"Oh, come on. You're hardly a lady if you married Rio."
"I'll have you know, Damon, your brother is quite the gentleman, most of the time."
"Cute. I need some bourbon, if I'm gonna hear some lovey-dovey sappiness."
"See, I knew you weren't a lady."
"You're a dick."
"Ouch, my feelings." Damon mimed being shot in the heart.
"You have feelings?"
"Funny. Why am I always picked on?"
"Maybe it's because no one likes you." Rio shot back.
"You like me. At least more than you do Stefan."
"That is true right now, but you never know when Stefan and Elena might break up."
"That's what this whole thing is riding on? Stefan and Elena's relationship. Please, I'll always be your favourite brother, if that's the case. Didn't you here?" Damon's voice turned high pitched and mocking. "They're going to be together forever and ever and ever!"
"Jealousy never did look good on you, brother."
"I'm not jealous. I'm just stating facts. They're each others great epic loves and all that."
"Okay, I'm done talking about Elena."
"At least give her a chance." Damon pleaded, before seeing Rio's expression. "Or not."
"So how was the funeral?" Stefan asked, ever the peacemaker.
"Right, his body wasn't there, I think somebody took it." Rio said. Charlotte looked over, looking interested.
"Who are we talking about?"
"These two idiots killed Eli."
"What?" She asked, confused.
"Yeah, I think it was a heat in the moment thing, Damon killed him with some makeshift stake. I went to go give him a burial, but I think someone got there before us."
"Oh. I'm going to miss him?" Charlotte sounded unsure.
"Yes. Speaking of, remember Em?"
"How could I forget? He's pretty cute." Charlotte winked at her husband's immediate frown.
"I don't know, he still needs a better haircut. Either way, he says hi."
"Great, did you remind him of dinner on Tuesday."
"Yes, but he thinks I'm joking."
"Stefan we should leave. The married couple are acting all married and talking. Let's go."
"We can hear you Demon." Rio said, rolling his eyes.
"Never would have guessed. I'm bored, let's get some food, Rio."
"Not hungry."
"Not that kind of food."
"Oh, snatch, eat, erase?" Rio had a smirk on his face
"I'm down, Lottie? Stefan?"
"Oh, no. Not Steffie. He goes all cuckoo when he drinks the real stuff, so he bites into fluffy rabbits." Damon says, teasing his little brother some more.
"Bunnies? Seriously?"
"Or deer, if I get hungry enough." Stefan replied, completely serious.
"You know what, you two can go ahead. I'll see if I can get anymore stories out of Stefan here. You had to have at least one story." Charlotte cut in, not wanting to leave Stefan alone.
"Knock yourself out." Rio replied before leaving with Damon, the two bickering even as they went out of the door.

Once Rio and Damon had left, Stefan turned to Charlotte. "So how did you and Rio meet?"
"Well he was a vampire, he was running, frightened for his life that he didn't even have time to think about feeding. He hadn't killed anyone yet, and I found him, feeding on someone a couple of hours away from mystic falls. He was feeding and yet at the same time, I saw him battling himself to stop. I ripped him away from the girl, who wasn't dead. I gave her some of my blood to heal her, and compelled her to forget what she saw. Ty- Rio- sat in a corner huddled, and angry. He was angry with himself, so I took him in. I was about to teach him some control but he said he had to do something urgently, so I asked him what. He said he had to find Mr Klaus Mikaelson. I told him not to be so stupid, but he said he made a promise, and he intended to make good on it."
"Wait Rio was after Klaus?"
"Yes. Now, if it was anyone else I would never have offered to go with them, but Ty was different. He was dorky, sweet, kind. He had his humanity, and was so naive but pure. It was why I was drawn to him. So I agreed to help him. Your brother had a way to find Klaus, he'd been researching a way for a while, as a human, as well. We found Klaus, and he invited us to his home. His brother Elijah was the only one around, and with him at this time. Ty told me he wanted to speak privately with Klaus, and that he'd come find me after it was all over. Ty told Klaus all about Katherine, or Katerina in Mystic falls. I wasn't there for that part but I did see what happened later in his mind. Klaus asked Ty why he shouldn't kill him then and there. After all he took a huge risk just going to see one of the oldest vampires alive. Ty told him he didn't care if he was killed then and there. And if he had to make the same choice he'd still go to Klaus to tell him about Katherine."
"So Rio didn't mind dying as long as Katherine was dead?"
"Basically. You have no idea what she did from his point of view. She turned his brothers against each other, or even against him on multiple occasions. She broke your hearts and toyed with you both. That took a toll on him. Knowing some petty little bitch was ruining his brothers and all they had going for them. Your father was too busy killing vampires to notice the one right under his nose. So one day Ty was in his room. She sought him out. He told her to back off, and leave you and Damon alone or else he'd find Klaus Mikaelson and tell him about her. She freaked out and murdered him. But first she gave him her blood. By nightfall, when he was waking up she had prepared a blood bag for him to feed on and forced him to leave, telling him his father would kill him if he didn't."
"What about the letters? How did he give us the letters?" Stefan was more curious.
"Letters? I don't know. He hadn't told me of a letter. You can ask him that later. So Klaus saw something in Ty. Saw how loyal he was to his brothers. Klaus wanted that kind of loyalty. That kind of bond, So he invited Ty to journey with him. Ty asked if he could come back to that some other, since he was still learning to be a vampire, still learning control, learning whether or not he was changed. Klaus agreed. He was going to go to Mystic falls and find Katherine anyways, so they parted ways. Ty found me in a bar nearby and I taught him control, how to not feed off everyone. I helped him get used to vervain so he couldn't be hurt by it. When to stop, compulsion, what to do if we were in danger of being found, living in the shadows, et cetera. After a year he went to Klaus, and dragged me with him. By this time, we were both dating, had been for months. Klaus accepted us both though he was wary of me. He gave me this necklace, my daylight necklace, and gave Ty a daylight ring. We were treated well with Klaus, though we refused to kill but Klaus let us off the hook as long as we bit the person to the point of almost death before healing them and compelling them. 2 years later we got married and we were with Klaus for couple of decades. And then we left and toured the world together. We went to Africa, and to Europe. To Asia, and Antarctica. And finally back home."
"So how long have you been a vampire?"
"For a while now."
"So you're not going to tell us?" Stefan asked.
"Stefan, Ty is the only person I've told my age, and never does he let me forget it. It's one of the only things about me, I'd rather keep to myself. Don't take it personally."
"It's fine. So tell me something about you Charlie. I can't very well not know anything about my sister-in-law now can I?"
"My birthday is August 15. I love art. Your brother is the most decent thing to stumble into my life. He saved me. He was so good and pure, still is. He's never killed a single human being. He has turned off his emotions, though. Once when we were in London, we were with friends. Friends we'd known for decades. Anyways they were both murdered by vampire hunters in front of us. Ty was heartbroken, and turned it off. Even then he remained chaste. He fed off humans but he never killed one. Eventually, he turned it back on. He didn't have the guilt to face of murdering someone so it was an easier transition."
"I'm glad he had you to keep him on the right track." Charlotte smiled at Stefan.
"He thinks the world of you, you know? Right now, he hates Elena and he has every right to. He never had closure, and he believed you two were dead. Of course, he also knew that Katherine was never dead, she was too smart to have been caught, he hated her more. Now, seeing Elena is stirring up all the hatred and anger he felt for Katherine."

"Hello!" A feminine voice called from the front door. "Stefan? Damon? You guys home?"
"In here Caroline." Stefan called. A blonde girl, obviously a vampire, walked in to where Stefan and Charlotte sat. "Hey Caroline."
"Hi, Stefan..." Caroline said and trailed off. "Hi, person I don't know. Um, who are you?"
"Hi, I'm Charlotte Salvatore." Charlotte introduced. "Call me Charlie."
"Salvatore? Oh um, you must be a distant cousin. I'm Caroline, a friend."
"Actually no, Caroline, this is my sister-in-law."
"You were married?" Caroline looked absolutely confused. "Because the other alternative is Damon, which is impossible because unless he compelled her no one would ever marry him."
"No to either of those theories." Charlotte smiled. "I'm married to Rio Salvatore. The eldest Salvatore brother."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now