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They dropped Charlie and Anya back at the hotel before they made their way to Gloria's bar. Not that Rio knew who Gloria was.
"Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus remarked
"I can't believe this place is still here." Stefan wondered in awe.
"You got to be kidding me." A voice cut through. They all turned to see a woman walk up to them.
"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..."
"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny." She deadpanned.
"I kinda wanted to hear the rest of the joke." Rio said, completely serious.
"Trust me honey, you don't." She told him, and paused as she looked at Stefan. "I remember you."
"Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..." he trailed off.
"Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?"
"Gloria's a very powerful witch." Klaus cut in.
"I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day."
"Stefan, Rio, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar?"
"Yeah, sure thing." Stefan answered for them both.
"You look ravishing, by the way." Klaus said to Gloria, as the boys walked off.
"Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels."
"So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse."
"Obviously you did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old...We'd have to contact the witch who created it."
"Well, that would be the original witch. She's very dead." Klaus stated the obvious.
"I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah."
"Rebekah. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied." He sounded as though that was an excuse. Which it was, of course. Rio walked off to see the photo his brother was so entranced by.
"She has what I need. Bring her to me."
"What is this?" Stefan asked looking up from the photograph.
"Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place."
"But this is me. With you." Rio's eyebrows were raised. Klaus walked out and Rio and Stefan followed, Rio giving a small wave to Gloria. They followed him as he lead them to a warehouse.
"This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?" Rio almost blurted out his own conclusion. He didn't know about any of this before, but the dark holes in Stefan's memories, and also the fact that he hung out with an original kind of added up to one thing.
"You said it yourself: that time had a lot of dark holes."
"No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?"
"Klaus loves to keep his little secrets." Rio told his brother. "Asking questions never gets you anywhere unless he wants you to know."
"Plus, I'm a little busy right now. Memory Lane will have to wait."
"What the hell is going on? Answer me."
"Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you." Klaus said and begun to explain how they first met. It started off as Rebekah and Stefan flirting whilst drinking a person together, then Klaus trying to get Rebekah to leave with him. Obviously Stefan wouldn't stand back whilst Klaus tried to take away his girlfriend. And Klaus commented of Stefan's funny hair. Rio was not sure why that was relevant but Klaus did mention it.
"Your sister. So I knew another Original vampire."
"If you can't handle it, then don't ask."
"Think of it this way- Nobody ever knows just one Original. Especially when it's Klaus. If you know Klaus, you know Elijah or you know Rebekah. Or even both." Klaus walked over to a number of coffins which contain Original vampires. Klaus opened one. Rebekah was lying dead in it with a dagger stabbed in her chest. He smiled and gently touched her face. Rio looked at him. "Dude, that's creepy."
"I don't recognise her." Stefan frowned.
"Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine." He pulled the dagger out of her chest.
"Time to wake up, little sister. Any day now, Rebekah." She makes no move. "She's being dramatic."
"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?"
"Well, you have many useful talents."
"Do I?"
"He does?"
"In fact, I learned some of my favourite tricks from you." Klaus described how Stefan forced a man to drink his wife's blood, as he grilled Stefan as to why he believed he was good enough for Rebekah. Rio's stomach churned. He knew his brother wasn't a saint but to know exactly how far off the rails he was wasn't anything an older brother wanted to ever hear.
"Stop it Klaus."
"It's all in the past Rio." Klaus chuckled.
"Is that why you're still stringing him along?"
"Can't handle it, Rio? Come on, old friend. I'm simply reminiscing about the past."
"I don't know what your endgame is, but don't do anything to harm my brother, Klaus. I mean it. He's my little brother- in fact I remember the day he was born. Don't do anything to him."
"Calm down Rio. Your brother will be fine." He looked at Stefan. "In fact, I was your number one fan."
"Why should I believe any of this?" Stefan asked. He was feeling a little chuffed his brother stood up for him. He wasn't sure if it came to him or Klaus that his brother would choose him. The three men headed out of the warehouse.
"When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's Bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die" Klaus compelled the guardsman.
"Where are you going?" Stefan asked.
"You think I'm lying, Stefan. You and I knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you."
"We're going to your old apartment."

I've started another tvd fanfic, this time focusing on Elena's adopted sister. It would mean a lot if you guys could check it out. Also, it's my birthday and though I never really celebrate, I'm really excited!

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