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Rio sat outside beeping his horn. Charlotte didn't seem to be coming out soon. He knew he'd regret it, but he walked up to the door. He gave a sigh, knowing his wife was probably doing this on purpose. He knocked on the door, but it was a while before anyone opened it. "Hi, I'm here for Charlotte."
"Hi. She's probably with Elena, upstairs." The boy who opened the door said. "Elena, it's for your friend!"
"Just tell Charlotte I'll be waiting in the car." Rio replied curtly
"Are you a vampire?" The boy said, stopping him.
"Yes, actually I am. I'm Damon and Stefan's older brother. Rio Salvatore."
"You're another Salvatore?""Yes." Charlotte walked down right then.
"Hey Ty."
"Hello. What exactly are you up to, darling?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."Charlotte replied, before addressing the boy. "Jeremy, I see you've met my husband. Ty, this is Jeremy Gilbert, Elena's brother."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Rio said, giving the boy a smile.
"Jer you wanna watch a mov-"Elena started coming down the stairs, before she stopped abruptly. Rio could already feel a scowl creeping onto his face, but remembering his brother's words he forced himself to smile.
"Elena, I'm terribly sorry for my behaviour when we first met."
"It's fine, thanks for apologising." Elena looked over at Charlotte confused, continuing down the stairs.
"I swear I had nothing to do with this. I promise."
"Wait, what happened." Jeremy said, slightly protective.
"I was slightly rude to Elena when she and I first met."
"Oh it wasn't me. I'm sure Stefan was more offended. You did, after all, snap his neck."
"Oh, he's fine about it. Actually, he was a little pissed at first but it disappeared soon enough. Actually he wasn't. I don't know, we didn't talk about his feelings. I'll see what he wrote in his diary."
"Why Stefan? Couldn't you snap, oh I don't know, Damon's neck?" Jeremy asked, a little sarcastic. Stefan had always been a good guy, especially compared to Damon.
"Actually, Damon's my favourite brother of the two, especially right now."
"Damon? That's a first." Jeremy replied snarkily. A young woman, perhaps a few years older than Elena walked up to the door, behind Rio.
"Hello." She said. "I'm Jenna."
"Aunt Jenna, this is Tiberius Salvatore, Damon and Stefan's older brother, and his wife, Charlotte Salvatore."
"I wasn't aware there was another Salvatore."
"Well, I thought they died, and they thought I died so it was all really complicated. Please call me Rio"
"Nice to meet you. Well, Lottie and I should really be going. It was a pleasure to meet you all" Rio replied before leaving behind the Gilbert residence.
"You need something from my car?" Rio asked his wife as she smirked.
"I did. I do." She said. "Now drive."
"Your wish is my command." He joked and she swatted his shoulder. "Where to, my fair lady?"
"You never did take me to the place you grew up, or what's left of it."
"Of course, how about we run instead." He replied getting out of the parked car. He walked over to her side, and opened the door for her.

Once they got there, Rio began pointing out on the field where his home once stood and the ruins now were. "This place was once my home. The house was large right here. The driveway was back there in front of the house and the fields we had were really big, so big sections of it were never explored. There was this one area, my brothers and I shared. It was where we'd run about and play. This tree over here? I used to climb it and make fun of my brothers when they couldn't. I had this one horse, Dash. He was a beautiful white Stallion who stood tall. I used to ride him every day across the fields."
"Sounds beautiful." She told him.
"Not as beautiful as you." He replied. "Lottie, my love. I know at times I can be testing, but I just want to tell you how much you mean to me. I want you to know that no matter what you'll forever be in my heart. I hope you know I will always be there and if I'm not, all you need to do is call."
"Of course, Ty. Why do you talk as though something's going to happen? We're together, Ty. Nothing and no one in this word can change that." She told him, and he looked visibly relieved.
"I know, my love. But I can tell something's going to happen soon."
"Ty. We've been married for a while, now. If I haven't left you before, it's doubtful I'll leave you now. Besides, if we're not together, how ever would you function?" She smiled gently. "I love you, Ty. Never would I willingly leave you."
"Thanks, it's just, coming back to this place reminds me of my past. My father, and how he used to treat us. I guess it reminds me of who I used to be. Before I met you."
"Of course, but you're forgetting that you are a different person now. You're stronger, smarter, and it was all these trials that formed the person you are today. Now come on. You make me a sentimental mess. No one else has ever been able to do that, you know"
"I'm honoured, come, I want to show you something." He told her and walked deeper into the woods. They stopped in front of two trees. There was what seemed to be a tree house rested between them. The wood was rotted and there were holes in it. "This was my tree house. Damon and I played in it almost everyday and refused to let Stefan inside. Damon and I were much closer, in a way. We excluded Stefan a lot, we both hated father, though I damned him internally whilst Damon didn't hesitate to stand up to him. Stefan adored father, believed that he never intentionally wanted to hurt us. He always believed that Father was right, and would only do things that was good for us. He doesn't really remember how much father used to boss around mother or hurt her. But it was that part of Stefan that let us get along. His innocence kept him from seeing anything bad about anyone. He was my little brother and no matter how old he grew, I could only see his youth. It was that part of him that I hoped would always survive, no matter what hardships he had to undergo."
"He's lucky to have you as a brother. But he is grown up now. He'll probably have changed, possibly no longer as innocent."
"I know, but Stefan was always the brother who needed protecting. Damon, he'd hide behind sarcasm or he'll be downright rude. He'd stand up for himself, but Stefan would always wear his heart on his sleeve. He couldn't ever bottle things up. It fell to Damon and I to make sure no harm befell him."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now