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Rio made his way to the boarding house, yet again. He saw John, Elena and Damon near the restroom before he left. Not that he cared. He had no space for Elena in his mind. Damon at the moment was too annoying, fawning all over Elena, and John- well, like Elena, he had no space for John in his mind. "Lottie, darling." He called as he entered the house.
"Ty!" She said. "Samantha says she's definitely coming."
"So you couldn't keep her away?"
"No. She says she'll bite you if you annoy her." Charlie walked in to the view of her husband.
"Tell her I will snap her neck if she comes near me with fangs. Besides, doesn't it have to be a full moon before she can actually bite me? And the full moon has just passed."
"And here I was thinking you'd missed me, Salvatore." A strange voice interrupted.
"As if, Sammy. Don't flatter yourself."
"Come on, give me a hug." Samantha said arms outstretched. The brunette smirked at Rio.
"Get away from me, Sammy. You probably have a stake up your sleeve. Literally."
"It's sad that you're getting to know me too well."
"It really is. Now, I think I'll leave and leave you ladies to it. Well lady and dog."
"You better run Salvatore. My aim is getting better." Samantha suddenly threw a stake directed at Rio's hear. Before it could hit him, he ran behind her.
"Maybe so, but  I can still anticipate your moves. I'm going to go see what my brothers are up to. Ta-ta." And he ran off. He got his phone out as he left the house. "Stefano, brother. What are you up to right now?"
"You up for a rescue? Us against werewolves."
"Sure. I leave one werewolf to go fight a bunch. Why not?"
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"Not really, I'll come. Where?"
"In the woods. Just listen out, you'll hear us."
"See ya, Stefano." And with that he ran to the edge. 
"Where's Caroline?" He heard Stefan.
"Locked up tight." Rio recognised this voice. Somewhere, he had heard it. 
" Let her go, and I'll release Tyler. It doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules." 
"It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?"
"Wait, Jules?" Rio asked, placing the voice. He stepped out of the shadows and into the clearing they were in.
"Who are you?"
"A friend of a friend of a friend of yours."
"Who now?"
"Don't remember me? I'm hurt, Jules."
"Wait, Rio?"
"One and only. So what exactly is happening?"
"Your friends over there killed one of my friends and have his nephew. This is a bargain exchange."
"Damon killed Mason Lockwood because he was working with Katherine and he was against us. Tyler is actually one of Caroline's friends and Caroline's been helping him out on full moons. And she's currently got Caroline somewhere torturing her."
"Caroline's that perky blonde I met the other day?" Stefan nodded. "She was nice."
"Yeah. The last person they should be torturing."
"Jules, can you hand her over please."
"You may be one of Samantha's friends but this is personal."
"Well I wouldn't say friends exactly. More like the husband of her best friend."
"Either way, sorry Rio, but we need Tyler. He's one of us. We look out for each other."
"You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt." Stefan said.
"I'm not leaving without Tyler."
"Tyler is free to make his own decisions, as soon as you release Caroline."
"My brother the peacemaker. Since Stefan got here before me I'm gonna let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier. So give us Caroline." Damon's voice echoed
"Let go of Tyler." Jules demanded, growing restless.
"Guys, give her Tyler. If he wants to be with her, let him. I'm sure she'll hand over Caroline after. Right Jules?"
"Fine." Stefan let go of Tyler. "Now Caroline."
"Just one more piece of thing. You said Damon killed Mason. An eye for an eye. Give us Damon too. It'll be quick."
"Sorry Jules, I can't let that happen. I'm sorry for your loss, but Damon's my brother. I'm not going to let you kill him. We honoured our part of the deal, it's your turn."
"Give us Damon. It's our right."
"Without the full moon, it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you." Damon's cocky voice called.
"I'm not so sure about that, tough guy." She whistled and the rest of her pack walked out of their hiding places, all holding weapons including stakes, cross-bows, and a flame-thrower. "Let's try this again. Give us Damon."
"No." Stefan's voice was firm. 
"Boys, make sure Damon suffers. If you can leave Rio unconscious or something. I don't want Samantha hounding my ass." They all leapt into action, fighting savagely. Rio refused to let any close enough to snap his neck. He saw Caroline come out of the RV and almost immediately be captured by Jules. Jules held her at gunpoint as Tyler watched not doing anything. Rio ran at them and stood between Jules and Caroline.
"Leave her alone Jules. If not for me then for Tyler. She helped him during the most difficult time of his life, there for him knowing he could easily kill her. Let that count for something." Before she could reply, however, she and the wolves, minus Tyler fell to the ground, clutching their ears in pain.
"What's happening?" Caroline asked, confused.
"What the hell is going on?" Tyler echoed. 
"A witch." Rio replied. Some guy walked out with his arms raised.
"Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go. Get out of here. Now." He answered the confused stares that greeted him.
"Good old Eli." Rio said, smirking.
"When your friends awaken, give them a message: They need to get the hell out of this town." The warlock told Tyler and left.
"You know what, Tyler? You're a dick. You just stood there as Caroline, the one person who's been there for you, was almost killed." Rio shook his head at Tyler. He walked out helping Caroline, who was still weakened by the vervain in her system.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now