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"How are you feeling Stefan? Do you need anything?" Rio asked, worried.
"I'm fine Rio. Calm down."
"I will not calm down. You were suffering from a werewolf bite, not long ago. What if the infection spread?"
"Calm down, Ty. You of all people should not be worrying." Charlie said, smiling.
"What do you mean?" Klaus asked suspiciously. He knew she was a witch-vampire hybrid- not that he knew how- but he also had no clue the extent of her power- such as healing a werewolf bite. Which also meant he didn't know that Rio was bitten by a werewolf once.
"Um-" Charlie looked around, "Because he saw how Damon recovered?"
"But still, I mean- I want to make sure."
"Don't worry, mate." Klaus said, patting Rio on the shoulder. "You would've made a great mother."
"Shut it Klaus." Charlie smiled at their banter as the walked to the car. Anya walked with them, not having anywhere else to go and not wanting to leave Rio and her mother. Klaus had asked questions but all Rio said was that he'd explain later. Once they got inside his car, Klaus turned to them.
"So we have a long drive ahead of us. Roughly eight or so hours. Why don't you start your story as to why there is a child with us."
"Careful Klaus- I might get offended, this child has been alive longer than me." Anya stuck her tongue out as Lottie smacked him on the shoulder. "But I've been awake longer."
"How long have I been awake, Rio? Can you work that out?" Anya giggled. Charlie, realising what her daughter was up to.
"That'll be fun." Rio replied, without a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Okay, I'm not going to work out how many hours you've been asleep. Maybe some other time. I'll just compare your sleeping pattern to those of a normal 16 year old, cos you've been awake the same amount of time. Okay so a baby of 3 months-" he started to calculate quietly in his head pulling a notepad from his bag.
"This'll keep him going for half an hour or so."
"He does know that calculators have been invented, right?" Klaus asked.
"He should. I mean, technically when the first proper calculator was invented, he was more or less a vampire who didn't need school anymore, seeing as they hadn't used proper calculators until late 1900s." Stefan replied matter-of-factly.
"Interesting. You're Rio's brother, aren't you?"
"Yep. Who are you again? That question doesn't seem to get answered." Anya looked at her mother before sighing.
"To Rio or to Charlotte?"
"To both." Stefan said, almost straight away.
"Rio's step-daughter, and Charlotte's daughter. Pleasure to meet you." The car swerved as Klaus lost control. Charlotte instinctively covered her daughter, getting ready to run her out of the car.
"Wait, I'm sorry, what?"
"I got it!" Rio suddenly shouted, triumphantly. "You have been awake for roughly 80184 hours. Do not quote me on that. I will not go through the calculations again. It's not been checked over." Everyone turned to him. "What?"
"Did you not feel the car swerve? Or hear Anya tell the others who she is to us?"
"No?" Charlie rolled her eyes at Rio's antics.
"He is supposed to be a vampire, right?" Anya asked.
"Yeah, he is."
"Carry on with the story. How is she your daughter? Did you guys adopt?"
"No, she's my biological daughter, Klaus." Charlie said. "Back when I was human, I had a child. She died, or so I thought. Wallace ended up hiding her and had a witch put her in some magical voodoo sleep, where she wouldn't age or anything just be asleep, but I didn't know, and then I became a vampire like within the next 10 or so years, and I mourned. Then right before Wallace died, he said that with his death, I'd never find her. I didn't believe him, with good reason, he's lied too many times before. But even so, for the last century I searched. I recently heard back from a contact about a huge magical energy- which I'm guessing is when your coffin opened, that sounds weird" Charlie paused, to shake her head, "Anyways, the contact told me that when she went to check it out, she'd found Wallace's family tomb and knew to call me."
"Oh." Was all that Stefan said. Klaus had nothing to say either.

For the next few minutes they sat in an awkward silence, before a chatter picked up in the car again. By the time they'd reached their destination, Anya and Charlie were fast asleep. Rio looked fondly at his wife who rested on his shoulder.
"Sometimes I worry for you, Rio." Klaus remarked. "You have absolutely no game when it actually comes to women. You've only dated and been with one in your entire life."
"Actually, when I was human I had a fiancée."
"Oh yes- what was her name again? Evangeline?" Stefan recalled
"Yes. Anyways point is, even if I did date a bunch of woman, Lottie would be the only woman I'd want to end up with. So who cares how many women I've been with-"
"Or, well, haven't." Klaus added. Rio ignored him.
"I'm with the best woman I could ask for." He finished. The car stopped. Klaus, Stefan and Rio got out, the two females still asleep.
"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan." Klaus said.
"What are we doing here?"
"I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days?"
"Klaus." Rio warned.
"It's fine Rio." Stefan assured before turning to Klaus. "Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur."
"Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what make it legend." Rio rolled his eyes, as Klaus seemed to go off into a memory. "Chicago was magical."
"Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it."
"Going to get down to business, then?"
"Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?"
"Klaus never moves on. If there's one thing you could say, it's that he's persistent." Charlie said getting out of the car.
"I'll take that as a compliment, love." Klaus smirked. "We're going to see my favourite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."

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