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The next day, Rio walked down to see Damon talking, or compelling, his girlfriend. If you could call her that. But the mention of Elijah perked him up.
"Smith. He's using Smith?" Damon said.
"Well, Damon when you've been alive for a super duper long time, you can't always use your real full name."
"I do." He said
"Because you're a moron, but then we haven't been around that long. We're light newborn babies compared to Elijah and co." Damon ignored his brother, instead wrapping Andie's scarf.
" I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off and I really like you. You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest." She replied, and Damon smiled as though proud of an achievement.
"And you're falling hard."
"You might be the one."
"So honest, you have to compel your girlfriend to love you." Rio chirped. "Hi, Andie."
"Morning, Rio."
"Perfect, Andie." He replied. "And shut up Rio. Where's your wife. She leave you already?"
"My wife is sleeping brother. Don't get your hopes up." Damon opened the door and he and Andie leaned in to each other, kissing. Rio waved at Alaric who stood on the porch, unnoticed by the couple.
"Have a great day, honey." Damon told her. "Shut up, Rio."
"Oh. Hey Alaric." Andie said, realising he was standing in front of them. "Later."
"My new girlfriend. Andie Star, action news."
"It's not called action news." Alaric deadpanned.
"I know. I just like saying it. Come on."
"Hey, Alaric." Rio said as Damon and Alaric walked passed him.
"Hi Rio." Rio, now bored walked back upstairs to annoy his wife.
"Lottie. Lottie are you awake yet?"
"No" came her groan.
"Yes you are." He started to poke her bare shoulder.
"I wanna sleep." She moaned.
"You shouldn't have slept late then, Love."
"I will murder you in your sleep." 
"If you're awake."
"You're a jerk."
"And you're a prissy."
"Told you you're awake." He dodged her punch. "Love you too sweetheart"
"Never loved you in the first place."
"Which is why you've been married to me for 144 years."
"Seriously? It feels like an eternity."
"An eternity of bliss." Rio laughed at his wife. 
"You wish."
"So, let's have a lazy day . I'll go get ice cream and snacks and some blood. You choose and set up a movie on your laptop. We will have a blast, and then we can go annoy Damon."
"Sounds great, now hurry. I'll see you soon." Charlie laughed pushing him away.

The next morning, or well afternoon seeing as Rio slept in, Rio called up Stefan knowing he was with Elena on some romantic getaway. "Brother dear." Rio said, perfectly pleasant.
"Can't you stick to just a simple hey, or hi?"
"I'd rather say hello, but whatever. So how's everything going so far?"
"Well, I'm sort of in the middle of explaining my dark history to Elena."
"Oh. Sounds boring. Well, you two kids have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Rio said with a laugh. He hung up to see his wife emerge from the bathroom. "Hey there."
"Hi." She smiled. "Want to go to the Grill?"
"Sure. Why not." He grinned. "Let me get changed."
"You have 3 seconds."
"Why do I have to be quick?"
"2" Rio whizzed around the room and within a second was changed.
"Your turn." He said, challenging her. "3"
"I think something is wrong with your eye. I'm already ready." She told him. He blinked only then realising what she was wearing. 
"Oh. Sorry, guess I was a little dizzy." He said.
"You're a vampire."
"I still went too fast."
"You're an idiot." Charlie said, laughing at her husband. Just then Rio's phone rang.
"Dinner party, you in?" Damon's voice rang through the line.
"What, no greeting? That's a bit rude. I'm sure you were raised with more manners than that."
"Hello, brother. We are hosting a dinner party later on tonight. Would you and you wife like to attend?" Damon said, much more politely. "Better?"
"Much better, and yes, little brother. We would like to attend. Right Lottie?" Rio asked, making sure it was alright with his wife.
"Yeah, it's okay. We'll go out tomorrow." Charlie replied pleasantly.

Jenna and Andie were in the kitchen preparing food for the dinner party when Rio and Charlie bustled in.
"So what's going on with you and Alaric? I feel like there's some tension." Andie asked Jenna after acknowledging the couple.
I don't know. I really like him. It's more than like and I want it to work, but I can't help but feel that he's hiding something from me. And then I've got John whispering things in my ear about him."
"Well, to be fair, John is an idiot." Rio chimed in as Jenna smiled at him.
"Like what?" Andie asked.
"Things I don't want to believe. Things I don't believe, not if they're coming from John's mouth."
"Oh. Well, there you go, then. Trust is the key to any relationship. I mean, I am so grateful that Damon tells me everything."
"Well actually sometimes secrets aren't bad." Rio told them. "I mean lying about it is where the problem lies, but if you trust Ric, then you've got to trust that he's hiding something from you for a good reason. Sometimes full out honesty could be good, but keeping your own secrets, and not lying about it for the sake of your partner isn't always bad."
"Do you two have secrets?" Jenna asked.
"Definitely, but we still get along great."
"What do you do if the subject comes up? If you're not going to lie about it but you're also not telling what it is."
"We just tell each other, it's something I can't tell you, yet. Maybe one day. Secrets don't break up a relationship. You just need to know, one day you'll know the full story, whether or not it's today. You might have to wait a while, but you can't rush anything. Now since you and Ric don't have the same agreement as Rio and I, he might lie to you every so often, but maybe the truth will take sometime."
"Thanks, guys. See you guys are so in sync with one another. How?" Jenna fired questions at them.
"It took a really long while. We loved one another sure, but it wasn't easy."
"How did you meet?" Andie asked.
"Well, believe it or not, but she saved me." Jenna and Andie awed at this.
"Well, to be honest, you were doing pretty fine on your own. But then this idiot decided to go on a godforsaken suicide mission."
"I was actually going to visit this guy, who ended up being our friend"
"That's one way to put it."
"Why were you going to visit the guy?"
"It's a long story." Rio put it simply. Jenna nodded understandingly. This was another of their secrets. "Oh excuse me, I need the toilet."

Not long after, the doorbell rang. Jenna, Rio and Damon went to open the door. "Who invited him?"
"John. Surprise. Leave."
"When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games."
"The only fun I'll have with you here is punching your face."
"And this is the family you want Elena to be hanging out with? Tut tut, Jenna."
"Any family is better than you." She spat.
"Besides John, I don't hang out with Elena." Rio said smoothly. "And Stefan and Damon care about her and not even you could stop her from hanging out with my little brothers. So your argument is invalid."
"There are not going to be any games tonight, John. It's just a friendly dinner party." Alaric said, walking out to the front hallway.
"What he said." Damon said, not meaning a bit of it. Rio narrowed his eyes and moved his brother aside.
"What are you planning Damon?" Damon stared at his brother unsure of whether to tell him the truth.
"Nothing." He replied eventually. "It's just a dinner party."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now