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Aurelie had directed Charlie to a mall outside of mystic falls. First they went to a salon. Aurelie had been bossy about hairstyles and makeup. "Makeup first. We need something light enough to just bring out her natural beauty. Nothing too overbearing, but not too light. This isn't a casual occasion. I think light blue eyeshadow with black eyeliner, red lipstick. No blush or concealer or anything else because there's no need. Cat eyes for the eyeliner by the way."

"God, Aurelie. You might as well do whole thing, if you're going to boss them. Just let them do their job."
"I'm doing your hair. Up, or down? I think down suits you better. Okay, chop chop people. Her makeup isn't going to do itself!"
"Who's anniversary is this again, Aurelie? Mine or yours?"
"Sorry, it's just you've been nice today, even if I've been slightly judgemental. I want you to have the best day you possibly can, you're one of the few people to ever have been nice to me. You deserve this."
"Aurelie, I'm honoured really, and don't worry. I already know you're such a witch. Once you get past that you can be nice." Charlie replied, laughing at her inside joke and the work began.

About 3 hours later, they were finally finished. They went to a dress shop next. The shop they went in looked expensive and beautiful. Aurelie headed to a saleswoman and said, "We'd like the dress for Mrs Salvatore please."
"Right this way ma'am." They told us.
"Charlie, while you try on the dress, I'm going to get something. I'll see you in a minute." Aurelie told her, and left rather quickly. The lady however quickly ushered her into a changing room and shoved a box into her hands. There was another note on top
Lottie, I thought this dress would suit you immensely. If you don't like it, feel free to check out anything else in the shop, on me. Just don't go crazy. We don't need you murdering someone over a dress. Have fun. I hope you and Aurelie are getting along.
"Take off your clothes and put this on." She said and sat outside. Charlie opened the box to see a beautiful royal blue dress. She stared in awe before quickly putting it on. She walked out a smile on her face, as the woman nodded in approval. By this time, Aurelie had come back from wherever she was with a box. Inside it lay the most gorgeous necklace that Charlie had ever seen.
"Woah." She gasped. The Golden necklace was adorned with crystals, and diamonds and other marvellous gems. "You were right, Aurelie. He really is pulling out all of the stops this year. It's gorgeous."
"He said, and I quote, 'only the best for Charlotte.' " Aurelie teased. Charlie smiled, before mock glaring at Aurelie. "Hurry now. We need to go already. I'm driving this time."
"No way. It's my car."
"Do you want to get there?"
"Fine, but I swear if I feel like you're about to hurt it in any way, any way, you will pay."
"Yeah, yeah, now hurry." Aurelie said, giving her a pair of white gloves and a blue shawl to cover.

Once they got to the car, Aurelie handed Charlie a blindfold. "I'm not allowed to let you see where we're going."
"You're kidding. What about my makeup?"
"I am a witch. I charmed the blindfold so it can't affect your makeup but no magic is used to to affect the blindfold. Rio told me I should mention that. Anyways tell me a story of you two. I need some hope for love in my life right now."
"There was this one time, when we first met and stuff and I was teaching him control, before we started dating, and Ty went to go get us some blood. It was his first break-in at a hospital and when he got out he was so guilty because someone might've needed it, so to cheer him up, I taught him compulsion. He only got disgusted because he didn't want to have the ability to brainwash someone, so instead I gave him a day as a human. He was ecstatic. I took him to Europe, for a fresh start. We went to London at first, went to a restaurant. Spent the night in a hotel overlooking the Thames river. No blood, no compulsion, no extra strength or speed or anything. Just being simply human. He had this huge smile on his face, and he kissed me. Our first kiss. He realised what he'd done and started apologising so much. He got so flustered, and was so adorable."
"Aww, I can actually imagine it all. Tiberius is a sap when it comes to you. I've seen that firsthand. Now, wait a second." There was the thump of a car door. A second later the door by Charlie's side opened. Aurelie ripped off the blindfold. "Ta-da."
"Ensnared? Hmm, I certainly did not expect this."
"Why not?"
"It's one of my investments."
"That seems kind of... down there compared to everything he's done so far." Aurelie said, eyebrows furrowed.
"Not really. It was where we went for our 78th year anniversary. Multiply that by 2 you get 156th year. Like half or something."
"You remember where he took you for every year? All 155 years so far?"
"I'm a vampire. Can't exactly go reset."
"True. Well anyhow, this is as far as I go. Enjoy. I'll meet you tomorrow at the mystic grill and you can tell me all about it. Now go, girl. Have some fun. Not too much!"
"Thanks, Aurelie. See you tomorrow."
"Wait. I almost forgot." Aurelie sprinkled something over her. She winked and said, "Magic fairy dust." as though that explained it all.

Charlie walked up to the restaurant and Emil, one of her top employees eagerly came to her. "Madame Charlotte. Right this way." He led her to a table illuminated with candlelight. There was a vase with a single red rose. Emil led her to one of the seats. On the empty plate in front of her there was another note. Smiling, she picked it up. This one was different. It looked more like a scroll tied with a red ribbon bow. She opened it up.

Lottie. Sorry I put you through a lot of stuff. Not really, actually. I'm glad because it'll make it all the more worthwhile. Today marks yet another anniversary, I know, but it means more than just that to me. It's another year I got to spend with the love of my life. My saviour. You saved me in the past, and continue to save me every day by giving me a reason to get up in the morning. You've always been there for me, and I will be there for you. I chose this place tonight for two reasons. 1) It's where we came for our 78th year anniversary. And 2) because it's a reminder of what an amazing and accomplished person you are. You've always made sure you left more than a mark on the world. You left several nuclear-bomb sized craters. And that's what I love about you. The fact that such an amazing woman continues to go out and do all sorts of rewarding things without taking credit. You could have been a regular vampire, out to get people to fear you. Instead, you created several NPOs and donate money every year. You do all you can to make sure so many people have a good place to call home. And I want you to know just what I think of you.

Forever loving, your husband who's sitting right across from you.

Charlie smiled to herself, just then realising that Rio was sitting right across from her. "Oh, Ty. You always manage to leave me speechless."
"Only the best for you, Lottie. I know you've only wanted one more thing in our life for us to be complete, and I've never been ready because I wasn't sure I could do this but as soon as the whole mess with Elena is dealt with, we should adopt. You've always wanted your own child. Now finally, we'll be able to have one."
"Just when I thought you couldn't do anything better." Tears came to Charlie's eyes, as she took in the sight of her husband. He leaned over and wiped her tears.
"Don't cry, my love. Just be happy. It's going to be weird, adopting since we're vampires and the child will wonder why we're not growing older, but we'll jump that hurdle when we come to it. Right now, I don't want to bring a child into this mess. Not whilst Klaus is after Elena."
"Of course. But I didn't get you anything quite this great. And it won't ready until next week, so I hope you can wait. Meanwhile there is something I'd like to give you. After this, I still want food. Ty, this is the best gift anyone has ever given me. Every year you manage to one-up yourself and I have no clue how next year will be any better."
"Neither do I at this point. Now come on, let's order, you can thank me later."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now