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Damon had left pretty soon after that. Something about Mason Lockwood was bothering him. And the rest of the Mystic falls Supernatural Squad were busy dealing with some of their own stuff. Not that Rio knew that. All he did was hang out with his wife and daughter. Lately he did this a lot, not that he was complaining. He loved them both and loved the fact that they were his family.

The next day, he went to school with Anya. He'd been preparing her documentation and things in order to get her enrolled. It took some compulsion, and a forger but he managed. She'd forced him to pretend she was 17, claiming she'd home schooled herself the years she was awake, and that schoolwork couldn't have changed much in the years she was awake. Besides it was only one year up. She was in Rio's art class along with Jeremy and the rest of that class.
"Alright class, we have a new student today." Rio smiled at Anya. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class."
"I'm Anya Salvatore. His step-daughter." She said jerking her hand towards Rio.
"Anything else you want to add?"
"Fine. I like to be called Ana. I like to read and I love baking. I was in a coma and recently woke up. I'm single, but not really looking for a guy right now. My dad is dead and Rio is pretty good with the whole father-figure thing. My mum and Rio got married while I was in a coma. I've travelled a lot in my life- all over Europe and the Americas. Also I'm having a party the day after tomorrow at the Salvatore boarding house if you guys wanna come."
"You are?" Rio asked her.
"Fine, just take a seat." Everyone started mumbling about how cool Rio was, not minding about the party.
"What time's the party?"
"Starts at 7, but you're welcome to come at 6 to help set up." Anya smirked.
"Alright back to class now. Art. You guys can mingle at recess or whatever."
"We don't do recess, sir. How old do you think we are? Some of us left recess behind in middle school. Others in elementary."
"Oh. Sorry, I'm still with the English way." He moved on. "Anyways, back to art. This lesson I was you guys to do something a little different. A sort of self portrait mixed with something else. Half of your face I want to be normal, and the other half I want to be something else. It could be an animal, or a ghoul or anything that merges with your face. But I want to see emotion. I want to look at both sides and tell that they both feel the same thing. This project will take a long time. Weeks, or maybe even months. Any questions?"
"Yeah, what percentage of our grade is this going to be?"
"60%" Everyone started muttering. "Yup, so you better get started."

"Hey Damon. How are you?" Rio greeted his brother on the phone, the next day.
"I just wondered if you're coming by the boarding house tonight. I'd advise you not to."
"Well, you know. I plan on having a romantic dinner, and you know. A romantic night." Rio could imagine his brother wriggling a brow.
"Whatever you say brother." He knew there was another reason to his brother's urgency not to have Rio in the house, so once he dropped Anya back at home, he went to see what his brother had planned. He spent the morning with his step-daughter, buying supplies for the party she was planning.

"Why do you have a dead vampire on the floor? Is this why you didn't want me over?" Rio asked walking into the living room in the boarding house.
"Why are you here?" Damon asked. Rio opened his mouth to answer but he didn't have the time because his neck was snapped.

"Ouch." He groaned when he woke up only for his neck to be snapped again. When he woke up again, he shot out of his space before anyone could snap his neck for a third time. "What the hell?"
"Hello. Tiberius, is it?" A man in his 50s or 60s asked.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Mikael."
"Father of Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah?"
"And a few more but yes. You've heard of me?"
"No, you had a dagger in your chest which means you're an original vampire. Mikaelson- son of Mikael, which is your name."
"You're perceptive."
"Why are you here? My brothers are trying to kill Klaus again, aren't they?"
"Yes well this time, I'm here so it will work."
"That might actually be convincing if he hadn't managed to evade you for, oh about a millennium."
"So you have no quarrel with me ending Klaus?"
"He's my friend, of course I'm against it." Damon walked inside.
"What are you doing Rio?"
"You're the one bringing a freaking vampire hunter into our lives. I mean he kills vampires. What makes you think he won't turn on you?"
"Why did you go to Klaus when you were first turned?" Stefan remarked walking in.
"Well he wasn't a vampire hunter, different story. And I went because I was a newborn vampire on a self-destructive path. You, on the other hand have so many vampire friends in this area whose lives you're risking."
"Well technically, he found us. Then forced us. We were just compliant." Damon smirked.
"Save your bull, little brother. You were seeking him out."
"Well, can't let you go off telling Klaus." Stefan replied, and Mikael-who barely a second ago was in front of him- snapped his neck.
"Oh snap!" Damon exclaimed. Stefan rolled his eyes at the bad pun. Damon raised his hands in a surrendering motion. "What? That had to hurt."
"Shut up, boy. Or I'll do the same to you." Mikael threatened.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now