Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoy my story! Be sure to comment and please vote!

Also, check out my other two books:
My Fake Boyfriend

Thanks! Enjoy.


Taylor's POV:

"Please don't ever change." I whispered to Hayes as we laid on the grass in my backyard.

We stared up at the stars as the moon dawned on us.

"Would never think of it." He chuckled.

We laid there for a while, in silence, just staring up at the sky. It was a comfortable silence, a time to just take in the moment.

"Look I know you may say it now but when fame starts to get to you, you might lose sight of what you used to be like." I said worriedly.

"I would never change who I am as a person. Especially if that meant that I hurt you." He replied. I turned on my side to look at his bright blue eyes that shined in the moonlight.

"I hope you never change." I whispered. We held each others gaze for a while until he broke the silence.

"Tay?" He asked.


"I want to tell you something before I leave tomorrow to the interview." He told me. He nervously started fidgeting around with his fingers. Ive never in the 10 years that I have known him, seen him this nervous.

"Whats up Hayes?"

"Its just, um, how do I say it? Well, uhhh, so here's the thing. I might as well go ahead and say it now. I'm in love with you. I always have been and I can't stop thinking about you. Ive always loved you more than a friend ever since I first met you when we were three.

I stared at him, my jaw dropping low to the ground like what you see in those cartoons.

I suddenly felt a rush inside of me like thats what Ive been waiting to hear since forever. I never realized that I had loved him that way too until now.

I think I might be in love with him.


"Why did you wake me up so early Hayes? Its Saturday!" I groaned.

"I'm taking you somewhere." He replied calmly as if he wasnt aware of me glaring daggers at him.

"Ughhhh why so early?" I asked.

"Because it feels good outside in the mornings." He tells me. Thats a retarded answer.

"Whatever." I groaned back, rubbing my eyes. I got out of bed and went to take a shower. When I got out, Hayes was no longer in my room, probably downstairs talking to my parents who practically loved him.

I tugged on my skinny jeans and a loose white tshirt with a blue scarf. I lazily put my brown hair into a messy bun. I applied light makeup since I knew that Hayes didn't like when I wore too much makeup, for he said I had naturally beauty which I highly doubt.

I slipped on my Sperry's and walked downstairs. Like I guessed, Hayes was downstairs talking to my parents, flashing his perfect little smile, mesmerizing them.

It was so unfair that he could just wake up and already look so perfect. Whereas I practically had to tug and pull at my hair to make it somewhat alright.

"Ready to go?" Hayes asked me.

"Yeah sure." I replied back, attempting to put a smile on my face.

Since we are only 13, we obviously don have a car yet so we walked everywhere we went.

Everything was pretty much in walking distance so it wasnt too much of a walk. We walked side by side in silence, only occasionally glancing at each other.

Hayes POV:

My thoughts were jumbled up inside my head not knowing what to do. I confessed my love for Taylor last night and she hasn't said anything about it to me since then.

I want to know whether or not she loves me back. Thats why I'm taking her on a date.

Everything I said to her was true. I truly have loved her since we first met.


"Hayes!" my mom called me.

"I'm coming Mommy!" I shouted back.

"We have new neighbors!" She told me excitingly. I skipped to the door and I saw a girl. No, more like, an angel. Her brown hair flowed past her shoulders, long and wavy. Her beautiful brown eyes stared back at me, staring back widely.

She was the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen in my entire life.

"Hayes?" My mom snapped me back to reality. My face instantly turned bright red and the little girl giggled at me. Such a beautiful sound that echoed in my head.

"Please introduce yourself to your lovely new neighbors." My mom demanded.

"Umm I'm uhhh, I'm Hayes." I said shyly.

"Hi! I'm Taylor." The little girl chirped. Taylor, I said in my head. What an amazing name.

"Hi and I'm Jennifer." said Taylors mom.


Taylors POV:

I had no clue where we were going but I knew that sooner or later we would have to face each other and talk about what he said last night. Do I love him back? Maybe but its just that he had been my best friend for as long as I could remember.

It was a touch decision but I would have to bring it up sooner or later, before Hayes left to go on the Magcon tour with Nash.

Hayes and Nash recently got all famous from making funny vines and then they got invited to Magcon.

I was really happy for Hayes, but at the same time I knew that I would miss my best friend a lot.

Hayes snapped me back to attention when he told me that we were here. I looked up and saw my favorite ice cream place, Marble Slab. I loved their ice cream and Hayes and I used to come here all the time when we were little.

I grinned from ear to ear, earning the award winning Hayes Grier smile that could instantly win the hearts of every teenage girl in the entire world.

We picked out which ice cream we wanted and then we went outside to sit down.

"Sooooo...." Hayes started.

"Sooooo...." I replied back.

"Um so I guess I better just get straight to the point here. I want to know whether or not you have feelings for me." He finally said it. My thoughts were all jumbled and fuzzy and I couldn't decide. Thats when I realized that its not up to my head to decide. Its up to my heart.

My mind told me that we have been friend for too long and I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship, but my heart told me that I have always loved him deep inside of me.

"Umm its a really hard decision but I will have to say..."


Hahhaha cliffhanger! Will she choose Hayes or will they continue being friends forever?

Please vote and post a comment! Let me know what you think! This is my first story so its probably not that good so yeah.



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