Chapter 27

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Taylor's POV:

Hayes and I went back to the south part of town to find the man I encountered yesterday. We found him back at the same spot he was yesterday.

"How do I know that you arent just lying to us and that you don't actually know where my sister is." I say.

"I'll tell you what. I will tell you where your sister is first, but you have to come back afterwards and hand me the money or else you know what will happen." He says, picking his teeth with a toothpick.

"Deal. Now where is she?" I demand.

"Follow me." He says.

He leads us down the street away from the town. Soon enough, we are in an isolated open land. From here, I couldn't see much from the tall fields and grass.

We walk further down the gravel road until I spot a large beat down house in the distance.

"Is that it?" I ask, pointing to the house.

"Yup." He answers. Hayes walks beside me and holds my hand, tightly. I squeeze back gently, reassuring him. He seems to loosen his grip on my hand more.

Once we reach the house, Hayes and I step inside.

"Now my part of the deal." He says, holding his hand out.

"Well we haven't found her yet. For all we know, you could've lied to us and will run off after you get the money." I say.

"Fine. But hurry up." He growls.

Hayes and I search around the house but find nothing. I check upstairs and into one of the rooms. Nothing.

I look in every single room until I come down to one last room.

I open it slowly, afraid of what would happen if she wasn't in there. Would that old man attack us? Would he take the money and run?

I sighed in relief but also held my breath in as I was glad to see that Addison was in that room but mad that she was passed out with smoke filled in the room and a bottle in her hand.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream at her. She wakes up and rubs her head.

"W-what time is it?" She asks, rubbing her eyes.

"7:30. At night." I say. She looks startled and confused.

"Wait so I've been here for two days?" She asks.


"It felt like hours." She says.

"What are you doing here getting high and wasted?" I ask.

"I needed an escape before we left to go to Magcon." She says.

"Well you need to find a different escape because this isn't working out. I have to give that guy $100 just to find out where you are! You can't just do that to us!" I exclaim.

"I don't give two fucks about your damn money! I would've found my way home without your help!" She yells.

"Well I'm sorry that I was just worried about you!" I scream back. Her face turns red in anger.

Her face relaxes after a while. Tears start to pour down her face and she starts to sob.

"I-I miss Mom." She admits. I sit down next to her on the bed.

"I know Addison. But that doesn't mean that you should start doing this to yourself. Mom wouldn't have wanted you to live your life this way." I tell her.

"Yeah I know. I just needed something to numb the pain and at first it worked, but every time I would go to sleep, the pain would come back again."

My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now