Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV:

I saw Jamie looking yesterday. I knew how much she loved Cameron so I decided not to comment on that.

I don't know whether or not I should tell Stephanie. There was an inner battle going on inside of my head, deciding whether or not I should tell her.

If I do, she will probably be mad at Jamie even though they aren't actually officially dating...

"Taylor! Jack G asked me out!" Of course he did. Perfect timing.

"Thats great!" I tried not to show that I was hiding something from her.

"Is something wrong?" Shit.

"No everything's fine. I'm happy for you." I put on my best smile and hugged her.


We decided to go to the beach with the boys. When we got there, they were playing beach volleyball and, of course, Addison was dominating at it.

I envied Addison. For one, she was athletic. Secondly, she was pretty. I'm mean like really pretty. She was like one of those California girls who had that perfect tan with the perfect blonde hair, with green eyes. And to top it all off, she had a dimple. Like literally, one dimple on her left cheek.

It wasn't fair. Me on the other hand, had brown hair, boring shit colored brown eyes and I was athletic in just one sport, not an all around athlete like Addison.

I was also short and Addison was tall. Addison was stylish and preppy, while I on the other hand just stuck to the basic clothing like leggings and sweatshirts, or jeans and a nice t-shirt. Definitely not all Tumblr girl like my sister.

Addison's team ended up winning(of course) and we went to go get some ice cream. I got strawberry and Hayes got vanilla.

Nash and Addison were still on a break but they were talking. I could see how awkward it was between them.

Stephanie and Jack G were holding hands, walking along the beach together. I could see Jamie sneaking glances towards Jack while he walked hand in hand with Stephanie.

I could see Jamie's scowl on her face as she watched them, staring at their hands intertwined.

Cameron continued to talk to her, not noticing her staring. Jamie just nodded her head and pretended to be interested in what he was saying, which was probably something about his modeling career.

Carter began talking to Addison for a while. I saw that they were really hitting it off at first. I know Nash was jealous but he was just trying to hide it.

Addison's POV:

Carter was so funny and he made me smile. He seemed to have that effect on people, especially girls. It definitely worked on me.

He kept showing me different vines of times when he scared his mom and how she would always go"Cartah don't do that! Cartah stop!"

It was hysterical. By the time the sun was setting, my stomach was hurting from laughing so hard.

We drove back to our hotel rooms and said goodnight. Carter insisted on walking me back to my hotel room, so I agreed. What a gentleman.

"Goodnight Addison."

"Goodnight Carter. Thanks for today!" I told him.

"Yeah I had fun. Hey um listen Ive been wanting to ask you if you wanted to go to eat lunch tomorrow with me? You don't have to but if you would like to that would mean the world to me. I didn't really know if I should ask you or not since you and Nash just broke up and-" I cut him off by crashing my lips into his. He responded by kissing me back just as harshly.

We were making out against the door when I heard someone clear their throat.

"Um if you don't mind I would like to get inside to my room." Taylor said, laughing.

"Shut up. Just get inside." I commanded, moving out of the way.

"I will see you tomorrow then." He told me.

"Yeah see ya tomorrow." I replied. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and went to his room.

I walked into our hotel room and fell asleep immediately. I dozed off into a dream filled with freedom and everything that Ive ever wanted.


Whats up yall? I'm trying to make a long chapter but its just not working out for me. Addison is horny as crap.

I feel like everyone in this book is hello hornyyyy- addison

Lets try and reach the goal of 100 reads. Thank you guys for reading my book. I hope you like it and let me know if theres anything I should change or any thoughts. -Hitomi



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