Chapter 13

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Taylor's POV:

When I woke up the next morning, Addison was gone and Hayes was sitting on a chair next to my bed, staring at me with wide eyes.

"The doctor said that you get to come home tomorrow. Your mom called and said that she wanted you to come home. So all of us will be going back to our homes. But you get to come with us to Chicago for the next Magcon, which is in two weeks, so we will get to see everybody then."

"Thats great. What about Stephanie?"

"Shes coming back to North Carolina with us."

"Cool. Am I allowed to walk around? I haven't seen the sun in a while." I chuckled.

"Let me ask." Hayes exited the room and went outside to ask the doctor. I heard muffled voices, then Hayes came back in.

"They said only for a few minutes."

"Yay!" I replied, enthusiastically. Hayes took me outside as I felt the cool breeze on my face. The sun blinded me, as if I were a vampire, hiding from the sun. Hayes took my hand in his and gently stroked my hand. I drew circles with my thumb on his hand.

"You're so beautiful. I love you so much."

"You tell me that everyday."

"I know. And I will continue to tell you that everyday until the day I die." Aww!

"I love you too Hayes." He leaned in to kiss me but before he did, he began tickling me.

"Noo! Hayes stop! Please, please!" I started giggling and I was already on the ground rolling around.

"Fine I will stop." He stopped tickling and picked me up. He carried me bridle-style back to my room. He laid me on the bed and get me a peck on the lips.

"Get a goodnights rest." Hayes smiled and left. I fell asleep instantly and couldn't help but feel anxious for tomorrow to come.

The next day, Addison came in and brought me a change of clothes to wear on the plane. I put on my sweats and a loose T-shirt. Us girls and the guys all rode to the airport to go out separate ways. Stephanie, Nash, Hayes, Addison, Cameron, and I were all going back to North Carolina to our homes. Cameron was staying with Nash so that he could be close to Stephanie. Stephanie was gonna stay with me so that she was right next door to Cameron.

When we got to our houses, my mom and my 7 year old brother, Dustin came out to give me a hug. Dustin ran up and gave me a tight squeeze of a hug and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey turtle! I missed you." Turtle was what I called Dustin because he made this adorable turtle face and I always made fun of him and told him that he was as slow as a turtle even though he was pretty fast for his age.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" He frowned and crossed his arms in disappointment.

"Whatever Turtle." I said, making sure to put emphases on the word turtle.

"Taylor." My mom said, annoyingly.

"Hi to you too Mom." She pulled me in for a hug and whispered,"We need to talk alone." I nodded my head and understood what she meant.

We all went inside and unpacked our bags while the boys went to Nash's house to unpack as well. As I unpacked in my room, my mom entered and shut the door behind her.

"I heard what happened. Why do you cut yourself? I heard that you have done it before." She looked sad, as if she were about to cry.

"I'm sorry Mom, its just that sometimes I can't stand the hate that I get, so the pain from the knife helps out. It makes me forget about the pain inside of me." I told her.

My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now