Chapter 11

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Hayes's POV:

I chased after Taylor as she ran into her room. She was fast, too fast.

"Taylor! Wait up!" I screamed. I finally came to her door and tried to open it, of course it was locked. I banged on the door yelling her name during the process.

"Open the door Taylor!" By that time, all the other guys were gathered around me.

"Step aside Hayes." Jack G said. He kicked the door a few times until it finally broke and opened. There I found Taylor lying on the ground unconscious with a knife in her hand and a deep cut in her wrist. Blood was spilling everywhere. I quickly picked up her body and we ran out towards the car, dialing 911.

Nash sped to the hospital and when we got there, we rushed into the waiting room and doctors came rushing towards us. The doctors took her into a room and told us to wait in the waiting room.

"Here Hayes." Nash handed me a stack of letters. What?

"I found them on her dresser. I think their suicide letters. There was one for you and the rest of us."

"W-what?" I choked out. She was planning to do die? Why would she leave me like that? I read the suicide note addressed to me.

Dear Hayes,

I know that if you are reading this I am gone by now. I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter. Know that it is not your fault that I am gone. It was my decision that intended to come through with. I love you and I hope you know that. Don't blame yourself for a decision that I made. Please down drown yourself in sorrow. I want you to move on and find someone who truly loves you, just as I do you. Goodbye for now. One day we will meet again in another world. I love you.

Love, Taylor

Tears fell down my cheek as I read the letter. I can't believe she would do this to her pretty little self.

I heard sniffling noises next to me and I looked over to find Nash, crying with a letter in his hands. I guess she wrote one for him too.

"I can't believe she would do this." Nash cried out.

"Me neither." I wrapped my arms around Nash and we both cried into each others shoulders. We must have looked like weirdos or like two teenage girls who just watched The Vow, but we didn't care. All we cared about was waiting until we could see Taylor. Addison was sitting next to Carter and she was also reading another one of her letters, weeping into Carters shoulder. I could tell that Nash was jealous of them but I didn't say anything.

Nash's POV:

Taylor's letter to me made me cry like a girl. I never knew she thought these things about me. It made my heart burst from what she felt about me.

Dear Nash,

If you are reading this, I must be dead. I want you to know that you have always felt like a brother to me, even when you and Addison werent dating. And a little secret between you and me; Addison still loves you. She tells me every night that she wishes that you would forgive her and take her back. Now I'm not forcing you to date her again, but I just want you to know that he heart is still true to you, despite the fact that she is dating Carter. And yeah she may like him, but I don't see the same love in her eyes when she looks at him than when she looks at you. I believe that she learned her lesson. I hope you find a way to forgive her, even if you continue to be friends. And for Hayes, well I know he will be heartbroken but I want you to watch him. I want you to make sure that he moves on and that he doesn't cave in his room, doing nothing because of me. I don't want him to drown in his own sorrow. Please take care of him. I love you Nash, as if you were my own brother. I want you to know that there has always been a special place in my heart for you. I love you. Goodbye for now Nash. I will see you in 80 years. Don't come any sooner than that!

Love, Taylor

I didn't want her to leave me. Just as she had said that I was like a brother to her, well she was like a sister to me. I loved her just as she had loved me and I just hope that the doctors can save her.

They must save her. I don't know what I would do without her. Hayes would be devastated.

I prayed the entire time that we had to wait. Hayes and I cried into each other and I looked over and saw Addison crying too. She too had a letter in her hand.

She cried into Carter's arm and I wish that that were me. And it could be me too. That Should Be Me played in my head and I decided to make a move.

"Addison, can we talk?"


Thats right! A cliffhanger. Well guys we reached the goal of 100 reads so what about 1,000? I know thats a long ways away but hey, anything could happen. Haha ellie goulding.

But yeah thanks for all your support! So do you think Taylor's gonna die? We will see. I will update tomorrow and you can find out. Don't forget to check out Saving Lives(A Hayes Grier Fanfic). Trust me, its even better than this one.

Well thanks again!


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