Chapter 12

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Addison's POV:

"Addison, can we talk?" Nash asked me with blood shot eyes. He looked as if he'd been crying for hours and then I noticed the letter in his hand.

So he got one too. Taylor wrote me my letter and I couldn't even bear to read it. Every time I even glanced at it, tears would already start forming.

"Y-yeah sure." I choked out. I must have looked just as miserable. We walked down the hall to have some privacy.

"Listen I have been thinking and Taylor told me about how you still love me and how you wish that I would forgive you every night, in her letter that she wrote me. Ive been wanting to forgive you, its just that you cheated on me. And it wasnt just one of those cheating by a kiss, you cheated on me by sex." Nash cried out.

"I know and I'm so sorry-"

"You didn't let me finish. And even though ive thought about it for a long time and no matter what you did, I couldn't live my life knowing that I never forgave you. And Taylor wants me to forgive you too whether we date again or if we just become friends. Ive thought about it a lot for the past few hours and ive decided that I want you to love me again. I want you to hold me like the way you used to when I was down. I want to be there for you when times are hard, like now. Seeing you in Carter's arms killed me. Carter is cool and hes like a brother to me, but your my one and only love and I wanted that to be me." Nash admitted. By now, I was crying tears of joy. I have been waiting for months now until he forgave me. I responded by crashing my lips into his. No one could break this moment. This moment where we express our feelings towards each other. His warm lips on mine bring back so many memories. No one could ruin this-

"Excuse me? Are you Taylor Johnson's sister?" A doctor asked me. I quickly pulled away from Nash and nodded my head to the doctor.

"Yes I am. Is she alive?" I rushed out the words.

"Miss Johnson, it is a miracle that she survived. The cut was really deep and she lost about 75% of her blood but we saved her and she is okay. Now she will be tired for a few days and she will look pale but thats normal. For right now, I think only a couple of people should come and see her. We don't want her to freak out and become overwhelmed." The doctor informed us. Nash and I nodded our heads and followed the doctor. We motioned for Hayes to come join us.

The doctor led us to a room and he opened the door. There we saw Taylor lying there will a tube in her arm with blood coming through it.

"We had to transfer blood through her body to make up for the blood that she lost." The doctor noticed my worrying face when I saw the tube. She had a mask over her mouth, she breathed in and out.

"Taylor?" I called out. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Hey." She replied.

"Oh my gosh Taylor! I was so worried. I thought you going to-" I cried out. Just as I thought I couldn't produce any more tears, tears poured down my face. I smiled back at her, hugging her tightly. Hayes embraced her next with a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Nash then came over and gave her a hug.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

"No its not your fault." I reassured her. I couldn't have her thinking that it was her fault.

"It was nobody's fault." I told her calmly. "Now you get some rest." She slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. I eventually fell asleep too, in my chair.

I woke up to Taylor smiling at me. I yawned then looked at my phone to check the time. It was noon and I realized how starving I was.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat. I will come back in thirty minutes." I told her. As I exited, Hayes walked in behind me.

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