Chapter 29

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Taylor's POV:

"Who was that?" Nash asks me.

"Addison." I whisper.

"She didn't... Oh no..... This is bad...but I didn't.... Oh shit....shit,shit,shit." Nash rambles on while pacing across the room.

"We have to explain to her what really was going on." I say.

"But she won't listen. She will just run away and ignore us or not believe us." Nash says.

"You're right. But we have no other choice. We have to try." I say.

"Hey, you guys still up?" Hayes comes down the stairs asking.

"I think I have a plan." Nash suddenly says while smirking at Hayes.

"No. Are we telling him?" I ask.

"We have to. Its our only choice if we want Addison to know the truth." Nash says. Hayes looks at us with a confused expression.

"Tell me what?" He asks.

"Come sit down Hayes. And listen to it all and let us explain before you jump to any conclusions." I tell him.

"Okay." Hayes says and comes to sit with us on the couch.

"So pretty much Nash told me that he wanted to propose to Addison and-" i tell him.

"Congrats man!" Hayes interrupts me while patting Nash on the back.

"Thanks." Nash says.

"Um hello? No interruptions! So anyways, Nash wanted to propose to Addison and so I told him to practice on me because Nash was nervous and didn't know how to tell her. So Nash got on one knee and pretended to propose to me, telling me all the things that he would say to Addison but then i guess Addison overheard and we heard the door slam shut. So now I'm pretty sure she won't let us explain and you're our only hope now because she doesn't suspect that you know anything." I explain to him.

"Wow. Thats a lot to take in. So you want me to explain to Addison what happened?"

"Yes. Just first, pretend like you didn't know what happened and comfort her but then start telling her what may have happened when, in reality, you are actually telling her what really happened. Got it?" I ask.

"Got it." Hayes says.

"Okay good. So maybe talk to her when we get to Chicago?" Nash says.

"Okay, sounds good. Well I'm gonna get to bed. Goodnight babe." Hayes says.

"Goodnight." I say giving him a kiss on the lips.

Hayes and Nash go up to their rooms and I walk back over to my house. It was gonna be hard not to see Addison since we lived in the same house, which meant that it would be pretty hard for her to avoid me.

When I got inside, Dad was already upstairs in his room and so was Addison. As I figured, her door was locked.

"Addison?" I called while knocking.

"Go away!" Addison shouted from the other side.

"Addison please listen to me! You don't understand what happened. Just let me explain." I say.

"Explain? Explain what? How you were cheating with my boyfriend and he now suddenly asked you to marry him? What is there to say Taylor? I don't even understand how he can even propose to you since you're fucking 14!" Addison yells.

"Exactly! Thats why I need to explain." I beg.

"There's nothing to explain. I'm done." Addison says.

"Addison please-"

"Just stay the hell away from me! Leave me the fuck alone!" Addison screams.

I walk away from her door and head to my room. Now it was all up to Hayes.


The next day, we loaded up our bags into Nash's truck because he was driving us. Addison was going with Jack G, obviously.

So it was me, Nash, Hayes, Jamie, Cam, and Matt in one car and Jack G, Jack J, Stephanie, Carter, Addison, and Shawn.

Shawn's new girlfriend was gonna meet us up at the hotel in Chicago.

When we got to the airport, Addison didn't do as much as look at me the whole time. She didn't look at Nash either. She just pretended to be having a good time chatting with Carter.

We boarded the plane and I ended up sitting at the window seat next to Hayes and Nash.

Addison sat next to Carter and Shawn. Of course. I could see out of the corner of eyes, her staring at us. I pretended not to notice.

I fell asleep on Hayes's shoulder and was woken up by Hayes shaking me.

When we got to the hotel, I found out that I was staying in a room with Stephanie, Jamie, and Shawn's new girlfriend, Melody.

No Addison. I wonder who she was staying with.

"Hey Carter?" I ask.


"Who's Addison staying with?" I ask him.

"Shes staying with me, Cam, and Matt." He says.

"Oh okay." I say. Of course shes staying with Carter. Shes been cozying up to Carter lately and I didn't like it.

"Everything alright with you and Addison. She seems to be avoiding you and Nash" he says.

"Yeah its fine." I lie. He nods but I can tell he doesn't believe it but he doesn't push it any further.

"Okay see you for Magcon tomorrow?" He says.

"Yeah definitely." I say. I walked up to our room and opened the door to find Hayes already there.

"Stephanie let me in." Hayes tells me. I nod my head.

"What're you doing here?" I ask him.

"I talked to Addison."


One more chapter! Oh my gosh! I have had such a fun time writing this story. I wish I could write more chapters but i just don't feel that it could go on any longer.

Time to end it. Thanks for all of your support and I remember at the beginning when I first started writing this story, all I asked for was 50 reads and now I'm at 4.6k so I'm so excited and happy.

I never thought our book would get this many reads. Dream come true. Thanks again!


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