Chapter 30

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Taylor's POV:

"Well what did she say?" I ask him.

"I told her that it was meant to be a surprise and that Nash was gonna propose to her, not you. She got all confused and she finally came into realization. She said she's sorry."

"Wow. Now she knows. How is Nash supposed to propose to her now?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"We need to think of a plan that could still give Addison a little surprise. Something she's not expecting." I say.

"Maybe we should tell Addison the day he's proposing to her on but trick her and do it on an earlier date." Hayes says.

"That could work. And then she wouldn't be expecting until the next day and she would be thrown off guard. Good job Hayes." I say, rewarding him with a kiss on his lips.

"Thanks babe." He says.

Addison's POV:

After what Hayes told me, I'm actually shocked. I had no idea that Nash was planning to propose to me at all.

It makes me feel so giddy inside. I can't hardly contain my emotions. But I also feel guilty for jumping to conclusions and for ignoring Nash and Taylor.

I walk to Nash's room and knock on the door. Nash opens it and I can tell by the shocked look on his face that he wasnt expecting me.

"What are you doing here?" Nash asks.

"I came to say that I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and thinking thar you were cheating on me and proposing to Taylor which is stupid. I wasnt even thinking straight because there's no possible way that anyone would propose to a 14 year old and-"

Nash cuts me off by grabbing my hips and pulling them towards him. He leans down and kisses me passionately. His tongue moves in a swift motion that goes in sync with mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me inside the hotel room, never breaking the kiss. He sets me down softly on the bed and starts to suck on my neck. He makes his way down to my breasts and squeezes lightly.

"Am I interrupting?" A voice says behind us. We both turn to see Cam standing there, staring at us with a wide smirk on his face.

"Shut up Cameron. Go back out." I tell him.

"Be safe kids." He says and walks back out the door.

^^^^^THE NEXT DAY^^^^^^^^

Hayes's POV:

This was our last stop on tour and I wanted to make sure that it would be memorable for Taylor. I loved her and I wanted her to know that.

I got a portion of money from all the guys and added it to the money that I have saved up for years now. My plan was to get One Direction and 5SOS to play at Magcon just for Taylor.

Those were her two favorite bands and I always hear her fangirling about them. I know that she will freak out when she finds out, only that it will be a surprise.

I have already called their managers and assigned them to come today for Magcon, when we meet and greet all the other girls.

They are in for a little treat too. Taylor would love it and I would finally get to tell her how much I love her.

Nash's POV:

Today was the day. In three hours, I would propose to the most beautiful-lest girl in the world and I couldn't be more nervous.

Hayes told me about his plan about telling Addison that I would propose to her tomorrow when actually I would today. I did as told so that we could surprise her today.

My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now