Chapter 25

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Addison's POV:

I search everywhere for Luke. He was the only one who didn't treat me like some fucked up pieced of shit. I found him still sitting on the swing where I had left him.

I walk over to him and sit in the swing beside him.

"Hey, you're back." He says in that cute Australian accent.

"Yeah. I'm back. Am I fucked up?" I ask him. He looks surprised but thinks about it for a second.

"No. I just think that you are in a bad place right now. Your depressed that your mom died and you feel that nothing can make you feel better even though thats not true. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself." He says.

"I don't feel sorry for myself. I'm tired of being hurt and left behind." I admit.

"There are people out there who love you and would never leave you, me included. You've got the Magcon boys who are like your brothers and you've got your sister and Hayes. You also have Nash. As much as it hurts me to say this, you belong with Nash. You and him are soul mates." He says.

"I don't have time for love. The less people you love, the less you get hurt." I say. Luke sighs and shakes his head.

"The more you love, the better a person you are." He comes back.

"Touché." I say, smirking.

"See, I've got you smiling. And don't even try to hide it now." He demands.

"I just don't want to be hurt again." I start to weep.

"Hey, its okay. There are people in this world who will leave this world but that doesn't mean that they have left you. They will always be in your heart watching over you." He tells me.

I nod. Luke takes his thumb and brushes it over my tears and wipes them away.

"Thanks. But I don't know if I can ever change who I am. This is who I have become and I can't change who I am." I tell him.

"Then try changing who you are for the people you love." He says.

"I don't know if I can." I tell him.

"Try. Let me know if you ever need anything. I will always be here for you." He tells me and starts to walk away.

He leaves me alone, sitting on the swing, thinking about what he said. I can't change though. I have drilled it into my head that this is who I am now.

Once it starts to get dark, I walk back to my house and open the door. There in the living room, I find all the Magcon guys sitting there on the couch. Once they see me, they smile and wave.

"What the hell Taylor? You can't just invite them whenever you feel like it!" I snap at her. Try changing, Lukes words echo through my head.

"I mean, why did they come so late?" I try softening my voice. Taylor looks surprised and so do the boys but they quickly recover.

"Well I invited them because I thought you could use some laughter. Actually they wanted to ask you something." She says.

"What do you want?" I huff at them.

"Well, uh, we wanted to know if you wanted to come back to Magcon with us to Florida." Cameron asks. Stephanie is also here, along with Jamie.

"I don't know." I say. I turn around and stomp up the stairs into my room, slamming the door. I overhear the rest of them talking once I leave.

"What happened to her?" I hear Cameron ask.

"Shes been depressed lately because of our mom's death." Taylor answers.

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