Chapter 3

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Taylors POV:

I woke up the next morning to a sleepy Hayes next to me. I got out of bed and went to go brush my teeth.

I always kept a spare tooth brush for me since I slept over a lot. I even kept a spare piece of clothing in his dresser just for times like these.

Oh I sure will miss Hayes when he leaves. Oh shit! Oh my gosh!

"Hayes!!!! Hayes wake up!!!" I shook him hardly until his eyes shot open.


"I thought you had an interview yesterday!!! You told me that you had to leave to go to the interview yesterday but you missed it!" I yelled at him.

"Oh my gosh Tay. I already took care of that. I called early yesterday morning and I told them that I would reschedule for Monday which is a day after tomorrow. Gosh Tay. You woke me up for nothing." Hayes explained to me.

"Oh. Why did you have to reschedule. You didn't have to hang out with me."

"But I needed to know. I needed to know whether or not you had feelings for me." He tells me.

"Oh...." I say.

"So are you not gonna come to school anymore?" I ask him.

"Well I will be homeschooled now."

"What?!! Now I won't have anyone to hang out with the entire school days until forever!"

"Hey you have Stephanie. Shes your best friend." He reminds me.

"Yeah but your my best friend, but I guess your right. I will just hang out with Addison." I give in.

We ate breakfast and thought of something to do that day. We ended up just playing video games and watching more sad movies.

Monday came by in a blur and it was already time for Hayes to leave to go to California.

Not only was Hayes and Nash having an interview, but they were also starting their Magcon tour in Cali.

Hayes was leaving around the same time that I would be leaving for school so we would get to say our goodbyes. He wouldn't be back until another month. This was gonna be a tough one month.

Mrs. Grier was gonna take the boys to the airport so I decided to miss my first couple periods and go to the airport with them to say my goodbyes to Nash and Hayes.

"Hey Tay I'm gonna miss you so much!" He said giving me a big and tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too Hayes." I hugged him back. He gave me a kiss on the cheek then worked his way to my lips and planted a small but loving kiss on my lips.

He smiled at me then went to go to his flight. Nash gave me a quick hug and we said our goodbyes.

Hayes looked back and waved and I waved back. I don't know how I was gonna survive a whole month. I didn't even know if we were official or not.

I went back home and got my mom to drive me to school. The rest of the day, all I could think about was Hayes through all of the boring classes talking about history or what -4-7+(-8) equaled.

When I got home, I switched the TV on. There I saw Hayes and Nash sitting, being interviewed by Ellen.

I turned up the volume to listen.

"So Hayes, you are a handsome young man, don't get any ideas here, don't worry I don't like you," The crowd laughed as she continued on,"So you must have a girlfriend don't you?" Ellen asked him.

This was the moment that I was waiting for. Now I would get to hear Hayes says that we were official.

"Actually no I don't have a girlfriend." WHAT??!!

"Do you have any crushes or a girl back at home that you like?"

"Psshh of course not. There are way too many beautiful young girls out here in the crowd for me to be swooning over someone from home." Hayes replied. My jaw dropped. I couldn't speak. All I could feel was anger build up inside of me. He didn't just say that did he?

Tears trickled down my cheek. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned off the TV and bolted upstairs, jumping on to my bed and burrowing my face into my pillow.

I cried and cried until nothing else could come out.

"Honey? Whats the matter?" My mom asked me as she entered the room. Shit she must have heard me crying.

"I'm fine." I said wiping away my tears.

"No honey you are not fine. Look at you! There are tear stains all over your face."

"I'm just having some boy problems, thats all." I told her.

"Well you can tell me. I am your mom after all. You can tell me anything."

"Well this guy told me that he liked me and I realized that I had liked him back and so I told him and I thought that we were dating. But then when someone asked him if he was dating anyone, he said that he wasnt. And then that person asked him if he even liked anyone and he said no!" I cried even harder.

"Oh its okay. Boys can be misunderstanding sometimes. I'm sure this boy didn't mean to say it like that or he maybe he didn't know if you wanted it to be official."

"Well he couldve at least said that he liked someone." I said back.

My mom hugged me and I leaned into her shoulder, crying away all my hate and anger.

Hayes POV:

"So Hayes, you are a handsome young man, don't get any ideas here, don't worry I don't like you," The crowd laughed as she continued on,"So you must have a girlfriend don't you?" Ellen asked me.

Uh-oh. I don't know if Taylor wanted me to make it official, especially in front of the whole world.

I couldn't think straight and the crowd was staring back at me with wide eyes, waiting for me to respond.

I panicked and I just let my mouth say what it wanted to without me thinking about what I was gonna say.

"Actually no I don't have a girlfriend." I said, realizing what I had just said but it was too late. I couldn't take them back now.

"Do you have any crushes or a girl back at home that you like?" I can't tell everyone. Then everyone will get up in my business about the whole thing asking me who my crush is. I couldn't possibly do that to Taylor.

"Psshh of course not. There are way too many beautiful young girls out here in the crowd for me to be swooning over someone from home." I replied. I sounded like a complete dick. I hope Taylor isnt mad at me. Oh shit Taylor! Oh my gosh, what have I done?


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