Chapter 16

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Hayes's POV:

I'm such an idiot. I'm such a God damn idiot. What was I thinking? I risked my relationship with the girl I love just to have some girl try to pleasure me? How stupid that sounds. She's never gonna forgive me. What have I done? My head raced with thoughts and questions, regretting my actions. I have to find her and apologize.

I got up from my bed and raced over to her house within seconds and knocked on the door. Addison opened it and before I could say anything, she said,"We need to talk." I realized that she wasnt just talking about me and her needing to talk. Once she opened the door wider, I could see her mom, her dad, my mom, my dad, Nash, and Taylor all sitting there. Cameron and Stephanie also joined the party. What's this all about. The others looked just as confused as I was except Nash.

Taylor looked at me then looked away when I looked back at her. I decided to sit next to Nash on the couch.

"So, whats up?" I asked curiously. Nash stood up from where he was sitting and walked over to stand next to Addison.

"Well, me and Addison have something to tell you guys and you can't freak out." Nash told us. We all nodded our heads and waited for them to tell us.

"Well we're, I mean uhh I'm-I'm pregnant with our baby." Addison said. This wasnt at all like anything in the movies. There was no tears of joy, more like tears of fear. There was no hugging and kissing or cheers. There was complete and utter silence. And this wasnt a comfortable silence to take the information in. This was an uncomfortable silence. Addison's dad was the first one to say something.

"You guys had sex? Without a condom? Nash you knocked up my little girl and get her pregnant and thats all you have to say for yourself?!" He huffed. His face turned redder by the minute. His wife tried to pull him down but he was already standing and charging towards Nash.

"Dad! Stop! This isnt all his fault! Its my fault too! Don't blame it all on Nash." Addison yelled, trying to hold her dad back.

"I love her John. I love her so much and I'm gonna stick with her until the day I die. If your afraid I'm gonna leave her, don't be. I will stay by her side. I will never leave her." Nash promised.

"You will. Once you realize the responsibilities of being a father at the age of 16."

"No I won't. I love Addison and I would never do such a thing to her. If I do, you can come hunt me down and hurt me if you want to, but I promise you I will never leave her." Nash said without a moments hesitation.

Addison's dad paced back and forth not looking at Nash. His wife tried to calm him down and pulled him down to sit with her. I looked over at Taylor and saw a shocked look. She was picking at her braces, which I have noticed ever since she first got them, that this was a sign of her thinking really hard on something. I wanted to walk over and say something to comfort her, but I knew that now wasnt the time for me to get involved.

My parents were crying in each other's arms. Maybe I should be crying too, but I wasnt. There was no point. Everyone sat here crying when honestly, whats so bad about a baby now? They love each other so it should be okay right?

"Guys whats the matter with you? Why are you all so dramatic about this situation?" I started.

"Hayes..." My mom tried to get me to shut up but I wasnt giving in.

"Honestly guys. They love each other and you said that we could have sex for as long as it was with someone we love and I know for sure that Nash loves Addison and that Addison loves Nash, so whats wrong with them having a baby? We should be embracing this moment, not crying about it and trying to avoid it." I said. I noticed that Taylor was now listening intently and began picking at her braces again, staring at the floor. Everyone seemed to take in what I just said, until Addison's dad broke the silence.

"Look Hayes I know it may seem like that but having a baby is harder than it looks. Its not just, heres the baby, and heres all the stuff and money for the baby, no, its a lot harder than that. You would have to quit school, get a job while being homeschooled and you would both have to take care of the baby so say goodbye to parties and all that shit that teenagers should be doing." I stayed quiet and thought about his response. He was right and I was speechless. Taylor was looking at me shocked. She looked surprised that I stood up for them.

"Well we can't just sit here and cry about it all day long. Its gonna happen whether we like it or not and its better id we welcome it with open arms instead of being afraid for it to come. We either approach it one way or another but either way, we still have to do it." I told everyone. Nash, Addison, and Taylor all nodded their heads in agreement. My parents and Addison's mom started to nod their heads slowly too. Addison's dad, however, was still a little harder to convince. Nevertheless he began nodding his head to.

After this whole fiasco happened I was destined to find Taylor. I found her in the kitchen, staring at the wall. She looked up when I walked in and then began staring at the wall again.

"Look Taylor, you don't know how sorry I am. I was being really stupid. I don't know why I did it-" I started until Taylor cut me off.

"No, you look Hayes! You cheated on me fair and square. There is no exception for that." She snapped at me, now standing up in my face. I decided to take this chance to lean in and kiss her, but right when my lips connected with hers, she pulled away and slapped me on the cheek.

"Your gonna have to try much harder than a kiss." And with that, she walked away.

"Dammit!" I shouted and punched my fist against the wall, leaving a little dent. My fists began bleeding and I rushed to clean the wound. I needed to think of a way to win Taylor's heart back. I had to or she wouldn't take me back and I couldn't live another day without knowing shes mine, without holding her in my arms. I needed her. She was my life and soul. And thats when an idea struck.

Addison's POV:

I didn't know what to say after the little talk we had with our families. Hayes stood up for us and I couldn't believe it. Those were the exact words that I was searching around to say, but I couldn't say them. I was grateful that he said them for me. I could tell that Nash was relieved also. I took Nash in my arms and began moving my hand up and down his back to comfort him.

"I'm scared. What if we can't do this? What if it is too hard for us to handle?" Nash questioned.

"Baby, we can get through anything, trust me. We can do this together Nash. I will be with you throughout this whole thing." I reassured him.

"Okay." Nash replied. We laid down on the couch together and cuddled. We stayed there in silence, until Nash said,"I wanna take you somewhere. Come on." He got up and pulled me along with him. I wondered where we were going. We went outside, into Nash's car and drove to this mystery place.

Ten minutes later, we were pulling in a mysterious place. I couldn't tell where we were since Nash decided to blind fold me. Nash got out of the car and opened the door for me, leading me to the mystery place.

"Can I take it off now?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied. I yanked off the bandana and saw the beautiful ocean in front of me. I was standing in the sand, curling my toes to feel the sand in my toes. The sun was just about to set to release a gorgeous color of pink and orange. Nash pulled me down to the ground with him and we laid there, waiting for the sun to set.

"Its so peaceful here. Sometimes I would come here to think about something or to release my stress." Nash tells me. I nod my head and lie my head on top of Nash's chest. These are the moments. These moments like this are what makes this baby's life worth living for. We needed to have this baby. Nash and I could make it work. We could do this. The sun began to set now, pink, red, and orange spreading the sky like jam. It was indescribable. I felt closer to Nash in a way. We huddled together, lying in peace, for this was the only place in the world where we didn't have to care what people thought of us. It was our escape from the world. Our own little world inside our heads. We were the rulers and nothing could stop us.


So..... The baby. Do you think they will actually make it through? We'll see. Thanks guys for all your support! Don't forget to check out My Fake Boyfriend, another love story by Addison and I. It isnt a fan fiction but it is a love story between two teenagers. Hope you like it! I will update tomorrow or Sunday.


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