Chapter 26

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Taylor's POV:

My heart beat faster and faster as we searched everywhere but couldn't find her. Every place we stopped to find her and ended up finding nothing, made me feel sick. I wanted to throw up from all the anxiety I felt.

I couldn't lose her. Addison was my right hand man, my sister and my best friend. I loved her and without her in my life, I couldn't possibly be able to live. She was all I had left.

"Addison!" I called out her name. The places she should've been were empty.

After two hours of looking around, everyone grew tired and wanted to leave.

"There's no point Taylor. We can't find her. If she ran away then she wanted to leave. We can't do anything about that." Jamie says.

"What the hell Jamie?! Thats my sister and we are gonna keep looking until we find her! I'm not gonna just allow her to run away from all her problems! You selfish bitch!" I yell at her. Her face turns red as she charges towards me.

"Now you listen here Taylor! You think everything and everyone is supposed to revolve around you. You expect us to always think of your life first. You always throw your problems at us! Now who's the selfish bitch? Have you ever cared what was going on in my life? No. You have never asked how I was doing or anything because all you ever cared about was your own problems!" She yells in my face, pointing a finger at me.

"I-I'm sorry." I croak out. I never knew that I was caught up in my life but now that I think about it, I never really asked anybody how they were doing.

"Look I'm sorry too but someone had to say it." She says.

"Yall thought that too?" I ask. Everyone nods their heads. Wow. I'm was being a selfish bitch and nobody decided to tell me until now.

"I'm sorry guys for being caught up in my life. There's just been a lot going on lately since my mom died so I'm gonna try harder now." I tell them. They all nod.

"Let's keep searching." Jamie says. I smile at her.

"Thanks." I say. She nods her head and we continue to look around for Addison.

We finally give up after another hour has passed with no luck. It is already midnight and we are all tired and hungry.

We walk back to mine and Hayes's house. Hayes decides to stay with me to comfort me.

"Hey baby, we will find her." He whispers as we lay in bed together.

"Thanks. I just don't understand why she would run away when she agreed to go to Magcon with us." I tell him.

"I don't understand either. Maybe she just needed some time alone to think." He suggests. I shrug my shoulders even though I know he can't see me in the dark.

"I just hope we find her soon." I say.

"Yeah me too." He replies. I lay there in silence and stare up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, knowing that my sister was out there by herself at night. Where could she possibly be?

"I love you Hayes." I whisper into his ear.

I turn to look at him and hear him snore. I smile and snuggle up with him which makes me feel safe. He was the only one that could make me feel safe.

I fell asleep in his arms, thinking about all the places she could be. I needed as much rest as I could get so that I could go search for Addison again in the morning.

I woke up from Hayes standing up from the bed. I crack open one eye and see Hayes standing up and stretching.

"Morning." I say.

My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now