Chapter 15

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Hayes's POV:

Buzz, buzz. The sound of my phone buzzing woke me up. I groaned and rolled over to see who it was.

Savannah: Hey sexy beast. Lets meet up somewhere today.

Me: Savannah, you know I am dating Taylor.

Savannah: Taylor can't give you what you want, but I can.

Me: I can't Savannah. She would never forgive me.

Savannah: You know where to find me when you change your mind.

Me: I don't need you.

Savannah: Oh don't worry babe, you will come crawling back to me when you get bored of Mrs.GoodyTwoShoes.

Me: And how are you so sure of that?

Savannah: Oh you'll see. Bye babe. See ya later.

Me: Bye Savannah.

I turned my phone off and got out of bed. I needed to clear my head from Savannah. I needed a distraction. I changed into a tshirt and jeans and walked over to Taylor's house. The door was always open in the mornings, so I just let myself in.

I found Taylor in her room, listening to music. I came over and began kissing her all over. I put my hands on her breasts and thats when she pushed me off.

"Woah there. Whats up with you?" Taylor asked me, looking surprised.

"Nothing. I just miss you." I began kissing her on the neck again and put my hands back on her chest. Taylor pushed me off again.

"Look Hayes, you know how I feel about this. Not now." Taylor said, seriously. I frowned and got up. "Hayes, don't be mad. Sit down."

"No I'm not gonna sit down." I huffed.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm just not ready." She told me.

"Your right. I'm sorry. I understand. I can wait." I smiled at her to comfort her. You'll get bored of her, Savannah's words replayed in my head. Am I getting bored? No stop Hayes. You love Taylor. Don't do it.

You know you want it, my annoying subconscious adds. Shut up. I can't. She will be mad. Unless she doesn't find out.

"Hey uh I'm gonna go meet up with some friends. I will catch you later." I lied to her. I can't believe I just did that.

"Are you sure your okay?" She asked me looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fantastic." I reassured her. She smiled and told me to go have fun. I kissed her goodbye and once I got out, I texted Savannah.

Me: Hey meet me at the park in five minutes.

Savannah: Okay babe. See ya then.

I walked over to the park and waited for Savannah. I saw her walking towards the park in some stripper looking outfit. A crop top without high rise shorts so her belly was pretty much showing, with bootie shorts. Slut.

"Hey babe. I knew you would come back to me." She smirked.

"I'm not coming back to you."

"Then what are you doing here?" She smiled. She knew she got me. What was I doing here? I have an amazing girlfriend. But I needed some time off.

"Don't worry. I will make you feel better." She said to me, gripping onto my shirt and began making out with me. All my thoughts about Taylor, disappeared completely.

Taylor's POV:

Hayes seemed a little suspicious when he said he was gonna meet up with friends. He didn't really have much friends from school besides me and Stephanie. I wonder who he's meeting up with? Being the curious son of a bitch I am, I searched to find Hayes.

I sounded like some overly-attached annoying girlfriend. What am I thinking? I must look crazy, stalking my boyfriend. Its his life. He can do whatever he wants. I shouldn't be looking to see what hes actually doing.

He probably is out with some friends. Maybe he found some new friends. Who knows? I figured that maybe he and his friends would be at the park since there was a football field there. I walked over to the park and saw something I wish I never had. I should never have came. I knew I shouldn't have. Its all my fault!

Leaning against a tree, I saw Hayes pushing Savannah against the tree, making out with her, and touching her. No wonder he was acting so weird. This is all my fault. Its my fault I didn't give him what he wants, so he ran off to Savannah to get it. But that still doesn't give him the right to just cheat on me whenever he wants. And Savannah. Oh that little bitch. I'm gonna fucking kill her.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. Hayes's head snapped up and looked shocked as he stared at me. Savannah just smirked and stared at me, with a winning smile.

"How could you?" I asked Hayes, disgusted.

"I-I..." Hayes was speechless. I just shook my head and walked off. I didn't care about Hayes calling after me. I just kept walking towards my house. Don't look back, don't look back.

Nash's POV:

W-what? Pregnant? My head started spinning and the world began to sway back and forth. I paced back and forth not knowing what to say. Darkness took over the place of my vision.

A while later, I woke up on the couch with Addison staring at me with wide eyes.

"Oh good, your awake." She said to me.

"Yeah. What happened?"

"You fainted for about ten minutes." She said.

"Oh. So, your pregnant?"

"Yeah. I was afraid you would be mad. You can't leave me Nash!" Addison started to cry and I brought her head into my chest. Yes, it was a lot to take in but I couldn't leave Addison alone with a baby since I was somewhat responsible for this too. I knew that Addison wouldn't give her baby up for adoption and she sure as hell wouldn't do an abortion.

"Im shocked and scared. But I would never leave you alone. Especially with a baby. I will be here for you. I won't leave your side, its just a lot to take in." I admitted to her. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Thank you." She said to me. She laid down beside me on the couch and we cuddled there together in silence. A completely comfortable silenced that was welcomed. It only then occurred to me the roles of being a dad. How would we do it? What about Magcon? What about going to school? All these unanswered questions ran wildly though my head. How will we make it through? I looked at Addison, peacefully sleeping and felt a pang of guilt. It was my fault. I should have been smart enough to remember the condom. I wish I could be there for you Addison. I'm not good enough for you. What would I do without her?


So he stayed with her! Yay! Whats gonna happen to Hayes and Taylor? Will they get back together or will he date that slut Savannah? We'll see.

Thank you guys for your support. I try to make the chapters somewhat long. I'm getting there. I will update again maybe either tomorrow or Saturday.



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