Chapter 19

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Taylor's POV:

I hate him. I despise him. I loathe him. I thought he cared about me and truly loved him but I was obviously fooled. First he cheated on me and now he lied to me. I can't take it anymore. He can go die in a fucking hole. What a dick. I storm into my hotel room, Matt seeing me, he follows.

"Whats wrong babe?" He asks worryingly.

"Hayes. Hes such a dick!" I shout. Im now heaving and huffing full of anger.

"What did he do?" He asks.

"He lied to me. That whole Carter and Hayes "accidentally" got into a fight was a bunch of bullshit. Hayes found out that me and you were dating so he decides to try and come find you and to possibly beat you up. Carter stopped him and they got into a fight. Thats what really happened." I inform Matt.

"Wow. I guess I have to thank Carter then."

"Yeah definitely." I nod my head.

"Come here babe." He motions me to come lay on the bed with him. I walk over and lay my head on his chest. Now I'm calm.

Hayes's POV:

"I'm so stupid!" I scream. I take the hotel phone and throw it at the wall, it shattering into a million pieces. I stumble over and try to pick up all the pieces.

"Shit shit shit." I mumble. Carter comes in from the bathroom and looks like he just saw a ghost.

"Fuck, man you broke it. Now we owes them money. Good job. Look okay you need to calm down. The meet and greet starts in an hour and if you don't get your shit together, we are screwed. Don't mess this up Hayes over a mistake that you made." He says sternly.

"Fine." I huff and sit down on the bed. I try to calm myself down by scrolling through pictures of Taylor and I together, though it doesn't help. It actually does the exact opposite. I start to cry but instantly brush them away. I can't do this. Not before the meet and greet. I need to put on a good face and at least pretend to be happy.

I decide to take a shower to wipe away my emotions. The shower actually helps and I feel much calmer by the time I get out. I change into shorts and a t-shirt and walk downstairs. I walk into the room and hear thousands of girls screaming their heads off. I fake smile and walk onstage and there I see Taylor sitting down next to Matt. This was gonna be a long day.

After meeting a bunch of fans and taking pictures with people, I notice that Matt is walking up to the microphone. What the hell is he doing?

"Excuse me guys. I would like y'all to meet my new girlfriend Taylor. She is the best thing in the world to me and I couldn't have asked for more. Taylor, will you please come up here?" He extends his hand out which Taylor takes. Everyone starts cheering and yelling things like, "I SHIP IT!" Not a single boo in sight. Thats when it dawned on me that that only happened when she was dating me. Its all my fault. I'm a screw up. I'm fucked up and everyone knows it.

Taylor smiles and Matt leans down to kiss her. Cheers erupt and they continue to kiss. I can't do this. It breaks my heart seeing her kiss another guy. Before I know it, I'm running out of the room, sprinting all the way back to my hotel room. I shut the door behind me and cry into my pillow. You know what? Two can play at this game. Just as I was about to head out, I heard the sound of a camera snapping. I turn around and catch two girls that looked around 13 years old, snapping a picture of me, smiling creepily. Since the hotel room's had balconies, the two creepy fan girls must have found their way onto mine. They disappear off with a creepy smile on their faces.

I walk downstairs, checking behind me to make sure no one was around until I bump into someone. I turn around and see a tall brunette with long hair. She was really pretty. Almost as pretty as Taylor. Shut up, I scolded myself. You will not think of taylor. You are moving on from her and this girl would be a perfect victim for getting back at Taylor and Matt.

My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now