Chapter 4

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Hayes POV:

What have I done? Taylor is gonna be so pissed at me. I'm screwed. I had just finally found out that the love of my life liked me back and I just screwed it up. Way to go Hayes.

After the interview was over, I went to talk to Nash.

"Nash what am I gonna do?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"About the whole dating situation with Taylor."

"WHAT?! You never told me anything about you liking Taylor! After all this time!" Nash looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah I forgot I didn't tell you. Well I love Taylor and she said that she liked me back before we left for this interview and then I screwed up and told everyone that I didn't have a girlfriend and she must have been watching Nash. What should I do?" I panicked.

"Bro first off, I think you need to calm down a bit. Second of all, you should just talk to her and explain yourself. Call her and try to text her."

"Ok thanks bro."

"Yeah no problem."

I texted Taylor and waited for her to respond. I kept calling, texting her and leaving her voice messages.

Taylor's POV:

I checked my phone and saw that I had 52 texts, 23 missed calls, and 23 voicemails all from Hayes. He must know that I watched the interview.

Don't give in Taylor. I can do this. Hayes will have to learn his lesson and work to get me if he truly loves me.

My phone began to ring. I didn't even have to look at it to know that it was Hayes. I practically had to force myself to not slide to answer.

Hayes POV:

Her number went straight to voicemail and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go back and visit her.

I called my mom and told her that I was gonna fly home for the weekend. She agreed and I was leaving tomorrow at noon.

Once I got there, I ran to Taylor's house and went up to her room. I found her lying there on her bed, listening to music.

"Taylor?" I called. She turned around and pulled her earplugs out.

"What do you want?" She scowled.

"Look Tay I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I didn't know whether or not you wanted the world to know that we were a thing and I didn't even know if it was official yet and all these thoughts were going through my head and I didn't know what to say and-" she cut me off by kissing me in the lips passionately.

We continued to make out until she finally pulled away.

"I forgive you. And thank you for thinking of me. I understand how much pressure you must have been feeling. But I want us to be official."

"Really?" I smiled widely.

"Yeah." She smiled back.

We watched a couple of sad, romantic movie that Taylor insisted that we watch.

She finally went back to her house and I gave her a kiss goodnight before falling asleep.

Taylors POV:

I woke up the next morning feeling excited. I wanted to spend the last day with Hayes to the fullest. I took a shower and straightened my hair. I pulled on my legging and a sweater with my rider boots.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey Mom! Hayes and I are gonna go hang out today." I told her, grabbing a granola bar to go.

"Ok Honey!"

I exited my house and Hayes was already there, waiting for me.

"Ready to go babe?" He asked me.

"Yeah babe."

We intertwined our hands and we decided to go to the movies.

We went to go see Divergent. When we got there, I immediately spotted the devil, Savannah. I started to turn and walk the other direction, but her devilish eyes spotted me.

She began to walk towards me, smirking, bringing along her little bitch wannabes possy.

"Oh hey Taylor!" She fake smiled at me.

"Oh hey Savannah! Its so nice to see you here." I fake smiled back. She smirked and laughed her ugly little laugh.

"Oh and you brought Hayes for me! Oh your so thoughtful." She winked at Hayes and Hayes just stared back blankly.

"Actually we are here on a date so if you don't mind, we should be on our way."

"Watch it Taylor." She whispered into my ear as we passed by her. "Your gonna regret it." Chills ran down my spine.

"What was that about?" Hayes asked.

"Seriously? Savannah is a complete bitch and I hate her." I said like it was completely obvious.

"Oh well shes nice to me."

"Thats because your Hayes Grier and your hot."

"Oh you think I'm hot?"

"Shutup Hayes. And I wouldn't be dating you if you werent hot now would I?"

"I guess not."

We walked to the movie theater room and sat down. Thank God Savannah wasnt watching the same movie as us. And of course, I spoke too soon. Savannah and her clique walked in and sat down right behind us. Of course she would.

"Why hello Hayes." She cooed.

"Hi Savannah." He replied back.

"Bitch." I mouthed to Hayes. he just shook his head. I can't believe him! How can he be so clueless?!

During the middle of the movie, Savannah began throwing popcorn at my head continuously. At first I just ignored it but then it became annoying.

"Could you please stop throwing popcorn at my head?"

"Yeah once you hand over Hayes." She smirked.

"You wish, bitch." I mumbled the last part.

"What did you call me?"

"A bitch."

"Pshh oh good one there. You got me! Just go back to watching the movie slut!" Her friends roared with laughter, cackling at the worst comeback ever created.

Throughout the movie, they kept whispering things like slut, whore, or you don't deserve Hayes.

At one point, I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around, smiled at Savannah and lunged at her. I tackled her and then started punching her face.


Hey guys! Thanks! 6 reads! Yeah getting there. I will probably update tonight or tomorrow.

Hope you like it. Please vote and comment. Let me know your thoughts on the book.

I'm still deciding who Taylor is supposed to be so I will let you know when I figure it out.



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