Chapter 17

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Taylor's POV:

I have to admit that what Hayes did yesterday was pretty amazing and super nice. I know that Nash is his brother but he was protecting and supporting my sister. He was helping her out with the whole baby bomb exploding in our house.

It was hard enough for me to deal with Hayes cheating on me and it was just icing on a cake when Nash and Addison told us that they were expecting a baby. I never thought that Addison was the type of person who would get 16 and pregnant because she had her life planned out ahead of her.

She wanted to go to UCLA and get a scholarship for volleyball and play on their team. She then wanted to become a doctor and get married, then have kids(not at 16), and die old in her bed with the man she fell in love with. That was her story. Not this. Not getting pregnant at 16, risking her chances at a scholarship since, 1. You can't play volleyball pregnant, 2. She is being homeschooled, and 3. She can't go to school when she has to work to take care of the baby.

You may be thinking how I know all this stuff about her and so here's your answer: Well my sister and I have were always the best of friends. We rarely ever got into fights and even if we did, it was over something stupid like who gets to wear what shoes. She told me everything, which included her life goals. She told me how her life was planned out. She even wrote a list for me and pinned it on my wall. I still have it to do this day to prove it.

I just wish I could do something to make this stop. I know for a fact that she would never have an abortion and adopting may be an option but I don't know how much Addison likes the idea of having a kid out there in the world, wondering what their parents were like and why they gave them up for adoption. Then the kid might try to find his/her parent like in the movies and they have some dramatic scene with a bunch of yelling but ends in hugs and kisses.

I would like to scratch out that option. So the only other option left is to keep the baby and right now, I guess maybe thats the best option.

I could see the nervous expressions on Nash's face. I couldn't imagine how hard it must be on him, knowing that he's the one who got her knocked up and that he may have possibly ruined both of their futures. But it is also Addison's fault. They were being dumb teenagers and this is what they get, being pregnant and having a baby at 16.

But aside from all of the this, and on a more pleasant thought, Magcon was starting soon! We were going to Chicago this time and we were all so excited. Addison and Nash were gonna come since Addison's baby wouldn't be coming for another 8 months. Not even barely a lump would be forming on her belly.

I was getting really anxious to see the guys. We are gonna leave North Carolina in a week since Magcon started next week. I was so ecstatic when the guys called me and told me the date. It was definitely a release from all this stress I have been having with Addison and her baby and Hayes and me breaking up.

I was really emotional the first few days but then I got used to it. I realized that Hayes didn't want me if he cheated on me so I decided to move on. If he can't show me he loves me then I guess I will just have to find someone who will.

One week later

Taylor's POV:

Today's the day!!!! I was full of so much energy that I felt like I could run all the way to airport while dragging my suitcase behind me, which is actually very heavy. I took a shower and put my hair into a messy bun. I decided on leggings and a sweatshirt that said Magcon on it.

I put on a pair of Keds and pulled my suitcase out to the car. Nash was driving and so we all piled into the car, blasting Eminem. During the car ride, I couldn't help but feel very awkward sitting in the back with Hayes. Addison, Nash and Cameron were talking about something and totally kicked me out of the conversation, which made it even worse. We practically just sat there, staring out the opposite windows. I was thankful that Cameron sat in between us though.

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