Chapter 18

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Hayes's POV:

"Hey you know Taylor is dating Matt now, right?" Carter asks me. What?

"What the fuck? Since when?" I huff.

"Dude calm down. Since yesterday." He answers. I push past Carter to get to the door. I need to find Matt. But Carter stops me and leans against the door.

"I'm not gonna let you kill Matt." Carter says to me.

"Move out of my way or you're gonna regret it." I threaten. He still stands in front of the door, not even flinching.

"I'm gonna ask you again Carter. Move." I demand, breathing heavily from rage.

"You wouldn't even dare hurt me Hayes. Plus, even if you tried, I'm much stronger than you are." He states. No he isnt. We'll see about that. I ball my hands into a fist and raise my right hand. I swing in for a punch but Carter blocks it and my fist hits the wall. I try to kick him but he catches my foot and pulls. I land flat on my butt, but I quickly get back up and nail a punch on his jaw. He stumbles back but quickly recovers by pushing me to the floor.

"I don't want to hurt you Hayes, but if you keep doing this, I won't have another choice." I lunge at him but he easily dodges my attack. I punch him in the eye but he quickly swings his arm around and hits me in the nose. I grab my nose that feels pretty broken, all bloody and stuff, and I punch Carter in the gut but he punches me again. Soon enough, I'm on the ground, Carter straddling me, punching me in the face. I keep trying to fight back but he keeps hitting me.

"Hayes stop! I don't want to hurt you! Stop fighting me!" He screams in my face, veins popping. I yell and continue to fight.

"No! Carter I have to get to Matt. He stole my girl!" I yell back.

"Hayes you cheated on her! If she wanted you back, she wouldn't be dating Matt right now!" He screams back. I finally give up and lay on the floor. Tears come pouring down and before I know it, I'm sobbing like crazy.

"Dude its okay. Stop crying." Carter says. He gets off of me and helps me up. "We need to get ourselves to the hospital." Just as he says it, Cameron, Nash, Addison, Taylor, Matt, Jamie, Jack G, and Stephanie come running in asking us what happened. Carter lies and says,"Well me and Hayes were just hanging out here and then Hayes was just practicing some punches in the air, like boxing, but then I didn't see him and he accidentally punched me in the face. I thought he was trying to fight me so I punched him back and then we went into a full out battle until we stopped, realizing my mistake." He tells them. I couldn't believe he just lied for me. I nod my head to him as if to say,"Thank you."

We all drive to the hospital, where I discover that, yes, my nose was broken. They immediately fix it and they tell me that I have to stay in the hospital for a day. Carter just had a few cuts on his face and a black eye. We both had cuts on our knuckles, which they fixed and stitched up.

Afterwards, I walk over to Carter's room and open the door. I see him sitting on his bed, just casually watching TV.

"Hey Carter. Look I'm sorry for not listening to you and I'm sorry for hitting you. And thank you, for not only trying to stop me from doing something stupid but also for lying about what happened. Taylor can't know what happened." Just then the door swings open and I face an angry and pissed off looking Taylor.

"Taylor can't know what?" She asks, face turning red full of anger.

"Taylor I'm sorry." I start.

"No! Tell me. I won't take anymore lies from you."

"Fine okay. The real reason why me and Carter got into a fight is because he was trying to stop me from going over to Matt's room and kicking his ass." I spill.

"Why would you do that?" She asks.

"Because I love you and I want you back. When Carter told me that you and Matt were dating, I got so pissed off that I couldn't take it so I just needed to take it out on someone so I needed to see Matt." I tell her.

"That doesn't give you the right to just go up to Matt and punch him even though you didn't if it werent for Carter." She smiles at Carter then turns back with anger and looks at me dead in the eye.

"If thats what you think will win me back, try again." And with that, she storms out the door and leaves. What have I done?

Sorry for the short chapter and for the cliffhanger! I will try and update tonight with a longer chapter, if not then tonight.

Thanks guys! Working for 1,000 reads and Maansi, dont worry, you will come in the story soon and you too Zoe. Bye!


My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now