Chapter 23

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Addison's POV:

Leaving in thirty minutes, I threw on the first pair of clothes I could find. Nash insisted on driving us, but the rest of the guys had to go to the meet and greet. Hayes wanted to come too, to say goodbye to Taylor.

We left right before noon and sped to the airport. We hustled inside and saw that we had about ten minutes before we boarded our flight.

We said our goodbyes to Nash and Hayes and heard our flight. Taylor and I started walking away until I heard someone call my name. A faint Australian accent.

"Addison!" Someone called from behind us. I spun around and saw Luke sprinting to catch up with us. He finally caught up and was out of breath.

"I had to come and say goodbye. Taylor called me and told me everything thats happening with you mom. I'm so sorry. I hope she feels better. I will miss you Addison." He says.

"Thanks." I say and pull him into a hug. We wave goodbye and Luke looks sad. We board our flight and I take the window seat. I pull out my earbuds and blast 5SOS on my phone.

At some point, I fell asleep and Taylor woke me up by shaking me. Our dad came to pick us up at the airport and we drove home in silence. When we get home, I rush up to my mom's room but find nothing.

"Where's Mom?" I call out. My dad came up the stairs and stood next to me.

"She had to go to the hospital. The doctor's needed to keep her there to give her medicines that will help out." He tells me.

"W-will she die?" I croak out, tears filling my eyes.

"Oh come here honey." My dad says, pulling me into a hug.

"Your mother is a fighter. She will fight this cancer." He tells me. I nod my head.

"Can we go visit her?" I ask when we pull away.

"Sure." He says. We go back to the car and drive to the hospital. I find my mother's room and walk inside. I see my mom in the bed, with tubes connected everywhere. She smiles once she sees me.

"How was Chicago?" She asks.

"It was amazing. I missed you though." I smile, about to cry in front of her.

"Oh don't you cry on me. Don't worry about me. I will be fine." She reassures me but I can't help and feel that she is lying to me. There is no cure for cancer. There is no guarantee that she will live.

I sat there bawling my eyes out next to my mom as she stroked my hair. I couldn't take it anymore. My heart was about to burst into a million pieces. She can't die. She can't.

I sprinted out the hospital and ran all the way home. When I got there, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I need pain. Pain will help.

I pressed the knife into my skin and felt a surge of pain and relief through my skin. Blood ran down my arm and I quickly cleaned it before anyone found out, especially Taylor.

Five Days Later:

"Addison you should eat. You haven't eaten since you visited Mom." Taylor tells me.

"I'm not hungry." I said picking at my food.

"Well I don't care. Look at you! Your skinny as a stick!" She exclaims.

"Whatever." I said. I knew she was right but I didn't care. I got up and walked outside pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I started smoking after I visited my mom in the hospital. It seems like everything happened after I visited her.

My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now