Chapter 7

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Taylor's POV:

Why would she do this? She loved Nash and they have been dating for three years. And it was over a stupid guy.

"I'm so sorry." I hugged Nash and he hugged me back. When we pulled away he leaned in to kiss me.

"Nash what are you doing?! I'm dating your brother!" That only made him smash his lips harder into mine, deepening the kiss. Just at that moment Hayes walked in. Great timing Hayes! I instantly pulled away only to be face to face with a broken hearted Hayes.

"Hayes its not what it looks like."

"Its exactly what it looks like! I can't believe you Nash! You stole my girl!" Hayes tackled Nash and started throwing punches but Nash being older and stronger, flipped Hayes over and began punching him.

"Hayes! Nash! Stop it!" I screamed.

"Somebody help!!" I yelled. Cameron came crashing through the door, along with his girlfriend Jamie. Addison also decided to join and she started crying once she saw what was happening.

Now heres the weird part. You would expect Cameron to break up the fight, and yes, he tried but failed miserably. Nash just elbowed him in the face and Cameron fell backwards.

Jamie ran towards Cameron and helped him up. Then she walked up to Nash and yanked him back, punched him in the face, and managed to hold Nash back while I struggled to hang on to Hayes.

"We need to get you to the hospital!" I said to Nash and Hayes.we instantly rushed to Cameron's car and he drove us to the hospital and they took Hayes and Nash to separate rooms. Jamie, Cameron, me, Addison and the rest of the guys were in the waiting room impatiently waiting for the doctors to return.

"Wow Jamie. That was a nice punch. And you managed to hold him."

"Yeah well I have two brothers so I'm used to it." She smiled at me.

"Haha yeah I can tell."

An hour later, the doctor came and told us that we could go see them.

I went into Hayes's room first and I saw him lying on the bed awake. He had a black eye and a few bruises on his face.

He saw me and smiled. I was glad that he wasn't mad at me right now.

"Hayes." I ran over and hugged him and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry Taylor. I overreacted. I know you didn't kiss him and I know that Nash didn't mean to kiss you. He was just mad that Addison cheated on him."

"Thanks Hayes."

"Can you sleep with me?" He asked.

"Sure." I slid in the hospital bed next to him and snuggled into his arms. We fell both passed out exhausted from the day.

The next morning I woke up in Hayes's arms and immediately began smiling like an idiot, I decided to get up and go see Nash. I went to his room next door and found Addison sitting in the chair next to his bed, asleep. Nash was awake and he saw me.

"Hey Nash. Whats going on between you two?" I whispered, trying not to wake up Addison.

"I just need a break for a while. I still don't forgive her for what she did to me. She didn't just kiss him, she did it with him."

"Yeah I understand."

Addison's POV:

I woke up but I heard the door open so I decided to keep my eyes closed. I heard Taylor's voice.

"I just need a break for a while. I still don't forgive her for what she did to me. She didn't just kiss him, she did it with him." What? A break? But I love you Nash! I wanted to shout it out but I knew that wouldn't help especially with Taylor here too.

I can't believe Nash! I didn't mean to cheat on him. Its just my lips werent listening to my head. My head told me to stop but my lips rebelled against my head and kissed him back even more passionately. I was stupid and I learned my mistake. Please! Forgive me Nash!

Taylor's POV:

They got to leave the hospital that night and we had dinner. I decided to call Stephanie since I missed my best friend.

"Hey girl!" I said.

"Hey! Guess what?"


"I'm coming to Magcon in Cali with you!!!" She squealed.

"No way!"

"Yes way!" She screamed loudly.

"When are you coming?"

"Yeah about that." I heard a knock on my door. I went to go open it and I saw a excited Stephanie jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh!" I hugged her and we began talking about Magcon.

"What is all that screaming about?" Cameron came in and asked. The rest of the guys followed and came in.

"Guys, this is my best friend Stephanie."

They all introduced themselves and I saw Jack G his mouth practically dropped to the floor as he caught a glimpse of Stephanie.

"You can close your mouth Jack." I said to him. He blushed immensely and turned away. Stephanie gave me a look to shut up but I could tell that she was blushing too.

I could tell something was cooking up here. Stephanie later told me that she had a huge crush on Jack G(duh). I don't blame her, I mean, he's got abs and a nice face. He's your regular hottie. I couldn't wait until Jack asked her out. This was gonna be interesting especially since I knew a certain someone who liked him too.


Hey guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger! Who could possibly also like Jack G?

Please vote and comment. Thanks for all the reads. I hope you like it! I will update tonight.

We reached the goal of 50 reads! Now I'm shooting for 100 reads!


My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now