Chapter 10

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Addison's POV:

Carter finally took me out on that little date that he arranged. We went to an Italian restaurant that was perfectly romantic. We ordered our dinner and chatted for a while. There was this strange feeling inside of me. Every time I saw him or heard his beautiful laugh, I would get butterflies in my stomach.

I wish somebody could explain to me what this feeling was inside of me since I'm "clueless" or so people tell me.

After we ate, he insisted on paying even though I was stubborn, I ended up letting him pay for it.

Afterwards we decided to go walk around New York.

"Oh my gosh I didn't know it was gonna be cold tonight."

"Here take my jacket."

"No I can't. You will be cold!"

"No please babe take it." He insisted. He wrapped his jacket around my shoulders.

"Thanks." I smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed me.

"Anything for you babe." Awww! Carter drove back to the hotel and kissed me at my hotel door. I walked into our room to find an upset looking Taylor sitting on the bed as if she has been waiting for me. Shit I didn't tell her about Carter.

"Look I'm sorry-" I started apologizing.

"No, you look. I'm your sister and we are close yet you first lied to me about the fact that you and Nash broke up and the fact that you cheated. Now you can't even tell me that you are dating Carter. I trusted you. I thought we could tell each other everything." She told me.

"I wanted to, its just that the whole fact that I cheated on Nash was horrible enough for me and the fact that Caniff didn't even like me, he just used me and-"

"Wait what?"

"Caniff used me. He never really liked me."

"Oh I'm gonna kill him." She threatened.

"No don't do that. Just leave it alone. And he threatened to hurt me if I told anyone so please don't tell anyone." I begged, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Fine I won't tell anyone. But you have to promise me, no more secrets. Okay?"

"Deal." She smiled and hugged me tightly.

"I love you sis." She said.

"I love you too, Tay."

Taylor's POV:

It felt good to have a heart to heart with my sister. I didn't want her to shut me out. We were practically best friends.

I could never have stayed mad at her for long anyways.

Tomorrow night was the meet and greet. I was so nervous. What if they didn't like me? What if they called me names?

The thought kept playing in my head until sleep finally took over me, through a night filled with tossing and turning.

I woke up feeling sick in my stomach. I bolted to the bathroom and threw up. Addison quickly came in and held my hair back for me.

"Thanks. Probably just nervousness."

"Don't worry Tay, they will love us." She reassured me.

"I hope so." I murmured. I already saw all of the hate on Twitter. I could barely stand that. I heard things like slut, or you don't deserve Hayes you cheater.

Hearing it in real life would break my heart. I don't think I would be able to handle it.

We got to the meet and greet and I took pictures with a lot of the girls. Hayes went up to the microphone and said,"Guys I would love for you to meet my girlfriend Taylor. Taylor, will you come up here?" I walked up nervously. My palms began to sweat as I looked at the crowd and that wasnt the worst part. The crowd immediately began booing and shouting rude comments at me.

Hayes tried to get them to calm down but they wouldn't stop. One shouted whore and that was it. I couldn't take it anymore.

I ran out and sprinted to my room. I heard a bunch of voices calling after me, but I didn't look back. You can't stop me, I thought.

Once I got to my room, I locked the door and ruffled through my drawers. In one of them, I found my all too familiar knife. It taunted me, begging for me to slice it down my wrist.

Tears rolled down my face, as I took the knife and slit my wrist. I made sure that it was a deep cut this time, making sure to bleed so much blood that I would die. I wanted to die. I had my suicide letters all ready on the dresser.

Black circles came into view and soon darkness took over. This is it, I thought. The last thing I heard was a faint noise of someone barging through the door, gathering me in their arms and then it all went dark.

What will happen to Taylor?
Cliffhanger! I hope you liked it. 9 more reads and we will have reached our goal! Vote and comment and share with your friends.

Don't forget to check out Saving Lives(A Hayes Grier Fanfic). Addison and I are gonna try and update every day or so but who knows since we all know that Addison gets lazy sometimes. But hey, we try to make good chapters for you guys. And check out a new book that we just started. Its called That Kind of Love. Check it out and let us know what you think! Thanks!

Thanks for all your support! What do you guys think about Nash and them leaving Magcon? Comment and tell me what you think!


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