Chapter 6

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Nash's POV:

Where is she? I need to find Addison. What the hell? She acted like she didn't even notice all the boys gawking at her, practically drooling.

"Addison!" I yelled when I opened her hotel room. I just found Taylor laying on her bed, reading.

"Taylor! Do you know where Addison is?"

"Umm I think she said that she was going to Taylor's room to make a vine."


I sprinted to Taylor's room and pounded on the door, furiously.

"Addison?" I yelled. I swung the door open and my jaw dropped. Addison was lying there, naked under the blankets with Taylor lying beside her, staring back at me with wide eyes.

"Nash I can explain..."

"Don't! We are done."I stormed out the room and ran back to my room. I couldn't control my anger.

I grabbed the hotel phone and threw it at the wall and it shattered. What the hell is wrong with me?

Addison's POV:

I walked into Taylor Caniff's room, which by the way, I call Caniff since my sisters name is Taylor too, since he texted me to come make a vine with him.

I opened the door and found him laying on his bed.

"Oh hey Addison." Taylor greeted me with a hug.

"Hey Taylor."

We made a vine and laughed a little. Taylor began scooting close to me on the bed. Hes probably just trying to close the space so he can hear me better. So sweet.

"Your so beautiful." He whispered then kissed me softly on the lips.

My lips responded and it didn't listen to my head. My head was saying, "No! Your dating Nash! You can't do this!" My lips disagreed and kissed back more passionately.

I moaned as he began sucking on my neck. Oh thats gonna leave a mark.

He tugged at my shirt and threw it on the ground. What am I doing?

We laid in bed together, panting and out of breath.

Just then, I heard Nash banging on the door calling my name. Oh shit!! He flung open the door and saw us. I looked back at him with wide eyes, speechless.

"Nash I can explain..." I squeaked out.

"Don't! We are done." Nash said furiously and slammed the door. I cried with my face in my hands.

"Well that was fun." Caniff said. Are you serious?

"What? You tricked me. You played me to believe that you actually liked me."

"You are so stupid." Caniff smirked.

"You asshole."

"Haha whatever. I had fun so bye. And I swear if you tell anyone about this, I will find you and hurt you. Do you understand?!" He gripped my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Do you understand me?" I nodded. "Good." He left me crying in the bed naked. He used me. That little dick. I can't believe I fell for it.

I put my clothes back on a went to the bathroom. I rinsed my face off to get the makeup off. I put on a fake smile and walked back to my room.

Taylor's POV:

Addison walked in the room with a sad look on her face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She said planting a smile on her face.

"Ok." I said not wanting to push her. I knew that she was lying. I knew her better than anyone.

She went to go take a shower and I left her alone.

I walked to Nash's and Hayes's room and saw Nash crying.

"Nash whats wrong?"

"She cheated on me." What?

"She cheated on me for Taylor."

Oh my gosh. Thats why she was so mad. She couldn't have. Shes so clueless. Is she dating Taylor? Oh gosh. This can't be happening.


Thanks guys! 40 reads! Please vote and comment. Cliffhanger!

I will update tomorrow or maybe tonight.



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