Chapter 5

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Hayes POV:

During the movie, I saw Savannah and her friends throwing popcorn at Taylor. Taylor didn't look like she seemed to mind, so I just let it go.

At one point, I saw Taylor turn around and start talking to them. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew that it wasnt anything good.

Then they began whispering things in her ear every once and a while. Taylor started to look frustrated and angry until she finally blew up and tackled Savannah.

At first, I didn't know what was going on. I was shocked. My mind told me to move but I just couldn't.

My feet were glued to the ground. I just watched and stared. Then finally my legs came back to consciousness and actually did what I told it to do. I climbed back a row and yanked Taylor off of Savannah. Savannah was just screaming and flailing her arms everywhere, not necessarily trying to hit anything in particular.

Taylor tried to push me off of her but I was much stronger than her. The security finally came in and called the ambulance.

They carried a bloody and unconscious Savannah out of the movie theater.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Why did you do that?"

"Because she kept calling me a slut and how I didn't deserve you and it made me frustrated." She started to cry and I pulled her to my chest.

"Its ok babe." I soothed her. We walked out of the movie theater and walked back home.

"Thanks Hayes."

"For what?"

"For being there for me when I needed you."

"Now do you see what a bitch she can be?" Taylor asks me.

"Yeah now I see."

We went back to my house and cuddled up.

"Hey I have a thought." I tell her.


"What if you came to Magcon with me?"

"Can I? That would be amazing but I don't know if I can. I would miss school and everything. I don't even know if my mom would be okay with that." She rambled on.

"I will call them right now and ask." I called and they told me that it was fine and that she could come.

"Yay!" Taylor cheered.

Her mom ended up agreeing under one condition; her older sister, Addison would have to come with us. Nash was ecstatic about this idea, of course since she was his girlfriend.

Addison and Taylor would share a room and Nash and I would share another room.

We bought the plane tickets and went to sleep to be prepared to leave tomorrow.

Taylor's POV:

I woke up the next morning, smiling and excited. The song "Happy" played in my head on replay.

I took a shower and put on leggings and a sweatshirt, with my Uggs. I didn't bother to do my hair so I just put it up into a messy bun.

I decided to put on light makeup, not really caring how I look.

I grabbed a muffin out the door and waited for Addison.

Addison finally came out, dressed perfectly, as usual. She never even had to try and she looked pretty. She got all the boys and she didn't even try.

"Lets go Addie!" I yelled at her.

"I'm coming! Calm yourself."

Nash was gonna drive us to the airport so we met them at their house.

We drove to the airport and waited on our flight. Finally they called our flight and we boarded the plane.

Hayes and I sat together and Addison and Nash sat together in the seats behind us.

I listened to music the entire time, playing the Midnight Memories album on repeat.

We got to California, our first stop, and went to our hotel. There, we were greeted by Cameron, Taylor, Aaron, Shawn, Jack J and Jack G, Carter, and Matt.

I tried not to go all fangirl on them but I couldn't hide my huge grin.

The boys just laughed and introduced themselves. There was also another girl standing next to Cameron.

"Hi I'm Cameron and this is my girlfriend, Jamie." He told us.

"Nice to meet you guys!" I said back.

Later, we played hide and seek in the hotel and Carter was "it". I hid in the weight room, behind the treadmills.

Carter ended up finding Matt first and we kept playing until we got tired.

We all went our separate ways and went to sleep. All the guys loved Addison(no surprise there) and I could tell that some of the guys had a thing for her.

I'm not gonna name any names but they were definitely flirting. And I could tell that Nash was upset. Addison was clueless as always, but I'm pretty sure Nash would be bringing it up soon. We'll see how that goes.


Hey guys! 25 reads! Yay! Doing good so far. How do you guys like it?

Don't forget to vote and comment. I will be updating probably either tonight or tomorrow. I will try and update pretty fast.

Thanks guys!


My Best Friend Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now