Chapter 22

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Addison's POV:

My face hurt like hell! Why the fuck would Nash hit me? Nash stumbled backwards slightly before rage took over his features.

Nash dove at Luke, clawing at his face, leaving red streaks running down his face.

"STOP NASH!" I yell. I turn around and find the 'call the nurse' button and jam my finger into it. Moments later, the nurse rushes in and screams. She runs back out and calls the police. The boys stumble in, breaking up the fight. Cam is holding Nash back and Ashton is holding Luke.

"You stay the hell away from Addison!" Luke yells over to Nash.

"Fuck you!" Nash screams back, furiously. Nash's face is red with anger, veins popping in every direction. I sat in the corner crying. The police finally came and had asked what was going on. We told him that they fought but it was over now. The cop finally left and I realized that I was still sitting the corner with dried up tears stained on my face.

"Addison?" Luke calls out for me. He comes in and sits down next to me.

"Look I'm really sorry. I didn't want to punch Nash but he was pissing me off, especially when he hit you. I was just jealous because I really like you. You are so pretty and everything a guy could ever want. Please forgive me?" Luke pleads.

"I forgive you." I say and smile. Luke leans in to kiss me but I stop him by covering my mouth with my hand.

"Nuh uh. Not so fast. Your gonna have to try a lot harder than that if you want me." I tease him.

"Ugh fine. Its the least I could do right now." He gives in. "Can I at least have a hug?" He asks. I nod my head and stand up. He follows and wraps his strong arms around my back and pulls me close. I can hear the beating of his heart and as it quickens when I reach my hand around his back to pull him even closer.

We pull away and smile at each other, just enjoying looking at each other, taking in the moment.

"I guess I should leave you to resting since you are the one in the hospital. And I should probably go get myself checked and cleaned up." He says, leaving me alone in the hospital room. I lay back down on the bed and stare up at the ceiling. Wow, Luke is amazing. And where's Nash? Where's his apology? But I love him. I was struggling to know which one I liked more. Luke was sweet and kind and caring. He was totally gentle and only fought Nash because he liked me. But Nash.. I have loved him for three years. I have known him the longest. He's sweet and kind. He can also be funny and loving. But when someone hits you once its bound to happen again.

I will never think of Nash as an abusive boyfriend , its just that I've never seen him look at me like that. That look of pure rage and it was like he didn't even care if I got hurt.

I can't be around someone who could possibly hit me. But Luke didn't hit me. He may have told me to shut up but who doesn't say that? If that was me, I would've told him to shut up too. He's not the one who hit me. Nash is. I can't forgive him for that. And plus, he didn't even ask for forgiveness.

I drowned myself in thoughts, staring at the ceiling. Someone walked in but I didn't even hear them from the voices inside my head.

"Addison?" Someone called my name. I looked up and saw Nash. No, I can't do this.

"Get the fuck out, prick." I said sternly. I gave him a death glare as if to say, 'Take one more step and you will die.' He seemed to get the message and didn't move a muscle.

"Please Addi-" He started but I cut him off.

"No, if you came here for forgiveness, your wasting your time. You hit me and I can't be in a relationship with someone who abused me. Its gonna happen again whether you want it to or not." I said sternly.

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