Chapter 35: Pool Cleaning

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Nagisa's POV

Finals have just gone by, leaving us free once again.

The temperature is starting to rise, we can already feel the heat. And in this heat, the Manga Club will be cleaning the swimming pool.

Nozomi-senpai, with her bad luck, got the Manga Club chosen to clean the pool.

So here we are, outside in the blazing heat in our swimming uniforms. We had mops and the hoses all ready.

"It's hot, isn't it..." I fanned myself with my hand.

"Yeah..." Chiyuki-chan agreed.

Nozomi-senpai put her hands on her hips as she looked at us members. "Everyone, before we clean the pool..."

She smirked before raising her fist up in the air. "We're going to make this whole pool as our canvas!!"


"Hah?" Oda-senpai looked at our club leader.

Konno-senpai put a finger on her chin. "By canvas, you mean drawing on the pool?"

"That's exactly right!" Nozomi-senpai replied with enthusiasm. "We'll clean it up afterwards, of course!"

Yanagi-senpai waved her hand at us as she rested her head on top of the mop. "Yeah, I thought it was stupid at first, too. But unfortunately for us, our art teacher was nearby and granted us permission."

She smiled, "Well, I guess it would be fun."

"What are we even gonna use?" Ueda-senpai pointed out.

"These!" Nozomi-senpai held out buckets of paint along with a variety of paint brushes. "Be at ease my fellow members, this will wash off when in contact with water!"

She put the supplies down and smiled at us. "Now, unleash all of your creativity!! With a canvas this big, what will you all paint, I wonder?"

We looked at her with surprise.

After giving glances at each other, we started grabbing the paint and brushes.

We started giving our ideas, and how we should start the sketch off. How we should color it, and most importantly, what we're gonna draw.

Everyone gave their suggestions. Even Chiyuki-chan seemed like she was having fun.

The pool didn't have any water, since it was emptied out for us to clean. We started doing the basic sketch. After feeling satisfied with our sketch, we slowly drew the line art.

"It's looking good!" Konno-senpai looked at the big line art.

Oda-senpai nodded. "I'll say!"

When the line art was finished, we carefully filled it in with colors.

As I was coloring in the hair with Chiyuki-chan, I saw some familiar people standing on the other side of the metal fence.

"Nagisa-chan! Yuki-chan!" Arisa-chan shouted as she waved her hand high at us. Sasahara-kun waved at us as well.

What caught my attention more was the red haired boy in a black blazer beside them.

I approached the group with Chiyuki-chan. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We just wanted to watch you guys!" Arisa-chan happily replied.

"Are you guys cleaning the pool or making it dirtier?" Sasahara-kun joked.

Chiyuki-chan looked at him as she clenched her hands. "We're not making it dirtier! It's art!!"

"Haha, sorry."

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