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Third Person View

Sakura petals were painting the school floor.

There stood Iyo, who had tears streaming down her face as she held a bouquet of flowers. "C... Congratualations on graduating, Senpai..."

"Aw, what're you crying for? Lighten up a bit!" Arisa laughed as she put an arm around Iyo.

Nagisa giggled. "That's right, Iyo-chan. It'll be your turn next year." She held her diploma.

"Iyo, stop making a fuss," Yamaguchi told his little sister.

"But... but you're all leaving me!" She whined.

Chiyuki smiled at her. "That's not true at all."

"You told us that you were going to do your best, right? Where's that spirit now?" Nakano laughed.

Sasahara pat her head. "Idiot. She's right."

The blonde blushed, and then nodded.

They were all wearing their uniforms, complete and neat.

"Hey, hey, let's take a group photo for this commemorative moment!" Shougo said.

Hearing that, they all clumped together in front of the school as Igarashi set up the camera.

"Hey, don't squish me!"

"Am I seen? Am I seen? Am I too short!?"

"Nanashima-kun! Don't stand in fromt of me!"

Igarashi looked at the camera. "One, two..."

They all posed happily.



"Timer it, Igarashi! Come join in!"

Igarashi sighed. "Fine, fine."

"Hey, speaking of which," Chiyuki said softly. "How's Karma-kun doing?"

"Karma? Well... He's actually wearing the proper uniform for once. And that'a saying a lot," Nagisa replied.

"It sure does!" Arisa joked.

Nagisa continued. "Well, I'm sure everything will go well for him. He's already got a university in mind. And with that sly mind of his, I'm sure he can pass the test with flying colors."

Igarashi ran to the group after pressing the button, making the camera beep several times.

"After all, he's Karma, isn't he?" Nagisa smiled.


Heeyy guess whaat

There's going to be a book 3! That's right ladies and gentlemen, a freaking book 3. And the last installment of the series, may I add.

Sneak peak, they're adults now.

It'll come out... Whenever it's ready? I dunno lol.

Thanks for reading! See you next time~

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