Chapter 61: Closer Than You Think

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Iyo's POV

Iyo has once dreamed of meeting the perfect man. Iyo has once dreamed of true love.

Who is my destined person?

What is he like?

Where is he?

I saw the color red. I think it's the hair of a person. It was blurry, but it was there.

Does he have red hair?


The color of fate. A strong color that represents love and passion.

Is he the one?

Everything faded to white. I suddenly heard the sound of birds. I opened my eyes to see that I was no longer in a white abyss, but in my room.

"A dream?"

I rubbed my eyes. It was a school day. I sat up, still feeling very drowsy. The drowsiness went away as soon as I thought about the dream.

"...What a wonderful dream. Iyo met Karma-senpai."

Sunlight was blocked by the curtains, and I can still hear the birds chirping despite my window being closed.

I sat up and stretched my arms up, letting out a grunt.

"Milady, it's time to wake up," said a maid after she knocked on my door. "Your brother is already downstairs, eating breakfast."

"Yes, Iyo hears you!"

I got off and started getting ready. After eating, I wore my shoes and took off. Brother already left, so I went to school alone.

Listening to music while I walk has become quite a habit for me. Sometimes, the music matches with what I'm seeing.

For example, an energetic music plays when there are kids running around. Or a chill beat rolls when a lazy cat is sleeping!

"Heehee. Iyo is feeling good today."

The last music was finished, and it switched to another one. "Ooh, Iyo likes this one. Such a beautiful love story..."

A gust of wind blew. I closed my eyes, in case some dust gets in them. After the wind subsided, I saw a person with red hair.

After confirming it, I called out to him. "Karma-sen-"

I stopped after seeing a girl going to his side. Nagisa-senpai was now walking beside him with a smile.

"Oh, there's Nagisa-senpai..." I thought in my head. The two kept walking ahead. Should I catch up?

I sighed, "Maybe Iyo shouldn't interrupt them..."

Realization struck me as I saw the two. "Wait a minute, not interrupt them? Wasn't Iyo going to steal Karma-senpai from Nagisa-senpai?"

Dismissing my previous thought, I shook my head and started running. "Senpai, good morning!"

-Time skip-

The cicadas were making noise.

They were the only thing that accompanied me during lunch today. The school garden was empty, but I could still hear the chattering from the hallways inside.

"...It's quiet today too."

Should I join the Senpais in the school rooftop? It's always lively there.

Maybe Karma-senpai is there too...

At the thought of him, I unknowingly let out a sigh.

"For some reason, Iyo has been feeling a sense of sadness whenever Karma-senpai comes to her mind." I thought to myself.

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