Benefits of Meditation

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I read different articles and chose the benefits that I have personally experienced. The links to a few of them will be in the comments.

● Improved overall focus.
Work used to be challenging for me. My thoughts would race and cause me to move slowly and lose concentration on longer tasks. Meditation has helped my attention span and ability to focus. It also improved my reaction to racing thoughts. Now I notice when I zone out and slow down and try to bring my focus back to the present task.

● Heightened self-awareness.
Your thoughts can be like a trickle, a stream, or raging rapids. Meditation can slow the flow or give you a moment to organize your mind. This has helped me to understand my thought patterns and be proactive about managing my mood.

*Try meditating when you are angry or depressed. Find a calming guided meditation. Being present in the moment helps to ease tension and stress.

● Opens the mind.
When you get past your to do lists and worries about the future, you can find profound insights hiding in your thoughts. You ask yourself questions about life and think about the people around you. This helps you to become more in tune with true reality and the fact that it is relative for each individual.

● Eases anxiety and depression.
For me this one is an in the moment benefit. During meditation I am able to relax and disconnect from my anxiety. The rapids slow to a stream and sometimes, on good days, a trickle. This has helped me to become more open to change. I think more about developing healthier habits like exercising and crafting. I am hoping that the more I meditate, the more this benefit will expand and last throughout the day.

There are many other benefits that I can't personally document, but have been proven scientifically.

● Strengthens memory.

● Lowers blood pressure.

● Reduces insomnia.

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