04/10/17 20min

67 3 0


I'm getting better at ignoring bodily sensations. An itch will come up and I'll be aware of it, but I fight the need to scratch. My monkey mind is still very strong and loud. I keep thinking about different songs, especially "Recovery" by Justin Bieber. I thought about work and how it took me forever to segment the grapefruit yesterday. I thought about if Cheli feels like I set her up well enough. I thought about L and how he tries to do too much at once, but he's not good at it. I thought about how humans aren't good multitaskers in general. How can you focus and make something right if you're worried about something else? I thought about how I should find a new job because I get frustrated with people easily. But that means it's inside. I told myself I need to practice singing more, but I put a should on it. I feel like when you put shoulds on things, your brain automatically resists that thing.

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