Chapter 2: "End Of A New Beginning."

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"Day 1 of 182

Dear Diary,
I don't really want to write a diary but Sam forced me to do it. She thinks it'll help me in expressing my emotions I laughed but she was serious. So I have to write.

I'm 22 and I've had a heart disease since birth. I was an orphan and grew up in different foster homes..."

Faith stopped writing and looked up to the three girls who were idiotically looking at her. They were sitting on the floor, in their living room, in some kind of a circle. It was more like in a shape of a cat's paw; The big circle in the middle and the three small circles around it.

"What?" Faith said in an annoyed tone.

"Honey don't mind us just keep writing." Liz said while pointing towards the note book in Faith's hand.

It was a thick note book with a light brown cover. There was also a button on it to close the book.

Faith put the note book on the floor beside her. And looked at all of them.

"How can I write when you people are staring at me like idiots?"

"Fine we won't watch you do your thing." Irene said.

Faith made an annoyed face. It was more like an exhausted face. She sighed.

"Guys do I really have to do this? I mean... what's the point?" Faith shrugged.

"The point is we know that you're not good at expressing your feelings so you can write them down." Sam explained. "And you know we'll be able to read it after......" She stopped herself before more words could come out of her mouth.

"After my death." Faith took a long breath and stood up. She turned her back towards them and looked at the wall in front of her. "Someday we all have to die.. It's the cycle of life." She turned back to them. "You guys really don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." She sighed.

"We're not!" Sam stood up. "How much stubborn can you be huh? Fine! We get it you don't care about anything. But why we shouldn't worry. For damn's sake Faith you're dying. Do you even know how it feels to see someone you care about is dying with every passing second." Sam shouted. She looked like rebelious kid who was protesting to her parents. "The idea scares me when I think that you're just gonna vanish ... just like that." Water started to appear in her eyes.

Before Faith can say anything. The door bell rang and all the girls became alert.

"It's the middle of the night. Who could it be?" Irene said while looking at the clock which was hung on the wall. "I'll go check." She said standing up and left the room.

It appears as if she just wanted to escape out of that intense atmosphere. After a while they heard a scream. It was Irene. All the three girls instinctively rushed towards the front door.

A young guy of almost 25 was standing at the door. He had shiny black hair and hazel eyes. His skin was fair. He was wearing a black plain t-shirt and blue jeans along with white vans. He was standing in the doorway and Irene was looking at him as if she had seen something magical.

"Liam.. what are you doing here at this hour?" Faith frowned on the sight of him.

"Maria said you had a fever so I just came by to check up on you." He stated the obvious and made his way towards Faith.

He touched her forehead with his right hand and then grabed her hand and checked her pulse. After leaving her hand he took a good look at her.

"You're completely fine." He said it as if he were thinking very deeply. "So you lied about being sick?" He pinched his eyebrows together.

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