Chapter 47 : "I Loved And I Loved And I Lost You."

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Here it is the 2nd last chapter. I've also updated the last chapter so read that one too.

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Liam slowly opened his eyes as he looked around his room.

It has been days since they came back home. Things were normal. But it was getting scary with every passing second. The surgery was only a day away.

Liam looked around as he sat up. No sign of Faith. He smiled to himself because he knew where she was. Ever since they came back Faith's been spending most of her time in the basement with the piano.

Liam got up from the bed and get into the shower. After getting a shower he changed into a white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He put on his black snickers and made his way downstairs as he came down he heard the sound of the piano. He went into the basement and found Faith was sitting at the piano playing a tune. After a few notes she started singing. It was the first time Liam had listened her singing so he didn't interrupt.

"How can I put it down into words
When it's almost too much for my soul alone

I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell."

She sang all the words with her heart and soul as if she was describing something that belonged to her.

Liam slowly walked upto her and put his hands on her shoulders from behind. He kissed her head softly.

"That's a depressing song to start your morning with." He said as Faith looked up at him with a smile.

"It was just playing in my mind ever since I woke up." She said smiling at him. Liam leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Then he sat down next to her.

"What song is it?" He asked sitting next to her.

"Fleurie's hurts like hell." She replied as she played the tune of the song on the piano.

"Did you take your morning doze?" Liam asked.

"Yes. I ate my breakfast and took both pills." She replied.

"Good." He smiled. "You sure you'll be okay alone today?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"You can call your friends to spend the day with you or I can call Jen."

"Liam," she chuckled. "I'm not twelve. I don't need a babysitter. I'll be fine." She gave him an assuring smile.

"Okay." He said. "I wish I could stay but I promise I'll be back soon."

"I'll be waiting." She said smiling at him.

Liam had to visit the studio that day to make a demo of his new song. He had been working on that for months and it was complete. But he needed to make sure first that the song sounded right. He kissed her one last time and left the house.

When Liam left Faith took out her diary. She lied down on the couch in the living room. She put on her headphones and played the same song she was singing earlier. She started writing.

"Today is the last day I'm writing in this diary........"

• • •

"Honey, I'm home." Liam said jokingly as he entered the house. But he didn't get a answer.

"Faith." He called out for her but was answered with silence.

He went upstairs and checked both bedrooms. But she wasn't there. Then he came back downstairs. He entered the living room. He was about to walk towards the basement stairs when his eyes fell on the feet on the couch. He smiled as he walked towards the couch.

"Hey, Fai-" Before he could complete his sentence his saw her face and completely froze in his steps.

Horror washed over his body as he couldn't seem to breath. He felt numb. All of his senses stopped when he saw her there. She wasn't breathing. Her eyes were open and her lips were slightly parted.

"Faith." He said in a low voice as tears pooled into his eyes. "Fai-th." He called her again hoping for a response but it was of no use. He knew she was not going to reply but he kept on calling out for her.

He walked towards her and stopped near her. He didn't know what to do now? It was like his brain completely stopped working. Once again, in his life, the woman he loved was lying in front of him, dead. He tried to close her eyes with his hand but they opened up again. He burst out into tears as he saw her like that. His legs were numb as he couldn't sat steadily. He sat down on the floor with his back touching the couch.

He didn't want to look at her. He was scared to look at her. She was gone and there was nothing he could do. He felt so helpless and so alone at that moment. No one was there to comfort him now not even her.

He took out his phone and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" The operator said.

"My girlfriend. She's not.... breathing." His voice trembled a little.

"How long has she been like this?" She asked.

"I don't know.. I- just got home. She was already like this." He said as he held back his tears.

"Help is on their way. I want you to stay with her-" Liam hung up the phone  then he dialed another number. After two beeps the person picked up the phone.

"Hey. It's weird to get a call from-" Sam said from the other side of the phone.

"She's gone." He cut her off.  "They'll be here to get her. I want you to get here as soon as possible." He said as he hung up and put his phone on the coffee table nearby. Then he walked up to her and touched her face.

"I said I'll always be there with you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep that promise." He took a good look of her face one last time. "I love you." He said but she didn't say it back.

He took his car keys and left the house. He kept the front door open. He entered his car and drove away from her.

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Read the next chapter 👇

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