Chapter 48 : "The Beauty Of Life."

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3 weeks later.

Liam jogged his way through the woods towards his cabin. As he was about to open the door he felt footsteps behind him. He turned to see the person behind him.

"You're a hard man to find, Liam Powell."  Sam said as her eyes met his.

"Sam." He said quietly. "What are you doing here?"

"Main question is what are you doing here? I mean... yeah Big Sur's cool and all  but you should be in L.A. not here." She said looking at the wooden cabin behind him.

"And do what?" He said smiling.

"There are people in L.A. who are sick worried for you. You have a life there. You can't abandon that." She argued.

"I don't wanna go back." He said turning to open the door.

"You didn't even attend her funeral." Sam said in a firm voice and Liam turned to look at her. "You didn't even say goodbye to her."

"I didn't want to say goodbye. And you should leave now." He said coldly.

"She wouldn't want that." She said.

"I don't care what she wants. Okay?! She's gone!" He yelled. "I left her alone that day. And I promised her that I'll stay with her." He wiped the tears before they could reach his cheeks. "You should leave." He said looking down at the ground.

Sam looked at him for a moment. Then finally spoke up. "That's exactly what she was scared of. You blaming yourself for what happened. One night she called me. She was so confused about her feelings. She wanted to be with you but she was scared to do that. She thought that she'll only hurt you and you being here right now is a proof that she was right!" She pointed at him.

"What do you think? She's at peace right now?! I don't think so. Knowing that she ruined you. I don't think she'll ever be at peace with herself!" She yelled at him as tears pooled in her eyes.

"She didn't ruin me." He said in a low voice. He was a little surprised with how Sam burst out.

Sam sighed. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. "I loved her too, Liam. She was like a sister to me. I'm grieving too but that doesn't mean I should abandon my life. My career. She wouldn't want that. It'll only hurt her seeing me hurting myself." She said calmly. "You need to come back home. Do you have any idea what your family and friends are going through right now?"

She reached out into her bag which was hanging around her waist. She took out Faith's diary.

"She called me that morning. And I made some promises to her. And one of them was that I'll take care of you and I won't let you do anything stupid. And to make sure that you won't do anything stupid she wrote something for you before she died." She held the diary towards him. "She couldn't complete it. But I hope that you'll get the message."

Liam took the diary from her hands.

"I can't force you to come back home. Read it. Do whatever you like. But atleast call your family. They're sick worried about you." She said as she put her hands in her pockets. "I hope you make the right decision." She said as she walked away from him.

Liam opened the door and entered the cabin. He put the book on the table and opened a bottle of beer. He sat down on the couch and took a sip of his beer. Then he looked at the diary. Put the bottle aside and leaned back on the couch.

"Why?" He almost whispered looking at the ceiling. It was like he was questioning God. Why did He took her away from him?

Then he looked at the diary. He sighed as he covered his face with his hands and dropped his head backwards. He took a deep breath and picked up the diary. He opened the last entry she made in it.

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