Chapter 42 : "Jenica."

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In the dark night of New York a bus stopped. The passengers started coming out of the bus. A 17 year old green eyed beautiful girl with jet black hair came out of the bus. A boy of same age was holding her hand to support her down the stairs.

She was seven and a half months pregnant with a girl. For whom they both had decided a name, Jenica.

Louis and Derek had ran away from home. Because back at home no one wanted them to be together. No one wanted them to have their baby. No one wanted them to live the life they wanted. So they elopped and ran away from their homes in order to start a new life here in New York. But that was what Louis thought.

"It's gonna be alright, honey." Derek said as he picked up their luggage.

Louis smiled at him. "I know." She said.

Louis wasn't feeling good. Maybe it was anxiety because she was feeling impatient.

Derek gestured a taxi to stop. The driver stopped and they got in it. He told the driver an address of a hotel.

They reached at a hotel. It was a small hotel but was in a very good condition. Louis knew there was no way Derek could afford such a nice place. But since she wasn't feeling good herself so she didn't complain.

They were so tired that when they got into their room they fell asleep. They didn't even talk about what they're going to do next. They just fell asleep.

° ° °

Louis woke up as she felt pangs of pain. She sat up. Her whole body was sweating as she stood up. Derek was sleeping soundly next to her. She woke him up as she breathed heavily.

"My water broke." Words barely escaped her mouth.

"What?" Derek said as he sat up. "Two months are still left." He said as he got a hold of her to keep her calm.

"Get me to a hospital." She said between her crys.

Derek panicked for a second as he froze there not knowing what to do. Then he got a hold of himself as he picked up the phone and told the receptionist to get a taxi. Then he helped her to get up from the bed. He put on his jacket and picked up his wallet. Then he helped her into the elevator. Louis was whimpering with pain as Derek was holding her keeping her steady. They reached the ground floor as some people from the staff helped them to the taxi.

They finally reached the hospital. Derek paid the driver and helped Louis into the hospital. Some nurses came over and got hold of the situation as they took her into operation theater.

One of the nurses took him to the reception to fill some forms. Since Louis was weak and it was a pre-mature birth so they needed to do her c-section.

Derek sat down on one of the seats in the waiting room to take a breath. He was still shaking with what had just happened.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." He whispered as he held his head into his hands.

Then he went to the hospital phone and dialed a number after some rings the person picked up the phone.

"She's going into labor." Derek sighed.

"She was not supposed to go into labor for two months!" The male voice on the other side said.

"It's a pre-mature birth. They're doing a c-section." Derek said.

"My poor baby." The other voice on the phone said. "Okay, stick to the plan. We both know it wasn't suppose to happen. But now it's happening. So our plan starts right away. You just get rid of the baby."

"Okay, Mr. Palmer." Derek said as he hung up.

Sean Palmer was Louis's father. He had offered Derek a huge amount of money to leave his daughter. And Derek had accepted the offer. Since he needed the money to pay for all of his loans that he had taken to buy drugs. But things changed when Louis found out she was pregnant with Derek's child.

Since Louis didn't want to give up the child Sean offered Derek another deal telling him to get rid of the baby when it's born. Louis would never trust anyone else except for Derek because she was so blindly in love that she didn't see what kind of person Derek was. Sean used that love as an advantage and bought Derek to do the deed. Their running away and their stay in New York it was all planned. They were supposed to stay in New York and Derek was suppossed to show her she was making a mistake by giving birth since they couldn't bring up the child on their own. He was supposed to convince her to give the baby away for adoption. Everything was going as planned until Louis went under labor.

Derek went to the bank to get some money. He paid the money at the reception. After a few hours the doctor came out. He looked a little worried. When Derek came to talk to him he walked by him. A nurse was following him. Derek stopped her and asked her what had happened.

"The baby is not in a good condition we need to give her the help needed." She explained as she walked away from her.

An idea came to Derek's mind as he went to the doctors office. The doctor was writing something in a file. Derek knocked at the door as he entered the office.

"Doctor I'm with Louis Palmer." Derek said.

"Yeah ummm... your baby needs special care but she'll be fine."  He said as he put the file aside.

"That's not why I'm here, doc." Derek said as he took a seat. "I have an offer for you." He said with a sly smile on his face as doctor listened to what he had to say.

• • •

Derek walked with the basket in his hand as he passed by some allys. The baby in the basket was sleeping peacefully. The clouds had covered the sky of New York. It appeared as if it was going to rain.

Derek was scare. He didn't know what to do with the baby. He wasn't also familiar with New York at all.

Derek had paid the doctor a huge amount of money to tell Louis that they couldn't save the baby. And he took the baby with him. Now he had no idea what to do.

Louis hadn't woke up yet since they had gave her anesthesia to let her sleep. She didn't even get to see a glimpse of her baby. She was unconscious not knowing what was happening.

Derek finally came to an alley. Not much people were around there so he took advantage of the moment and placed the basked in a dumpster in the alley.

But before he was going to leave he stopped and looked at the baby who was still sleeping. He touched her soft cheek. For a moment he felt wrong. He wanted to pick her up and hold her and take care of her but now it wasn't possible. He felt something in his heart. Guilt and sadness both washed over him as he looked at his own daughter in a dumpster.

"I can never be a good father to you." He whispered. "I'm sorry, Jenica." He said as he walked away from her leaving her alone in the dark with stray animals.

Derek knew with her delicate condition right now she won't be able to survive much longer. Little did he know the God already had bigger plans for her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is the end of Chapter 42.

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