Chapter 4: "Sisters"

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After leaving the studio Faith walked to the bus stop. She was waiting for the bus to arrive when her phone rang. She took it out of her jeans pocket. A name "John" appeared on the screen. She picked the call up.

"Hello John." She said in a cheerful tone.

"Hey kiddo.... you sound awfully happy today." The voice on the other side of the phone said.

"Yeah I just had a good day." She slightly chuckled. "So how come you're calling me today?"

"Well I don't know I just wanted to check up on you....  I've been getting worried about you lately." He sounded concerned.

She hadn't told anyone about what the doctor had told her except for her roommates. And anyways there weren't that much people in her life except for a few important ones.

"Are you still seeing your doctor??? what was his name??"

"Dr. McKenzie? Yeah... I'm still going to him. And I'm completely fine so you shouldn't worry about me." She slightly chuckled.

"Okay kiddo if you say so.."

"So how things are going in New York?" She wanted to change the topic.

"Well... I'm retiring from my post of New York's Finest next week."

"New York's Finest." She laughed. She always laughed when she heard that word. "Why do they call Cops that in New York ?"

"Because we are their finest soldiers." John bragged.

"Yeah and fire fighters are their bravest soldiers." She said sarcastically.

"You're cruel."

"I know." She laughed.

The bus finally arrived.

"I gotta go now, John."

"Okay kiddo. Take care of yourself and call this old man once in a while he gets worried some times."

"Yeah sure. Bye John." She said in a low voice and hung up. She wanted to tell him about what the doctors said but she didn't want him to worry about her. He has been worrying about her since forever.

She entered the bus. The bus was mostly empty. Except for a girl who was sitting on one of the front seats. And a guy who was listening to music and sitting on the third seat on the right side. Faith took out some quarters and put them in the quarter box. She made her way to the end of the bus sat next to the window. She looked outside and sun was shining brightly.

'Does the sun always have to be so shinny and bright?' She thought.

She took out her diary and a pen. She opened it and started writing about her day.

"I went to the studio today and found Liam doing some kind of supernatural ritual, it's that or he was just dancing. How a person who's been in show biz for four years still doesn't know how to dance?" She laughed to herself.

"Well his image of an  'idiot' in my brain cleared out today. He looked like Giles today and gave me some good advice. I think I just wanted to talk to some one but I didn't know who to talk to. He cleared up so many things going through my brain. I realized that avoiding Sam isn't the answer. I have to confront her. And anyways how long I'm going to avoid her? Till the day I die?"

She stopped writing and looked up outside the window.  'The day I die.' She thought. 'It's funny how I can easily say those words'

She looked at the note book she was writing on. And started reading what she has written till now. She opened the pen to write more.

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