Chapter 8 : "I Was Alive."

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*Picture above is to give you guys a view of what their bedroom in the bus looked like. Just imagine two more beds like these in a small room 😅😅*

Okay so first of all I'd like to give a shout out to thisrandomgirl23 I don't really know her. But seriously I really loved her covers 😻😻😻

A thank you to these amazing people who read voted and commented on my previous chapters 💞💕💘💓




Poptart-Stealer (really love your name though 😂😇😍)

So here's the new chapter. It might be short but I really enjoyed writing this one.

Enjoy! You amazing readers 💕💕

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"Tonight's show was amazing. I never thought that It would be this much fun..."

Faith was interrupted when her phone vibrated. She closed her note book and put it beside her on the small bed she was sitting on. She was in the tour bus bedroom. She had closed the door so that music from outside won't disturb her.

She looked at her phone screen. It was Sam. She picked up the call.

"Hey... how did your show go?" Sam said.

"It was amazing." She said with a wide smile on her face. "It felt like magic." She giggled.

Sam laughed. "Sounds like you had fun."

"Yeah very much."

'Is it Faith? Tell her to say hello to Liam!' Faith heard Liz's voice in the background.

"You heard that right?" Sam said.

"Yeah she was too loud and clear." Faith chuckled.

The music coming from behind the door increased.

"Faith.. are you at a party?" Sam asked in surprise.

"Well.... kind of.. you see Harry insisted on having a party on the tour bus. Liam didn't want to but you know Harry he's stubborn." Faith rolled her eyes.

"So you're at a party!!" She asked with excitement.

'She's at a party?!' Liz shouted in background.

'Oh my God... what? That's impossible!!' Faith heard Irene shouting in the background too.

"Guys! Chill out! I'm not attending the party." She slightly yelled. "I'm sitting in the off limit area. No party around me." Faith explained.

"Gosh... for a moment I thought that you could have fun once in your life." Sam sighed.

'Guys! She's not at a party!' Sam told others. 'Aww...' was their response.

"Okay so.. are you taking your medicine on time?" She asked.

"I promised you I would and yes I am."

"Atta girl." She giggled.

The door opened and Liam peeked inside. The music from outside started coming in. Faith looked up at him.

"Hey Sam. Can I call you later?"

"What? No?" But Faith still hung up on her.

"You know you didn't have to hang up because of me." He said as he closed the door behind him.

"No... it's fine. They were just freaking about me being at the party."

"Not a party girl are you?" He said while sitting on the bed infront of Faith's bed.

"Yeah..." She slightly smile. "So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out there 'partying'?" She joked.

"I don't like parties." He said while lying down on the bed.

"But you go to parties all the time." Faith pinched her eyebrows together.

"I don't have a choice. I have to go to those." He said while placing his arm on his eyes.

There was a long silence in the room. The music coming from behind the door was loud.

"Liam?" Faith said softly.

"Hmm..." He said. His arm was still on his eyes.

"I'm sorry... that I slapped you today. I know I shouldn--"

"Faith..." He cut her sentence in the middle. "You already made it up to me by performing tonight. And you were amazing." She could see smile on his face even though his arm was covering his face.

He changed his position and faced her. "And anyways I needed that." He laughed. "Aren't you tired?" He asked. "You had a long day."

"Yeah a little." She said.

"Then why aren't you sleeping? Because this light is really bothering me." He said while pointing at the small light which was in the middle of the room's ceiling.

"Oh... I'm sorry.." She said as she turned off the light and lied down on her bed. There was silence for some moments.

"Faith?" Liam said.

"Hmm..." She said.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight?"

"Yes.. a lot...." She smiled. "I felt amazing tonight." She giggled.

"Good for you." He said softly.

Even though Faith couldn't see his face in the dark. But somehow she knew that he was smiling. She felt it. Maybe he was smiling or maybe it was her imagination. She just lied their staring at the little light coming from the outside until she fell asleep.

• • •

She slightly opened her eyes. The sunlight coming through the window hurt her eyes. She carefully got up so that she won't hit her head with the bed above. She rubbed her eyes gently and looked at the bed infront for her. Liam was sleeping peacefully. She got up and picked up her back pack which was lying next to her bed. She put her diary and her phone in it and without making another sound she left the room.

The bus was a mess. There were red cups and toilet paper everywhere. Ryan and Harry were lying on the floor. Maria was on the big chair sleeping. There were also other few people from the crew. She slowly made her way through the bus and got out.

She started walking. Letting the fresh air to enter her nostrils. The sun was up. The weather was hot. But the air was good. She kept on walking until she got to a local coffee shop. 'Joey's Coffee Beans' she read the sign and entered the shop. She got herself a cup of coffee and sat down on one of the tables. She got her diary out of her bag and started writing.

"Day 9 of 182
Last night was crazy. I had so much fun. Playing on the stage for the first time infront of such a huge crowd was amazing. I felt amazing. For the first time in a long while I actually felt I was alive. "

'I was alive.' She looked at the sentence. 'Alive...' She thought. She smiled weakly and closed the book. She looked at her coffee cup with a sad expression. 'Fate' was written on it instead of 'Faith'. She sighed. 'They can never get it right. Can they?' She thought and took a sip of coffee.

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Thank you people for reading it 😍
And let me know if you guys think that I'm doing something wrong here 😇

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